Our editors seek submissions for the Fall 2024 issue of StoryLine, Coastline's Online "Arts and Letters" Magazine! Submit your artwork, photography, poetry, essays, short stories, or digital stories by filling out the Submission Form. The deadline for all submissions is July 1, 2024. Visit the Storyline Submissions event page for more info, including all submission guidelines. Questions? Email Faculty Advisor Oceana Callum.
Need books for classes? Check to see if you qualify for a book voucher, today! The Dolphin Assistance Program (DAP) book voucher is awarded to eligible students in Fall, Spring, and Summer terms based on program funding availability, student program eligibility and financial aid eligibility. Students participating in the Book Voucher program agree to return their books to the Basic Needs Office at the conclusion of the semester. The books will be donated to the Coastline book borrowing program. Students must participate in one workshop and complete a follow up survey. The Summer 2024 applications is now open and awarding will start mid-May 2024. If you have any questions, please email studentequity@coastline.edu or visit the Textbook Assistance webpage for more information.
Class of 2024 graduation gear is still available on The Pier, Coastline's online student shop! Head over to grab a variety of apparel, souvenirs, gifts, and decor to help commemorate your achievements. Don't delay - shop now before the collection goes away later this summer!
We've teamed up with Solutions at ECMC to answer all of your student loan repayment questions. Solutions is a service of the non-profit organization ECMC and is dedicated to helping students manage educational loans. Their resources are available to you free of charge. To contact a Solutions Student Loan Repayment Advisor, email or web chat, ecmcsolutions.org, or call them at (877) 331-3262. Ready to start repaying your student loans? ECMC Solutions has put together a series of webinars designed to assist you in preparing for this crucial stage, addressing all aspects of student loan repayment. Sign up for an ECMC Solutions Webinar today.