Thursday, July 21 | 12:00-1:30pm
at The Treman Center
Arrival to Departure Tourism Training Program is back!
The Arrival to Departure Tourism Training program (A2D) is a hybrid learning program consisting of seven modules available to be completed online at one’s own pace and a two-hour live class done in-person. It is designed to teach participants how important tourism is the area, how to find tourism resources, answer visitor questions in a more engaged way, be an ambassador for Ithaca & Tompkins County and sprinkles in some customer service training.
Visit Ithaca & Tompkins County Workforce Development Board request your Feedback regarding the Ithaca & Tompkins County Arrival to Departure (A2D) Tourism Training Program.
Maximizing Exposure of Google Business Profiles
Thursday, July 21 | 10:00am
Your Google business profile is the single largest source of organic (non-paid) exposure for your business online. Better business profiles ultimately drive more visits, resulting in more customers. The great news is that having a great Google business profile is not that hard, if you know how.
Visit Ithaca, working with Miles Partnership, is offering a virtual workshops to provide instructional content to optimize the online presence of your business. Please register below. Whether or not you attend the session, you will receive a recording to engage on your own schedule.
Advertise in our Relocation Guide!
A new Live in Ithaca Relocation Guide is in the works and will be ready to distribute by end of year! With its new digital format, it will be distributed more easily and have more reach than ever before. We are working with MetroMedia to produce this publication and they will be reaching out to past advertisers and Tompkins Chamber members.
Help us spread the word about Movies in the Park!
Movies in the Park is a wonderful community event FREE for all to attend!
Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Please contact Mary at to inquire. And, team registration is open! Space is limited to the first 32 teams.
Small Business Roundtable
Wednesday, July 27 | 9:00-10:30am
at Firelight Camps
Spend time with peer small business owners to share your experiences, opportunities, and challenges. Coffee and pastries provided.
Small Business Roundtable events are open to owners of small businesses with less than 50 employees.
Business After Hours
Wednesday, August 10 | 5:00-7:00pm
at Visions Federal Credit Union
Join us for our August Business After Hours at Visions Federal Credit Union! Business After Hours is our premier networking event where you can connect with hundreds of chamber members and community leaders.
Community Events & Resources
Benefits of Becoming a NYS Certified M/WBE
Wednesday, July 20 at 11:00am
Upcoming webinar for anyone that may be interested in getting certified with NYS as an MWBE. Join NYS Empire State Development, Erie County Medical Center & Ibero Business Center and learn about the benefits.
Greater Ithaca Activities Center's 50th Anniversary Mid-Summer Party
Saturday, July 30 8pm-12am
"GIAC Since 1972: Celebrating the Old, Embracing the New!" You're invited to come party on July 30th at The Upstairs (106 S Cayuga St). All proceeds from the evening will be donated to GIAC's Robin Fund and general programming. To reflect the year it all began, tickets are $19.72 each. The first 50 people to arrive will receive a special welcome drink! This event is for those 21 and over, but keep an eye out for more all-ages anniversary events throughout the year!
Taitem Engineering Welcomes
Two New Board Members
Taitem announced the appointment of two new directors to its Board: Betsy Parrington, Senior Engineer at Taitem and a proven manager for statewide energy programs; and Theresa Ryan, creative leader for Taitem’s marketing and business development. With the addition of Parrington and Ryan, the board now includes its first women and non-shareholders.
Please, share with appropriate referrals/candidates!
Hiring? Send us a link to your job posting at, AND tag #workinithaca when you post on social media.
Our team is here to help.
Note: Our East Shore Dr. office is now closed. Our team will be working remotely and deployed throughout Tompkins County while our new space is completed. You may contact our team members directly for in-person meetings, appointments, or specific services – we remain here to serve you!