The Children Yet Unborn

"Pray for that little boy or little girl who comes to St. Paul’s — but pray for them 20 years out from now. Pray that when they find themselves in need of a plan, that they return to the roots that were first watered at St. Paul’s, that they return to the Lord in prayer, so He can remind them that they are saved and are lost no more." • Ryan Glowczewski (St. Paul's Ministry Minute)

"He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God…" Psalm 78:5-7

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting the best life for our kids. If we dream for our children and grandchildren to have a better life than ours, it makes perfect sense to prioritize access to better education, to top sports teams, and to the highest quality musical training and instruments. Of course we want them to have higher-paying jobs and more fulfilling careers; all of this is good, but what is better?


How wonderful would it have been for us all if we learned to put our hope in God sooner in life (Psalm 78:7)? That’s exactly the type of goal we should feel good about prioritizing over all others.


For a little perspective, please humor us by taking a short trip back in time to March 11, 2018. This was the Sunday our congregation members gathered together to make their commitments to build a new K–8 school in the Tell the Next Generation capital campaign. God knew then that a sweet little boy would be a kindergartener at that school this year on October 29, 2023 (Jeremiah 1:5). That boy would be born on March 26, 2018, just 15 days after the pledges were made. What’s more, God knows the precious boys and girls who will be born days, weeks, and years after our commitments are made on October 29, 2023. He knows those same boys and girls who will sing worship songs and play hymns in the William Meisch Music Suite, those same boys and girls who will be baptized in the new Living Stone worship space, and those same children who will receive a top Christian education in one of the additional classrooms.


The entire ministry at St. Paul’s will be empowered to teach our youth to set their hope in God. These are the children yet unborn that Ryan Glowczewski so powerfully asked us to pray for: “They’re going to fold their hands and pray. And they’re probably going to do that because they learned it at St. Paul’s. That’ll save them. Long term, it will save them. It saved me.”

About Mindful Monday Devotions

As we have officially launched our Tell the Wonders He Has Done ministry expansion campaign, we would like the congregation to join together by taking a moment each Monday to be centered in God's Word. This will not only be a time to consider financial commitments, but also an opportunity to stretch spiritually. Our intent is for these devotions to support that purpose. We look forward to sharing our thoughts and God's Word with you weekly.  


Giving our best to His glory,

James and Becky Blake

Campaign Prayer Coordinators

Campaign Information