Celebrating our Connections to Christ, Eachother and Community |
The Connection is your weekly news update at CTK |
J is for Joseph
Repairing the breach
Pastor Jackie Cook
Services are live-streamed and available on YouTube, or the CTK Website
Visitors are always welcome. Our prayground for children is located towards the back of the lower sanctuary on the same side as the baptismal font.
Hearing assistance is available during worship as well as large print bulletins.
There are chairs with arms in the Upper Sanctuary for those who need assistance and support.
We ask that if you are not feeling well to view the service via live stream. You can find this on our website. Click
Read more below.
Music Notes
June 23 Special Soloists From Sanctuary Choir with Art Jaehnke at Keyboards
June 30 Haley Griffin
July 7 Sanctuary choir with flutist, Caleb Walz
July 14 Karen Minson with Women's Chorus
July 21 Haley Griffin, soloist
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*Wed, June 19 Book study with Pr. Carl Kelly 6:30 pm in Bell Room
*Thurs. June 20 Maggie T. invites you to the Badgerland Water Ski Team at Fowler Park Oconomowoc.
*Sun. June 23 Line dancing in the Great Hall @ 1 pm
Wed. June 26 Worship & Music 3 pm Book study with Pr. Carl Kelly 6:30 pm in Bell Room
Thurs. June 27 Badgerland Water Ski Team at Fowler Park Oconomowoc.
Mon. July 1 Women's Bible Study to resume at 9:30 am
Wed. July 3 No evening Book Study
Thurs & Fri. July 4 & 5 Church office Closed.
*Thurs. July 4 Delafield Parade Come join us! Gather at CTK @ 9 am
*Sun. July 7 Marilyn Short's Birthday Celebration! Great Hall CTK 1-4 pm
*Events represent more information in this Connections
Thursdays @ 10 am Reformation Community Bible Study
Meeting ID: 236 926 7500
Passcode: 8Q0X7t
Peace and Blessings!
| Photo Directories are here! Pickup begins Sunday in the Upper Sanctuary. Paper phone directories will also be available. | VBS children and adults enjoy the uplifting songs of God taught by Maria and Wendy Quinn. (as well as youth helpers) God is Good! | |
CTK council is pleased to announce that several volunteers have accepted God’s calling by offering their expertise and energy to participate in reviewing protocol and contractors for our cleaning needs. There is still a calling for volunteers to provide expertise and guidance in two other short term task forces. Please prayerfully consider offering your thoughts and expertise in serving on task forces who will: 1.) develop a CTK risk management strategy and 2.) Review of CTK’s endowment fund charter.
The purpose of the Risk Management task force is to review our activities and facilities ensuring we are not un-knowingly taking risk which could result in personal injury or property loss . The endowment fund is a pool of funds set aside a number of years ago for specific needs as they occur. There is a draft charter guiding how these funds should be used and invested but it needs it review and updating so please consider this important task as well.
These two task forces are short term and temporary, yet vital to our mission. Please consider this opportunity by reaching out to anyone on council if you feel a calling to serve in either or both of these groups.
Jeff Wittrock, Church Council President
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Summer Worship Series
The Good Book: Meeting Our Ancestors in Faith One story at a time
June 23 J is for Joseph-Repairing the breach
June 30 P is for Puah-What it means to help things be born
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In addition to our Prayer List you are now able to click on the picture to the left and submit a prayer at any time. | |
Individual Prayers: Terri Lynn, Erick, Teri, Ruth, Isaiah, Jeff, and for all those who grieve, and those who suffer from mental illness.
Ongoing Prayers: Casey, Elaine, Tim, Maddie, Dave, all military persons and their families, all those who are in hospice and care facilities, and the healthcare workers who care for them.
Ministry Partners: The Evangelical Lutheran Churches in El Salvador and Tanzania and their Bishops, and Imbaseny parish in Tanzania, Serenity Inn, Family Promise, Reformation Lutheran Church, Lutherdale Bible Camp, All God's Children, Mt. Meru Coffee Project & Outreach for Hope Congregations, and those who work to end human trafficking.
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Wednesday Evening Book Study
Pastor Carl Kelly will lead a 6-week book study covering Martin Luther and the 95 Theses.
Discussions begin Wednesday June 19th and go through the end of July (skipping the first Wed. of July).
We meet in the Bell Room at 6:30 pm until 8:00 pm. Please use the side entrance of the church.
We will reference the Book Martin Luther’s 95 Theses with the Introduction, Commentary & Study Guide.
Please order and read the book before the 19th. Bring the book with you and your thoughts that were prompted by the Study Guide questions.
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Women's Bible study to resume
Here are the dates for the Monday Women's Bible study. They will begin July 1st @ 9:30 am and with Chapter 17, p. 91 in Women of the Gospel
July 1
July 15
July 29
Aug. 5
Aug. 26
Please reach out to Pr. Jackie with questions.
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In Worship last Sunday, June 9th we recognized our CTK grads. Click below to see who graduated and what plans they have for the future. Please call the office to schedule a time to pickup your graduation gift.
| Ministry Initiatives or CTK church goals for this year are Preparing, Caring and Sharing. How does this fit into your committee and daily life? |
Thank you TO ALL for helping to make "Operation Restoration!"
Helpers were:
Anna and Deb Wittrock, Alex Paral, Ariel Ganung, Bob Kroenig, Bonnie Roth, Brooke Meunte, Dennis Schaefer, Emmerson Neumiller, Joan and Carl Kelly, Kristen Pfeil, Lili Regan, Luca & Kellan Kalman, Maria Tyksinski, Nancy Ganung, Natalie Ketter, Pastor Jackie, Maggie Thompson, Paul Neumiller, Sandy Mounts, Sheri Trafton, Steve & Peyton Goetz, Sue Seegert, Tristan Kelly, Wendy Quinn, Randy Gillan, Carmen, Evan, & Jason Brammeier, Mary Hollister, Alice Hudson,
Blake Aschenbrenner, Michael Blau. Special thanks to Pam Kroening and Sandy Mounts for helping with preparations.
