November 2022



From our staff and volunteers to you and your family, a heartfelt "Thank you!" for all that you do to support our ministries and prayers for a blessed Thanksgiving celebration!

Giving Tuesday is just one week away and we have an exciting day planned that will allow you to easily share our ministries with your friends and family through our social media outlets. Videos, posts, live tours...we've got it all! Our goal is to gain 25 new partners to shine the Beacon of Light into our pregnancy centers and maternity home. We need YOU to help by sharing, liking and commenting so your friends see us and can support us too!

One day of giving

(and liking, sharing and commenting)

can have an ETERNAL IMPACT!

If you don't already follow us on our social media pages and profiles

please do so today so you don't miss out on all the fun!

Facebook  Instagram  Web
Give NOW!

Volunteer Nurses Needed!

We are currently looking to build our base of nurse volunteers as well as assistance with special events! Join our team and help us support women facing unplanned pregnancies in Orange County and beyond!

Join our team!

Can YOU believe it???

The Hudson Valley Chapter of the Knights of Columbus have chosen Beacon of Light AGAIN as the charity they will be supporting this year! Thank you KofC!

Beacon of Light's Vision:

To live in a community where all unborn babies are given the gift of life!

Learn more...