CESSRST Weekly Announcements

CESSRST Weekly Announcements is an initiative to keep CESSRST Fellows and Advisors/Mentors up to date on important programmatic deadlines, memos, and opportunities including internships, NERTOs, and NOAA jobs.

Important Memos

  • The Center is recruiting eligible graduate students (Masters and Doctoral), who are interested in the NOAA CESSRST academic fellowship that will help them gain research training and professional experience in NOAA mission-related STEM fields. Learn more here. Ready to apply?- CLICK HERE. 

  • Week 6 of the 2022 Summer Bridge and CUNY CityTech NSF REU Summer Internship and week 4 of the CUNY CREST HIRES Program wrapped up with the first field trip to the Palmyra Cove Nature Park’s Institute for Earth Observations. Interns got the opportunity to participate in fun activities and learn about virtual reality, topobox-the augmented reality sandbox, A3 Cubesat, NOAA data, satellites, and more. They also gained insights into how our environment and nature connect with NOAA's mission of science, service, and stewardship.

Pictures Credit: NOAA CESSRST 

Upcoming Event 

Lunch&Learn Session:

Can We Talk (Documentary and Facilitated Discussion)

Day and Date:

Wednesday | July 27, 2022 


12-2 PM EDT 


Exhibit Room, Steinman Hall at  Grove School of Engineering, CCNY or Zoom (Select date-July 27, 2022)

Trailer of the film can be

 viewed here.

This powerful film captures the unique socio-emotional experiences of students, scientists, faculty, administrators, and medical professionals from underrepresented communities of color who are pursuing, in, and/or have left STEM fields. It provides the opportunity to reflect on cultural and systemic obstacles that are limiting inclusion for certain groups in STEM, and helps create context, language, methods, strategies, and spaces, to help invested communities and individuals develop ways to address these important, sensitive issues and subjects. Details about this event have been shared with you via 

Upcoming Professional Development Opportunity

2022 Collective Madison Meeting

  • The American Meteorological Society (AMS), partnering with NOAA will be hosting the Collective Madison Meeting (CMM) from 8 to 12 August 2022 in Madison, Wisconsin. 
  • The CMM is made up of the following Conferences: the 25th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climatology joint with the NOAA Satellite Meeting, the 17th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, and the 16th Conference on Cloud Physics/16th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation.
  • All attendees must register here to attend the conference. Fellows are encouraged to present (oral and poster) and/or attend the conferences.  
  • Travel funds will be available for CESSRST cohort full-time students. Apply for travel requisition by emailing
  • More Details Here 
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the CESSRST program, reach out to the CESSRST Management at for an expedited response.