Know a recent or future high school graduate? We want to give them a college scholarship!

With help from our partners at Keys To Success, Envision Utah is proud to announce the #gotocollege Video Scholarship Competition! 

The competition is available to Utahns who graduated or are graduating from high school in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, or 2026!

Here's how to enter: 

Step 1: Create a video 60 seconds or less that addresses some of the benefits, myths, or misconceptions of a college education

Step 2: Share the video on Instagram and TikTok with the hashtags #gotocollege and #ktsutah

Step 3: Head over to and fill out the submission form with a link to your video to officially enter the competition

The best part? At the end of the competition a panel of judges will select the top videos earning the creators the following scholarships:

  • 1st place prize: $10,000
  • 2nd place prize: $5,000
  • 3rd place prize: $3,000
#gotocollege Details & Submission Form

Do you have kids or grandkids in high school who need money for college? Just want to help spread the word? 

Download and share this flyer to share with friends and family →

RSVP today for the 2022 Vroom + Waffles Breakfast!

We'd love to have you join Envision Utah and the Utah early childhood community at the Vroom + Waffles Breakfast!

Together with the wonderful people at Help Me Grow Utah and the Salt Lake County Library System, we’re thrilled to put on this wonderful event to help connect with parents and families around the state to share the importance of early brain development and Vroom as an incredible brain-building tool.

Grab some breakfast and see what’s happening at the brand-new Granite Library. You'll also meet Utah’s First Lady Abby Cox and hear her thoughts on the importance of early childhood learning for Utah kids.

November 9, 2022

9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.

Granite Library

3331 S 500 E, South Salt Lake, UT 84106


Use the button above to RSVP, we can't wait to see you there!

Check out Envision Utah's conversations about growth across the state!

From 2010-2020, Utah ranked as the fastest-growing state in the nation, and there's no sign that growth will slow down soon. With over sixty-three percent of Utahns feeling like we're growing too quickly, Envision Utah has been traveling across the state, in partnership with the state of Utah, to talk about guiding the future of that growth.

Growth decisions aren’t easy. Sometimes we have to adjust our current way of thinking and living in order to reach a desired future outcome. That's why we're discussing what's working, what's not, and what big moves Utahns can make to create the future we want.

The goal of these conversations is to help Utahns understand the effects of growth decisions, empower us to own our future, and prepare decision-makers to implement effective strategies. 

Want to be involved in the conversation? Click the button below to take the Guiding Our Growth Survey and weigh in!

Take the Survey

You can also check out the list of upcoming in-person discussions below to find the one nearest to you.

  • October 18 | Washington County
  • October 19 | Box Elder County
  • October 27 | Duchesne County
  • November 3 | Utah County
  • November 7 | Summit County
  • November 9 | Cache County
  • November 10 | Salt Lake County
  • November 17 | Rich County

Email with any questions or for more information!

Join the Envision Utah team

Envision Utah is hiring! We're looking for a Communications Intern to join our team.

Think you would be a good fit? Send us an application!

Support Envision Utah

For 25 years, Envision Utah has brought Utahns together to tackle some of the biggest challenges related to growth — and you have made that happen. But whether we’re talking about air quality, water use, transportation, education, disaster resilience, or a host of other issues, there’s more work to be done. When you support Envision Utah, you’re helping to create a bright future for our state.

Thank you for your support!

Donate here
Envision Utah | (801) 303-1450 |
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