MiTeGen Newsletter

Data Reduction for X-ray Serial Crystallography using Machine Learning

Data reduction for X-ray serial crystallography using machine learning

Image Source: Rahmani et al. (2023). J. Appl. Cryst. 56, 200-213.

In a paper at the Journal of Applied Crystallography, Vahid Rahmani et al, propose a pipeline to manage the large amounts of data that serial crystallography experiments produce. The pipeline would "differentiate reliably between acceptable data (hits) and unacceptable data (misses)" and would use machine learning to help classify the images produced. In addition, "a novel study of various feature extractors and machine learning classifiers is presented."

Read The Paper

Tools and Instruments For Serial Crystallography Research

Did you know we offer tools and instruments for serial crystallography research? This includes crystallization plates, accessories, high-density grids and a sample preparation system.

Explore Tools and Instruments For Serial Crystallography Research
Serial Crystallography Tools and Instruments

Webinar Replay - Simplifying Cryo-EM with the Latest Innovative Tools

Did you miss the November ThermoFisher Scientific webinar on tools, tips and tricks to help with cryo-EM sample preparation and getting optimal results from highly difficult proteins?

You can watch the recorded version by clicking the button below and registering. Once registered be sure to select the November 2022 edition to watch the replay.

Watch The Replay

Product Highlight - Quantifoil Copper 1.2/1.3 300 Grids

Quantifoil Copper 1.2/1.3 300 Grids

We have an extra supply of Quantifoil Copper 1.2/1.3 300 Mesh Grids 50 packs in stock. This mesh configuration is one of the more popular choices.

This is your chance to get these grids without the usual wait times.

Get Your Grids
Upcoming Events
At MiTeGen, we sponsor numerous events, conferences, workshops and symposiums throughout the year. These events include fields such as structural biology, crystallography, cryo-EM, beamline research and more. We believe in supporting researchers and our industry. Listed below are two upcoming events you might find interesting.
Biophysical Society 2023 Meeting

The Annual Biophysical Society meeting is February 18th to 22nd 2023 in San Diego, CA. Includes workshops, poster competition, talks, vendor exhibits and a chance to learn about the newest emerging techniques and applications. We are exhibiting at the meeting. Stop by our booth (number 412), see our latest tools and lets talk!

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Novalix Conference

The 9th NovAlix Biophysics in Drug Discovery conference is April 26th to 28th in Philadelphia, PA. The conference brings together the community of biophysicists, structural biologists, pharmacologists and medicinal chemists, to explore synergies between their disciplines to deliver better drugs on a shorter timeline. We are exhibiting and giving a talk at this conference.

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Events, Workshops and Conferences

If you are looking for more events visit our events page. It lists conferences, workshops, symposiums, user meetings and more.

Topics include structural biology, material science, crystallography, cryo-EM, beamline research and more.

Visit Our Events Page

ACA Annual Meeting Workshops and Sessions

ACA Workshops and Sessions

The ACA Annual meeting is July 7th to the 11th in Baltimore Maryland. Key components of the meeting are workshops and sessions.

Use the buttons below to see the full list of workshops and sessions as well as how you can help support them.

ACA Workshops and Sessions List
Support Workshops and Sessions
Industry Resources and News

Here is a small selection of industry resources and news for your browsing.

  • Call for serial crystallography proposals at Diamond Light Source beamline I24 with funded access provided by the iNEXT-Discovery project. Deadline is March 5th - Learn More
  • Read about SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Center 2022 year in review - Learn More
  • 2022 Research highlights from the Microscopy Australia network - Learn More
  • 2023 calendar with images from facilities around the world is now available - Learn More
  • The ACA is now accepting nominations for any one of three awards for 2024 as well as nominations for ACA fellows - Learn More
  • The CCDC is accepting new applications for its "FAIRE Grants to advance structural science. Grants provide access to the Cambridge Structural Database, software and training" - Learn More
  • The CCG and the CCDC are accepting applications for their CCG/CCDC Prize for Younger Scientists 2023 - Learn More
  • Winners of the 2023 Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship have been announced - Learn More
  • Crystals MDPI is soliciting manuscripts for its upcoming special issue, Young Crystallographers Across Europe - Learn More
  • Paper at IUCrJ, CSD Communications of the Cambridge Structural Database, how "unpublished crystal structures can be published directly through the Cambridge Structural Database making more crystal structure data available for the public benefit" - Learn More
  • Graph from EMDB showing how EMPIAR entries are getting bigger on average every year - Learn More
  • Graph from EMDB showing how over the past decade, "the cumulative number of EMDB entries has grown roughly exponentially (see linear log-scale graph)! The doubling time is just over 2 years" - Learn More
  • Paper bioRxiv, Integrating AlphaFold and deep learning for atomistic interpretation of cryo-EM maps - Learn More
  • Watch a timelapse install of a ThermoFisher Cryo-EM microscope at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory in Portugal - Learn More
  • From Beamline For Schools, video from the Supercooling team that was one of the three 2022 winning teams to performed their experiment at DESY - Learn More
  • Find beamline proposal deadlines from around the world at - Learn More

APS Upgrade Shutdown - Alternative Beamlines

APS Upgrade Shutdown - Find Alternative Beamlines

Are you a user of the APS (Advanced Photon Source) beamlines? As you know the beamlines at APS will be shutdown for an entire year to make way for upgrades. We can help you find an alternative beamline for your research as well as get you equipped to conduct your research there. Reach out to us and let us help you get up and running at an alternative beamline.

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