The Church of the Good Shepherd

231 North Church St.

Rocky Mount, NC

eShepherd December 21, 2023

This Sunday at Good Shepherd

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

Christmas Eve

December 24, 2023

8:00 AM

Rite 1 Holy Communion

5:00 PM

Contemporary Language Service of Holy Communion

with choir and congregational hymns.

Live streamed at

This week at Good Shepherd

We welcome Rev. Bill Bennett to the 8:00 AM service and the Rev. Shawn Schreiner to the 5:00 PM service.

There is no 10:30 AM service this morning.

We hope you will join us for the 4:30 PM Prelude to the Five o'clock Christmas Eve Eucharist. The Good Shepherd Choir and soloists will sing favorite Christmas anthems and carols. The prelude will also include organ, trumpet, and violin music.

Stay after the service for milk and cookies in the Parish Hall. If you would like to bring cookies to share, please do so.

This week, the offices and Day School are closed and will reopen on January 2.

No choir rehearsals or Morning Prayer this week.

We welcome the following priests to Good Shepherd through the end of January:

December 31

Rev. Bill Bennett

January 7

Rev. Juliana Lindenberg

January 14

Rev. Bill Bennett

January 21

Rev. Juliana Lindenberg

January 28

Rev. Bill Bennett

Parish Prayer List

For those in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity: especially Cheryl Coppedge, Presiding Bishop Curry, Ron Coone, Bobbi Weeks, Beth Oden, Debbie Dildy, Bill Hudgins, Randolph Reid, Ernest Jones and Martha B.

For continued health and healing: Lib Blackburn, Becky Bryan, Elizabeth "Sister" Cherry, Albert Ervin, Frances Gaither, Dwight Johnson, Corrine Landis, Reid McAuley, Boo White, and Brent Wilson

For the blessings of this life:

For those expecting the birth of a child:

For those who have died: Roy Thompson, Pam Wells, Mason Moore, Butch Moss, Emily Baker Hyatt.

To add or remove people on the Prayer List please contact Cheryl Coppedge at Please ask their permission before submitting.

In case of illness, a death in the family, for other pastoral emergencies, or to request a pastoral visit please contact church leadership via email at


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