July 2024| Center for Human Health and the Environment | |
A Note from the Director
Hello Everyone,
Summer is such a busy time and I hope that you will enjoy some time off before the school year starts anew. The Center has filed all necessary NIH and ORI reports at this point, and the necessary spend-down of funds has occurred. I am excited to talk more about the new equipment that is available to CHHE members at the mini-retreat later this summer. Now that I have a bit more free time, you may see me headed down to my lab more than before, as it is nearly ready to swing into full gear. Much of the equipment in my lab is going to be open access, with a sign up sheet, of course! I hope when you are in the Tox building, you will go by and introduce yourself to Alina Hamilton (research scholar) and Brittany Rickard (post-doc). Hope to see you soon and happy 4th of July!!
Sue Fenton
Toxicology Bldg. rm 1104E
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July 24: Internal Advisory Board Meeting 2-4:00pm Tox 1107 or Zoom | |
SAVE THE DATE: 08/28/2024
The CHHE Summer Mini-retreat will be held on Wednesday, August 28th 2-6:00PM
Talley Student Union, Piedmont Ballroom
Co-led by David Collier and Fred Wright
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Community Engagement Core
The CEC had the pleasure of co-hosting a community health event with the Partnership Effort for the Advancement of Children's Health (PEACH) in Durham, in early June. The event focused on healthy homes and lead contamination, aimed to help attendees learn more about possible lead exposure routes and health protective behaviors. Members of the community were invited to bring soil samples from their gardens and homes to have them tested for lead and other heavy metals. It was a family-friendly day with fun activities like face painting, cilantro planting, food, raffles, and Reaching All Minds Academy’s mobile plant bus. DHHS staff members were on site to collect and prepare the community-provided soil samples for testing, answer community members’ questions, and provide exposure reduction information. Additional educational programming was provided by NCCU, NIH, CEHS UNC, and staff members from Catherine Hoyo and Coby Schal’s labs. Each booth shared important health information and had a unique impact in the community event.
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Welcome to CHHE Intern
Kiara Servin is working with our CEC this summer through the Science Communicators of North Carolina's (SCONC) HBCU internship program. Students majoring in STEM Fields at North Carolina HBCUs are paired with professional science communicators across the Research Triangle Region for ten weeks, offering hands-on experiential learning. Kiara is from California, but lived in Durham, and is a native Spanish speaker. She recently graduated with a BS in Biology from NC Central University. In the future, she aspires to attend vet school. This summer she will be working on a variety of projects like creating and updating CEC infographics and managing our social media presence. That said, we really want Kiara to get the most out of her time with us, so if you/your lab/your project needs an extra set of hands or wouldn't mind her shadowing your experiments, please email Lacey Brown, lrbrown4@ncsu.edu.
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Strong CHHE presence at 4th PFAS National Conference
Several CHHE members made their way to the University of Michigan, June 9-12, for a powerful conference on PFAS. Our members and stakeholders helped over the last year to develop the meeting schedule of events, led sessions, were invited speakers, and presented posters on their work.
Organizers: Fenton, Knappe, Mattingly, May, and Cape Fear River Watch (SAB)
Led sessions: Fenton (New Health Effects); Fenton (Clinical Guidance); May (PFAS and Human rights); Knappe (Sustainability and Safe Alternatives)
Invited Speakers: David Collier, Detlef Knappe (and previous member, Jamie DeWitt)
Poster presenters: Michael Cuffney (Kotlarz, Collier, Lea, Knappe, Hoppin),David Collier (Kotlarz, Knappe, Hoppin), Carolyn Mattingly, Pingping Meng (Duckworth, Knappe), Susie Proctor (Hoppin, Knappe, Kotlarz), Brittany Rickard (Fenton) - also invited speaker, Danielle Westerman (Knappe), Jeff Yoder
Outstanding showing, CHHE!
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P30 Directors Talk PFAS Destruction
In April 2024, the Final PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation was issued by the US EPA. This is the first new chemical regulation in drinking water in around 20 years and will decrease drinking water levels of PFAS for millions of Americans as it is implemented. At the 4th PFAS National Conference, there was much celebration over the new regulatory guidance, but "there is still much to do" was also a theme noted by researchers, affected community members, and US representatives, like Dan Kildee, Elissa Slotkin, and Debbie Dingell (D-MI) who attended in person to give remarks. P30 directors from NC State (Fenton) and University of Southern Cal (Chatzi, left), and community leaders (Spaniola, right; Great Lakes PFAS Action Network) talked with Slotkin on the need for plans for PFAS destruction from filtration units, especially in large municipalities.
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Recent Member Publications
GCl/HRMS Analaysis of E-Liquids Complements in Vivo Modeling Methods and Can Help to Predict Toxicity Imari Walker-Franklin, Rob U. Onyenwoke, TinChung Leung, Xiaoyan Huang, Jeffrey G. Shipman, Alex Kovach, and Vijay Sivaraman
Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism Grace Ssheidemantle, Likun Duan, Mareca Lodge, Magdalina J Cummings, Dalton Hilovsky, Eva Pharm, Xiaoqiu Wang, Arion Kennedy, Xiaojing Liu
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Cite the Center
Cite and acknowledge NIH award support and the CHHE’s P30 grant in future publications and presentations by including this –
“Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P30ES025128. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.”
Click here for instructions on how to add the CHHE grant to your Publications in MyNCBI
Publications citing the Center grant in the acknowledgements of a manuscript and in the deposit of the manuscript in the NIH Manuscript Submission (NIHMS) system are the currency for the P30 renewal!
PINS: Select "Center for Human Health and the Environment" as the center when submitting your proposals
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CHHE Branding Materials
The CHHE letterhead, logos, and powerpoint slides are all available on the website.
Download these materials for your presentations and communications.
Order Your CHHE Business Cards Today!
We're excited to offer personalized CHHE business cards for all members, complete this form.
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