Dear Residents -
As my loyal readers know, my introductions are customarily lighthearted and filled with lots of information about upcoming events. Unfortunately, there are times when current events necessitate deviating from this routine, and sadly today is one of them.
Like all of you, since Saturday, I have watched in horror at the images and news reports coming out of Israel. While I readily admit that I do not fully understand the complexities of the conflict in that region, I do know that there is no excuse, justification, or defense for the violent and horrific acts that were taken against women and children, against young people enjoying a music festival, and against elderly men and women going about their everyday lives. This was an act of terrorism and should be unconditionally condemned by all.
And as Israel moves to defend itself, the violence will escalate and with it, more lost lives. My heart breaks for the innocent victims, their families and those that are seriously injured. I pray for the safe return of the hostages, for a quick end to this conflict, and for a day when everyone appreciates and respects the value of all human life.
The Town of Orangetown will once again be giving out free lunches to our veterans. Due to construction at Town Hall, the drive-by lunch will be held at Veterans Memorial Park in Orangeburg on Thursday, November 9, 2023, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Advance registration (and lunch selection) is required, so if interested please click here. And, from all of us, thank you for your service.
As a reminder, tomorrow is Pearl River Day from 11 am to 6 pm on Central Avenue and the Town Clerk’s bi-annual shredding day from 8 am to 11:30 am at the Tappan Zee High School.
Looking forward to a day when the world is at peace,