HOVC Scouter Newsletter | January 12, 2024

The Heart of Virginia Council welcomed Cub Scouts and their families to the Leadership Center on Saturday, January 6th, for a Pinewood Derby Workshop! Scouts worked with Council staff to design, cut, and decorate their Pinewood Derby cars ahead of their unit races! See all the fun cars we made on the HOVC Scout Shop Facebook page.

Hi Heart of Virginia!

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day:

January 15th, 2024

The Leadership Center and Scout Shop are closed on MondayJanuary 15th, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service). We will reopen on Tuesday, January 16th. Did you know that this federal holiday was designated by Congress as a national day of service... a "day on, not a day off."

[Learn All About It!]

Cub Chat Live 3PM TODAY: Program Updates

Tune in to today's Cub Chat Live for important Cub Scout Program Updates, including details about the new rank adventures, and the reimagining of special awards. This is a "can't miss" opportunity to learn more about and prepare for the changes coming on June 1st.

[Cub Chat Live]

Cub Scout Program Update Orientation Session:

January 21st, 2024

Changes are coming to the Cub Scout Program, and on January 21st, starting promptly at 1:00 pm at the Heart of Virginia Leadership Center, there will be an Orientation Session for Roundtable Commissioners, Staff and the individuals who have been identified in each district who will either be a trainer or resource for units on the Cub Scout Program changes are encouraged to attend.

[Register to Attend]

❄️ Winter Camp Swag Has Arrived! ❄️

Winter Camp swag has arrived! This awesome apparel will be available this weekend in the Trading Post at Winter Camp. Long sleeve shirts are $25 and Hoodies are $30. Supplies and sizes are limited, so pick yours up as soon as you can. If you pre-ordered your Winter Camp apparel, you can pick up your pre-orders in the Winter Camp Trading Post this weekend.

[Are You Yeti for Winter Camp?]

2023 Eagle Commencement: February 25th, 2024

You are cordially invited to attend this year’s celebration of those Eagle Scouts who have climbed the trail and reached its highest summit. All Scouts who have earned Eagle in 2023 are invited, with their parents and Scoutmaster, free of charge. Each Eagle Scout in attendance will receive an embroidered Eagle Scout sling bag, to commemorate their achievement. Register for a campus tour, sign-up to serve in the Life Scout Honor Guard, and become a sponsor.

[Join Us at the Eagle Commencement]

“We must accept finite disappointment,

but never lose infinite hope.”

- Martin Luther King, Jr., American minister, activist, political philosopher, prominent leader in the civil rights movement

Scout Shop Hours of Operation

Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm

Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228


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