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Issue 56 | July 2024

God's Green Fingers Environment E-news

Welcome to the July issue of God’s Green Fingers, the newsletter that goes out every two months with eco news inspiration and resources to encourage and support you in your ministry and mission to safeguard the integrity of creation. 

Currently around a thousand people receive God’s Green Fingers, but might more people benefit from these updates? Could you pass on this issue and encourage all your PCC and congregation to sign up to receive this newsletter? Creation care is part of discipleship for all, not just a few eco evangelists!

Our news channels have been full of political stories over the past six weeks, building to today’s General Election. Given that the next five years will be critical to the UK’s transition to a low carbon economy and to nature recovery plans, there has been an extraordinary lack of focus on the party’s environmental policies, highlighted by a open letter from over 400 climate scientists

Please do pray for our next government to exercise wisdom in policy making and prioritise the long-term sustainability of Christ’s creation for this and future generations. 

Note: Some of the articles below link to the Church Times. You can read up to four Church Times articles each month free of charge by registering on their website. 

God bless

Jemima Parker

Diocesan Environment Officer

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Workshop to Bring All Together to Worship in God's Creation

How churches can worship all together in God’s creation is the subject of an upcoming workshop hosted by our Children, Young People and Families Team. Many churches are exploring what it means to worship together as the whole family of God – all ages, all backgrounds and abilities – and gathering outdoors to encounter God in nature is a wonderful way to do this. 

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Churches Urged to Complete Data Collection Tool

Parishes across the diocese are being encouraged to complete the Energy Footprint Tool, which is part of the annual Online Parish Returns before the 31st July deadline. Completing the Energy Footprinting Tool is a condition for unlocking current Church of England net zero funding and forthcoming funding to invest in your church building in the coming years. 

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Give to Go Green Round 2 - Get Your Carbon Cutting Project Ready

Following the success of the first round of Give To Go Green in March, the Diocese of Leeds has been invited to take part in round 2. Give To Go Green is a match-funding grant scheme that doubles locally raised donations for carbon-cutting building projects. There are many eligible projects taken from the Practical Path to Net Zero Carbon for churches. Applications close 28th July. 

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C of E Energy Audits for Churches with Highest Carbon Footprints

As part of the Church of England Net Zero Carbon Programme, the highest six hundred carbon emitting churches nationally are being offered energy audits to help put in place decarbonisation plans, with a small amount of follow funding to start to act on these plans. Fourty two churches in the Diocese of Leeds have initially been identified for this investment using the Energy Footprinting Tool data. 

New Guidance on Climate Change Risks from Church Insurers

Ecclesiastical, an insurance company used by many churches, have recently published guidance for PCC members “Climate change and your church”. The guidance covers managing the risk of some of the changes PCCs may be considering to meet their carbon net zero goals and how to minimise any risks that the changing climate might introduce for churches. 

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"God Saw That It Was Good" Films Released

A series of four short films have recently been released which weave stunning visual imagery with a narrative entwining science and faith, taking people deeper in the wonder, mystery and meaning of the world. The films have been created by the Baptist Union Environment Network and Fuelcast Media and funded by a grant from Scientists in Congregations. The 20-minute documentary style films can be used in faith communities as well as to connect with local communities and schools. 

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Christian Aid Estimate Six Months' "Loss and Damage" in Bid to Boost Climate Fund

Seeking to put pressure on wealthy nations to invest in the Fund, Christian Aid, has recently published a report “Climate Breakdown: Six months of climate chaos since COP28” which estimates losses declared from climate-induced disasters since the beginning of the year. Extreme weather, including flooding and heatwaves, has caused at least $41 billion (£32 billion) of damage to the global economy in the past six months, Christian Aid has estimated. 

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Quiet Acts of Witness Can Draw Attention to the Climate Crisis

Each week, Judith Russenberger kneels outside Shell’s offices in London for an hour of prayer. Climate activism takes many forms as it demands action from those in power. Judith believes in the power of prayer. “To do nothing is not an adequate solution” she says. Her action “is a constant reminder, a nudge in right direction, to the staff at Shell and their business thinking”. 

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Christian Protesters Join March for Nature Through London

The Restore Nature Now march was organised by a coalition of environmental organisations. Christian groups came together last Saturday to host a service of “prayer and lament for creation” at the Immaculate Conception, Farm Street, London, before joining more than 60,000 people on a march through London to protest against the drastic decline of the wildlife in the UK, and damage to the ecosystem. 

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Events and Webinars - Local

6/7 July National Meadows Day

Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust invites you to celebrate our marvellous meadows with guided walks, wildflower & insect ID workshops and a bioblitz in the Dales and Forest of Bowland. 


22-28 July "Faith in Life" - Care for Creation by the World Faiths

Christians Aware Residential at Parcevall Hall, Yorkshire Dales. Talks, discussions, trips out, easily accessible visits, prayers. Open to visitors for the individual lecture, discussion or day trip provided you book. 


Autumn 2024 Saving Creation Silver Course

7-9pm online. 8 week course. For those wishing to upskill in their own eco journey or be better equipped to fulfil a Parish Environment Officer or similar role. Express your interest now. 


21 Sep Whole Church and Outdoor Worship

10am-2pm. St Stephen's, West Bowling. A workshop led by Engage Worship to explore the power of outdoor and intergenerational worship for our churches. 

