Storehouse and farm house at Norsk Folkemuseum  Folk Museum  in Oslo_ Norway_ an open-air museum with 160 historic buildings. The Setesdal farmstead is furnished to look as it did in the 1700s.

Important Announcement

My husband and I will be leaving for Norway next week for a very short time. We have to go every Fall to mow the roof on our little cabin (NOT THE ONE IN THE HOTO ABOVE). I'lll be able to complete all services that were ordered on or before October 5th before I leave, but all orders from that point on will have a 16-21 day backlog. I'll be back on the 22nd and will start working right away. Please keep emails to a minimum, and if you have technical issues, it's best to contact my son, Lukas,

Thank you for your understanding and patience!