Here are this week's articles on topics STARRS tracks -- the Marxist CRT/DEI woke agenda in the military in order to show the danger of this ideology and how it affects moral, readiness, recruitment and retention. Also the vax issue pertaining to service members. Click on the headlines to read the articles on our website.

Big news is a viral post on X with 34.5 Million views by a liberal Harvard hedge fund manager on how he came to realize DEI is political and its “ideological heritage is inherently inconsistent with basic American values.”

Wish the Pentagon and academies realized this!

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Yet another liberal WAKES UP to what DEI really is

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Over 200 Vets, Active Duty Forces Vow to Hold Military Leaders Accountable for COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

13,000+ people have since signed the online petition in support of "A Declaration of Military Accountability"

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No Institution is Safe: DEI Thought Control in the Military

By Scott Sturman, USAFA ’72 (STARRS Board of Advisors) and Phillip J. Keuhlen, CDR, USN (Ret), USNA ’71 

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Air Force Academy Privately Fretted the End of Race-Based Admissions Would Hamstring ‘Diversity’ Goals

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West Point should end affirmative action in admissions, group tells US judge

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US Military Academy at West Point can continue to consider race in admissions, judge rules

Racism can continue

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Here’s What They’re Teaching In The Naval Academy’s Gender And Sexuality Class

Warning: this is painful to read thinking of midshipmen taking a course like this instead of on war fighting. God help us.

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Air Force Academy moves to monitor social media for potential cadet misconduct

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Time for the Military to Provide Some DEI/CRT Answers

By Greg Salsbury STARRS Board of Advisors

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Here’s How Much Federal Diversity Trainings Cost Taxpayers In 2023

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Biden Military Nominee Celebrated NATO’s ‘Demand’ For ‘Diversity’ And ‘Inclusion’

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Highest ranking trans member of US Space Force says ‘inclusion is a national security imperative’

And the 'need to be safe'

and 'vulnerable'

Tell that to the Chinese military

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Just one promotion remains blocked due to officer’s views on diversity

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Somewhere out there, a Claudine Gay is commanding an Air Force squadron, an Army regiment, or a Navy ship

By Patrick “Kit” Bobko, USAFA ’91, USAF veteran

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NDAA for 2024: The Good, the Bad, and the Incomplete

By Elaine Donnelly, President, Center for Military Readiness, STARRS Board of Advisors

Best summary of what happened

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Biden Pentagon’s Efforts To Crack Down On ‘Extremism’ May Have Harmed Military, DOD Study Finds

“It seems like we are trying to create a divide with this issue.”

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Congressman: Report on Extremism in Military “Serious Indictment” of Secretary Austin’s Effort

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‘Be All You Can Be’ and the TikTok Mutiny

By William Thibeau, Army veteran

Related: Watch new Praeger 16 min video

"MIA: Masculinity in America"

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Military leaders fail to recognize future wars will not be fought like previous ones

By Captain Gene Thomas Gomulka, US Navy ret

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Former Biden Pentagon Personnel Chief Says Abortion Policy Was Meant To Get Around Supreme Court ‘Error’

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Military Colonel Resigns Post in Protest against Biden’s Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Policy

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Open Letter to the Air Force Association

By Bill Scott, USAF vet

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Judge Reverses Earlier Decision and Allows Removal of Reconciliation Monument at Arlington Cemetery

The monument was designed by Jewish VMI 1866 grad and artist Moses Ezekiel.

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Navy Whistleblower Investigated for Questioning COVID-19 Vaccine

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DEI Resistance Is Advancing


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Thursday, 11 January at 10:00 am, 2154 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC

Hearing on Progressive Ideologies in the U.S. Military

USAF/USSF veteran Lt Col Matt Lohmeier (USAFA '06) and Army veteran Will Thibeau will be testifying at this House Oversight Subcommittee hearing. In the DC area? Be sure to attend to support them and this hearing. You'll also be able to watch the livestream online.


If you are in the DC area and planning to attend, reply back to this email or send an email to so we can meet you at the hearing.

The CRT/DEI Agenda is all Manufactured

Don't fall for planned Marxist/Maoist political warfare to divide our country

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E Pluribus Unum – Unity is America’s Strength

Wake Up, Stand Up, Speak Up and Never Give Up!

We are US military veterans and citizens concerned about the divisive racist and radical CRT/DEI ideology infiltrating the military and seek to stand up and do something about it in order to keep our country safe.

Make a Donation

STARRS is a group of retired military members and patriots dedicated to ensure the greatest fighting force on the globe remains the U.S. military. STARRS mission is to help educate our fellow Americans regarding the criticality of having a military that focuses solely on the essential readiness needed to fight and win our Nation’s wars. Winning requires a military which provides equal opportunity and a meritocracy leadership system which rewards high standards, ethical character, teamwork, and selfless service to our Nation. This mission accomplishment requires the elimination of DEI from the DoD by informing people about all ideologies, policies, agendas, and organizations that threaten a meritocracy based military.

Visit our Website
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