More details and booking

21 Sep Rewilding our Faith

Thicket Priory, near York. A day of study, prayer and practise around the themes of spirituality, creation and reconnecting with nature. Focusing on living an 'earthed spirituality': moving into engaged action for our planet. Suggested donation of £10. To book, please email Steve Parkin at

Flyer here

Events and Webinars - National

10 July Green Christian Workshop: Peace, Love and Climate Justice

7pm online. A training session to introduce the workshop created by Green Christian, for you to experience it, hear about ways in which you can deliver it yourself, and ask your questions. The Peace, Love and Climate Justice workshop explores our responses to the global climate and environmental crisis, focusing on the Great Commandments in Mark 12:30-3. 


7 Aug Fairly Traded - What's Next After the Closure of Traidcraft?

7pm online. Green Christian talk explores the future of the fairtrade movement. 


Fairtrade logo

10 Sep Deep Waters

Green Christian 8-week programme starts 7pm-8.30pm. People often have complex emotional responses to the climate crisis, including grief, anger, blame, and many others. Deep Waters aims to help people navigate these responses through a Christian lens of love, wisdom, and justice, and to lead people into a place of active hope. 


26 Sep Redefining Fashion: An Inspirational Journey with Eco-Sustainable Designer and Artist José Hendo

CAFOD webinar 7pm. José will share her journey from a successful bridalwear designer to a pioneer in sustainable fashion. Hear José's reflections on the importance of creating fashion with a positive impact on society and the environment. Gain insights into her creative process and learn about her future plans in the world of sustainable design. 


16 Oct Green Christian Talk: Guy Singh-Watson of Riverford Farm

7pm online. Guy will speak about the pressures and rewards of commercial organic farming, and about how people can support these businesses. Over the last 37 years Guy has taken Riverford from one man and a wheelbarrow delivering homegrown organic veg to friends, to a national veg box scheme delivering to 70,000 customers a week. 



New: Outdoor Worship Resource

A new resource has been created to support a congregation worshiping in a nature reserve. The materials could be used for a well planned trip or a spontaneous decision to make the most of a summers day and take a regular service outside into the churchyard or local park. Outdoor Worship at a Nature Reserve is a welcome addition to the suite of other outdoor and creation care worship resources on the diocesan website.

Download here

Towards Net Zero by 2030 - A Pit Stop for Rural Churches

In June St Mary’s Wiveton, Norwich Diocese, held a conference day exploring the positive environmental actions churches can take and the practical steps to achieving net zero by 2030. Guest speakers include: The Right Revd Graham Usher, the Bishop of Norwich, Polly Eaton (A Rocha UK – Eco Church), Historic England, The National Lottery Heritage Fund. 

Watch here

Inspiration for the Church of England Net Zero Carbon Programme 

A new video resource had been created by the Church of England Net Zero Programme team to help engage parishes and dioceses with the Church Commissioners £190m net zero investment programme. Hear how it is possible for every parish to start on this journey and why it is a critical part of our mission. Screen to your PCC or congregation.  

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Green Journey Fact Finder Webinar

Find out what the Green Journey energy buying scheme could offer your church. Switching to a renewable electricity tariff is a quick win on every church’s pathway to becoming net zero carbon. There are many different renewable energy providers and tariffs for businesses that your church can choose from. The Green Journey is provided by specialist energy consultants who, in the video, explain the current energy market and the package of services they offer churches. 

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Give to Go Green: Round Two Open

Give To Go Green is a match-funding pilot project from the Church of England. In Round 1, eleven churches in the Dioceses of Leeds raised £57,000 for carbon cutting buildings projects, which were match funded by the national Net Zero Carbon Programme. A wide range of decarbonisation projects are eligible from improvements for guttering, draft proofing to underpew heating and LED lighting. Closing date 5pm 28th July. 

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Eco Funding Support

A suite of resources is available on the diocese of Leeds website to help you plan and deliver your church creation care plans. Watch the webinar on Planning & Delivering Your Net Zero Carbon Fundraising Appeal, use the template Case for Support document to gather all your funding information in one place and review the lists of grant funders to see where you might be able to best find the funds you need. Read more.

Unlocking funding to 'green' your churches mission - webinar

This webinar recording from the Benefact Group explores the different types of funding available for sustainability projects and reducing your environmental impact. It looks at how to create a campaign around green activity and communicate your story to donors. Learn how to explore linking the desire to care for planet earth to your mission.

Watch here  

Title for video

Funding Opportunities from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the government’s levelling up agenda and provides funding for local investment by March 2025. Alongside businesses, community groups, cultural and voluntary sector organisations are being invited to apply for a share of funds. There is a decarbonisation stream for net zero projects as well as other community project funding. More details for North Yorkshire and West Yorkshire

Magazine Magic

A ready to print magazine article for your Parish Magazine!


Diana Chambers reflects on the contamination of our water supply and what scripture has to say on how we care for our water and ourselves. 

Read the article here

More magazine articles?

All our eco magazine articles are archived on the Diocese of Leeds Environment Magazine Magic webpage.

Click here

Eco Top Tips

Find a weekly top tip here for your parish newsletter:

Year 1

Year 2

Comedy Corner

If we don’t laugh we’ll cry: helping you through the grief of ecocide...

"If there was an island for environmentalists, what would you call it?

Mad at gas car."

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