Monthly News & Updates

October 2023

Video Interviews

Interviews with MGH faculty who have successfully navigated the transition to the next stage of their lives, including retirement. 

Leadership Skills Retreat


A half-day in-person retreat geared toward MGH mid-career faculty (Assistant and Associate Professors)—including clinicians, physician-investigators, and investigators—looking to build their leadership skillset.

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Transition Series

Successful Transition to Retirement While Balancing Continued Engagement at MGH on December 18, 2023

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Welcome to The Senior Thesis, the newsletter for the newly created Office for Senior Faculty Affairs (OSFA). We will use this newsletter to update MGH clinicians and investigators on information, resources, and programming of interest to our amazing senior faculty.

  • OSFA’s scope covers opportunities and challenges for established senior faculty, mid-career faculty ascending to senior positions, and long-term faculty considering transitions to partial or full retirement. “Senior” here means either years of experience (regardless of academic rank) or seniority established by titles such as Associate or full Professor.
  • Upcoming OSFA programming includes a Leadership Skills retreat and a Faculty Transition webinar series. The OSFA website is the go-to place for upcoming programming and a wealth of additional resources such as engaging video interviews with transitioning senior faculty.
  • An introduction for those who haven’t met me: I am also Neurology Vice Chair for Faculty Development and Promotions and have a long-standing interest in improving faculty quality of life. I hold regular Thursday afternoon OSFA office hours for 1:1 consultations on questions facing senior faculty. My partners in OSFA are Anne Levy, Center for Faculty Development Senior Program Manager, and Brenda Vega, CFD Office Manager.

OSFA’s goal is to serve the broad mid- to senior-faculty community. Which topics would be most valuable to cover? What challenges would you like these newsletters to address? Please email me with your ideas. If you believe this newsletter is not relevant for you, please feel free to opt-out.

With best wishes,


Please send your feedback and ideas!

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Meet the OSFA Team

Steven M.

Greenberg, MD, PhD

Director of the Office for Senior Faculty Affairs within the Center for Faculty Development at MGH.

Anne S.

Levy, PhD

Senior Program Manager of the Center for Faculty Development at MGH.

Brenda I.


Office Manager of the Center for Faculty Development at MGH.

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