September 20, 2022

Hello, Rebecca

The Municipal Election is fast approaching, and want to know what issues are important for your business. Check out our Municipal Election Question Portal, submit your questions, and join us at The Casablanca Hotel on Thursday, October 6 to engage with your local candidates. Cogeco YourTV Niagara will be taping the Mayoral Candidate debate portion of the event. Huge thanks to Best Mortgage Solutions, Vozul Foods, and Purple Wins for making the event possible with their generous sponsorship!

Speaking of issues that are top of mind...check out our new Taking Your Pulse section below. One question, multiple choice answers, 30 seconds. Engage with us!

We hope to see you at an event this fall!

-Grimsby Chamber Team

Upcoming Events
Interested in partnering with us on an event this fall or in 2023? Let us know, we’d love to showcase YOUR business or organization!

Here's some of the awesome stuff we have coming up:

Wed, Sep 28

Employee Attraction & Retention

Lunch & Learn (virtual)

Employee Attraction and Retention are top of mind for many of us right now. Join the three West Niagara Chambers as we hear from Essential HR and Garrett Group to learn ways YOU can attract the talent you're looking for, and keep them happy in the long run.

Register Here

In the meantime, you can read some tips here from Workplace Safety & Prevention Services on finding and keeping employees.

Thurs, Sep 29

BA5s are Back!

We know you’ve been missing these great networking events, and we thought it fitting to bookend the pandemic with an event at the Library and Art Gallery. Our last BA5, just before COVID hit, showcased these two incredible institutions, so it made sense that our first BA5 back included this important community connection.

Register Here

Thurs, Oct 6

Meet Your Candidates

We know how important it is to be connected to the issues that shape our community. Submit your questions here, and join us at The Casablanca Hotel to engage with candidates in advance of the October 24 municipal elections.

Thank you to our event sponsors!

Thank you to Kinetic Elements Dance and Tammy Snow-Johnston Fitness for hosting our first in-person event of the fall! Urban Cravings provided a delicious lunch for all our attendees. We ate, moved, stretched, sweated a bit, groaned a bit, and made some awesome connections! 

See more

Taking Your Pulse

We want to know what's on your mind this fall. 

Take 30 seconds and answer ONE question.

Here's what's on my mind...

Niagara Chamber Partnership

We're working with Chambers across Niagara on the the Niagara Chamber Partnership's third season of the Niagara's Road to Recovery virtual series. We are looking for members to share their best practices on the following topics:
  • successful retention and recruitment of talent
  • implementing a successful digital program
If you have a success story to share and want to be part of our panel discussions, please let us know!
I want to share my story!
News from the Ontario Chamber

Grow Your Business Online 

The Government of Canada and Ontario Chamber of Commerce have partnered together to deliver Government of Canada grants to small businesses that want to grow their business online.

To learn more about the program, eligibility requirements, and to register, click here.

Questions about the Canada Digital Adoption Program? Contact the OCC's CDAP team.

Niagara Workforce Planning Board

There's still time to join the Niagara Workforce Planning Board's Engaging SMEs project.

Hiring and retaining newcomer talent is an important way to diversify your workforce for high performance outcomes, and address the labour market crunch facing nearly every industry.

Reach out to Rebecca for more details, and be part of this unique design labs project that is being rolled out in just six communities across Canada - and Grimsby is one of them! (First session is next week.)

Let's innovate together!

Marketing Opportunities
Did you know that the Chamber offers a unique business development opportunity through our paid E-blast marketing initiative?

Twice a month, the Chamber sends out a member's personalized marketing message to our contacts.

It's a great way to connect to other members and showcase your business.

Contact the Chamber or check out our website to find out how we can help you gain exposure for your local business.

Thank You to our 2022 Event Partners!
Member to Member
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Comments, feedback, and suggestions? Tell us here!