Our VBS "ANGELS" participated in a service project during VBS that provided badly needed items for the "Street Angels" of Milwaukee. The children put together over 70 Hygiene Kits and 70 Snack Bags
The children put these bags together in the Music/Service rotation they had everyday.
Thank you for your donations to help to the children a valuable lesson is giving.
Authentic Diversity at CTK
Next meeting: Monday July 29th at 4pm in Pastor Jackie’s office.
As part of the Greater Milwaukee Synod, CTK is exploring what it means to be an authentically diverse church. A group of us recently met to discuss what the next most faithful steps forward may be at Christ the King. We celebrate the progress CTK has made in the past couple of years. For instance, last year, CTK underwent a process to be a dementia friendly church which consisted in education and some minor modifications to our signage. We added a prayground to create a welcoming space for children and families and have hearing assistance available for those who need it.
In this light, we follow God’s Spirit to explore ways to be more inclusive and understand each other’s differences. This newly Authentic Diversity group will stive to meet monthly, explore topics to discuss, and learn from one another. The group will set the ‘ground rules’ for respectful conversations, pick a topic to discuss, investigate books and sources to add to the conversation. Please join us for this time of enrichment!
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A total of five dances were presented in one hour the last time we met! It was great exercise and great fun for all!
Everyone liked it so much that a second class will be held June 23rd at 1pm. The cost is just $2.00 and any tip you wish to offer. Everyone is invited! Invite some of your friends as well. There is no experience needed.
CTK is invited to come out and support the team!
Come see the thrillers and spills of the Badgerland Water Ski Show Team skiing at Fowler Park, Oconomowoc on Thurs. June 20 & 27 @ 7 pm. Maggie Thompson, CTK's Office Coordinator and her husband have been a part of this team for 20 years. She is currently on the music and show production team as a DJ. The team's theme is family-friendly, The Little Mermaid, with live-action acting, singing and plenty of skiing. Ski acts include: Ladies' ballet, Barefoot skiing, and pyramids. Bring your lawn chair and enjoy the show!
*Often the show coincides with the Moonlit movie night but for the next few weeks, it will be our show only, so there will be room for everyone!
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Celebrate the 4th of July with CTK in the Parade!
CTK is planning on being in the 4th of Jully parade in Delafield. If you are interested and will be in town we are looking forward to your participation.
Any bike, wagon, or stroller can be decorated and ridden or pushed along side our decorated truck. If you are walking there will be candy to hand out. There is room for 6 people to ride in the back of the truck and may throw candy as well (All candy provided.)
Meet at the Church at 9 am then travel to the parade start together, which is the parking lot behind the Delafield Library. the parade officially starts at 10 am and lasts about an hour. Paul Neumiller will have his truck decorated and ready to go. Represent CTK!
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Partners Providing Lunches for the Reformation Church Summer Program
The CTK Outreach team is helping to provide bag lunches for the children attending the summer program at our partner church Reformation Lutheran in MKE. The children are all under the age of twelve. Christ the Servant members will donate $150 toward the food purchase. CTK will donate and provide the labor to make the lunches and deliver them. We have been asked to assemble 45 bag lunches for June 25 and 26th. The outreach team will shop, make and deliver the lunches. The bags will include: Meat and cheese sandwich, small snack bag of chips, String Cheese, Fruit cup, Juice Box and Cookie Packet
The Outreach team
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If you placed a coffee order this month, remember to pick it up on Sunday.
The next coffee order will be placed on Sunday, July 21st and be ready for pick up on Sunday, July 28th.
Please see the display in the upper sanctuary
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The car is acting up again, and it's looking like an expensive repair. Your kid's school just called about some behavior issues while you're struggling to meet an important deadline for work. And oh look, the dog just threw up on the carpet. ARGH! You’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed, to say the least. Now, your spouse walks in looking serious and wants to talk. What do you think happens next? | |
Greater Milwaukee Synod News | |
Dear partners in ministry,
One of the greatest gifts of being part of a denomination is that we are able to accomplish so much more together than we could ever do individually.
There is renewed energy in our synod around hunger justice as a key way we can combine our efforts to make a difference in the world with God’s love.
Our goal is to connect your ministry with others in the ways that would be most helpful to you.
We also envision future networking events in our synod so that you can find support, encouragement, and resources to strengthen your hunger-related ministry’s impact.
We look forward to working together to make an even bigger impact!
- Cindy Dobberke, Greater Milwaukee Synod Hunger Team
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Advance Care Planning
With new technology and medical advances that can extend life, family members are often forced to make tough choices about a loved one's medical care, while overwhelmed with anxiety and grief. Advance Care Planning gives patients a voice; even when their voice cannot be heard. It empowers the family, as well as physicians and caregivers, to make the decisions that the patient would want if they were able to speak for themselves.
Talk about it!
The main strategy for Advance Care Planning is having the conversation. Helping people talk about their values and goals for treatment when they are healthy can make decision-making so much easier when a crisis strikes.
Faith leaders can be critical partners with individuals, families, and care providers when people are facing life threatening illness. This newsletter highlights ways you can lead in your faith community and provides practical resources to help you support your members in having these crucial conversations.
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Pastor Jackie Cook
Office Coordinator - Maggie Thompson
Music Director - Maria Tyksinski
Care Ministry - Sylvia Kreutzmann
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Office hours:
Mon. - Thurs 9am-3pm
Friday 9 am - noon
Worship Sundays at 9 am
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