January 12 - 2 Shevat
Was dedicated by
The JKHA/RKYHS Board of Trustees and Administration
in memory of
Rabbi Alvin Marcus z"l
beloved Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation AABJ&D
in commemoration of his second yahrzeit
January 11 - 1 Shevat
Was dedicated by
Allison and Seth Lyons
in memory of
Lewis Lyons
Leib ben Yaakov haLevi z"l
beloved father of Seth
and grandfather of Julia (9th Grade), Jamie (7th Grade), Layla (5th Grade) and Daniela (2nd Grade)
in commemoration of his yahrtzeit.
January 9 - 28 Tevet
Was dedicated by
The Rappaport Family
in loving memory of
Molly Rappaport
Beloved great grandmother, grandmother, mother & friend.
Great Grandmother to Shayne Rappaport (10th Grade)
January 8-12/27 Tevet - 2 Shevat
Was dedicated by
The JKHA/RKYHS Board of Trustees and Administration
in memory of
Rabbi Moshe Kasinetz z"l
Synagogue of the Suburban Torah founding Rabbi and Mara D'atra
Click Here to Read This Week's Parnas Hayom Dedications
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We Invite You to Dedicate Our Children's Torah Learning at JKHA/RKYHS
If you are interested in sponsoring a Day of Learning, contact Aly Greenstein: agreenstein@jkha.org or (862) 437-8001