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Next Sunday


Debra Bryant, RScP

Special Music

Chris Harrell

Spiritual Practice of the Week:

"Your New Truth"

At some point each day, take time to contemplate a belief you have or have had in the past that caused suffering. Notice that the only power the thought holds is what you give it. Next, remind yourself that principle is not bound by precedent. In other words, you are free to let the belief go and ground yourself in the truth of a new thought, this new day. End this practice by affirming your new truth, stating it verbally seven times.


January 2024 Week Two

Book of the Month

We need a fundamental shift in our values--a pivot in how we think, act, work, and connect. Despite what we’ve been told, the most critical mainspring of social change isn’t coalition building or problem analysis. It’s healing: deep, whole, and systemic, inside and out.


Hyatt Place

4320 Cerrillos Rd

Santa Fe, NM 87507




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