What Love Does

Rev. Glen Miles, Senior Minister

Love does many things for us, giving us hope, connection, courage, and more. One of the most important things love does is help us discover what matters most in life. It's easy to forget this truth.

Did you know that, according to Dave Ramsey, the financial guru, the number one cause of divorce in the USA is related to financial issues? It's not loss of love, moral failure, or problems with the kids. Indeed, those are issues and may contribute, but Ramsey says number one on the list is money. 

I would add that money itself is not the root of the problem. Money is neutral. The problem is seen when lives are built on greed, gluttony, selfishness, arrogance, and a lack of trust. Money becomes the tool to feed our gluttony and empower our arrogance.

My buddy Adam Hamilton writes about these ideas in his book Enough. He says this problem with money is an "American nightmare." He writes, 

"We are suffering the consequences of our addiction to consumption and compulsive buying, and yet our desire for more is never satisfied. This is because there is a deeper problem-one that is within us."

Adam calls the problem brokenness. I totally agree. Our brokenness leads us to a distorted view of God, the world, and each other. When we allow our brokenness to define who we are, we will do anything we can to avoid it, cover it up, and get away from it. We go after things to fill up the emptiness we feel inside. Yet it never works, does it?

I've seen too many families torn apart by compulsive consumption. I've seen marriages fall apart, businesses collapse, and worse when greed and our desire for more are never satisfied.

These may feel like extreme examples, but they are not. In our desire for more, we can push our love for each other and our love for God aside to try to fill some emptiness, some ego need, or some crazy notion of success. 

Jesus invites us to grapple with this problem by instructing us to love one another as he has loved us. He says, "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." Through his love, we are able to see the eternal value of love, which leads to freedom from greed.

When we love like this, our financial means become a resource for bringing beauty, grace, and hope to our world. That's what love does. 

A Month of Sundays

This week in Sunday school

In our summer Sunday School series, we are exploring spiritual practices. This week, we will try praying without words while creating with our hands by making crosses. We made crosses earlier in the summer and really enjoyed it. Like many techniques it gets easier with practice, so we are trying again (with different materials).

This summer, Sunday school will be offered during the 10 am South and 11 am North services. During the 9 am outdoor contemporary service, unsupervised quiet activities including coloring, sidewalk chalk and bubbles will be offered.

Amy Caskie, Director of Missions

Near the end of May, Yohan Kim, Heart to Heart food pantry manager, emailed me to let me know that he had chosen a Volunteer of the Month for June. I had seen the name but had yet to meet the young man he nominated, Isaiah. Following our usual procedure, since Isaiah is a minor, Yohan reached out to his parents for their approval and asked Isaiah to discuss his experience volunteering at Heart to Heart. The response we got was much more than we anticipated, and I am glad to have permission to share this touching story with you.

It began in the Fall of 2023 when his mother started getting involved with First Community. She had been disillusioned with her church experiences in the past and was so happy when she was met with the non-judgmental welcome many of us have felt at First Community. Mom joined the Women's Guild and began attending the Gathering on Wednesday evenings. It was at The Gathering that Isaiah's mom also learned about the Share and Learn Garden. Isaiah started attending Crossroads on Sundays and volunteered with the garden group. Isaiah's mom shared that it was nice for her and Isaiah to have time to be involved in something outside the home.

You see, one of their other children was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2021, and since then, their lives have been turned upside-down. They spent much of their time focused on their child fighting this life-altering disease, whose symptoms keep them mostly homebound. While Mom homeschools and cares for the kids, Dad works full-time outside the home. The timing of these opportunities for her and Isaiah perfectly coincided with the times Dad could be home with their other children. I can't even imagine the balancing act Isaiah's parents manage daily. What a blessing that our church can provide them with the community they so needed.

After attending Crossroads for a couple of weeks, Isaiah learned about another opportunity with the Heart to Heart food pantry. When asked about Heart to Heart, he said, "I got into it because I was going to youth group on Sundays, and Sarah kept saying they needed help at Heart to Heart. I finally convinced my mom to let me try it out, and I've never stopped. I started just … with the youth and now I also help with order unloading and just started doing the drive through … I really enjoy helping people and I also enjoy all the manual labor of lifting things and moving boxes and stocking. I also enjoy meeting new people."

Over the next few weeks, I was happy to meet and work with Isaiah several times. He's shown up to volunteer at two recent Mission Volunteer Workdays, on top of regularly volunteering at the garden and for many different Heart to Heart shifts every week. After working with him twice, I agree with the garden volunteer who told me, "Isaiah is the hardest working 15-year-old I have met."

As this family has been blessed by our community, their presence and involvement have also been a blessing to us. Their story is a testament to the power of community and the positive impact we can have on each other's lives.

Last names have been omitted in accordance with our

Child Safety Code of Conduct.

Governing Board Update

by April Howe, Governing Board Chair

Hello, Fellow First Community Members,

I hope you are all finding ways to stay cool while enjoying all the sunshine we've been blessed with this summer. Sunshine, music, and gatherings with friends/family feed my soul and give me energy. I'm filled with gratitude for having had the chance to experience all of those things combined into one weekend! First, a Friday night graduation party, a Saturday day trip to see our daughter compete in an Ultimate tournament, then an evening at Picnic with the Pops, and ending with a Sunday visit to Schnormeier Gardens followed by brunch with our Couple's Circle. Have you heard about the private garden in Gambier? It's only open to the public in June. It is worth the drive if you are a garden, nature, or art lover. I hope to see you at the upcoming Sunday church service, Heart to Heart volunteer shift, or Music & Mocktails! 

Now, down to business. First, I'm so thankful to have such a dedicated group of Board members to serve with! The Executive Committee met a few weeks ago to discuss our June Board meeting agenda. After discussing and outlining our business for the month, we concluded that "this meeting should be an email" (have you seen the mug or meme with that exact message?). So, regarding our Board members' time, we voted to cancel our June meeting even though we were already taking the month of July off. The next Governing Board Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 28, at 7 pm in room 102 at FC North. This doesn't mean that no meetings were happening! Finance, Personnel, and Pastor Parish Relations committees all met during June. 

Here is a brief overview:

  • You can expect a finance update for January-June sometime in July from Liz and Ginny. 
  • YTD pledge payments are $108k below budget, but we're working hard to bridge this gap. 
  • Timber sale revenue is expected from Akita, but will not be until after summer camp sessions are over. 
  • Work continues on the staff handbook, and significant progress is being made. 
  • We're currently finalizing updated language for the Child Safety Code of Conduct, Vacation and proposed Parental leave policies. 
  • A mid-year check-in goal review for our Senior Minister and updates on staff training and review procedures. 
  • Overall, our FC staff is managing expenses while creating and maintaining a full schedule of services, volunteer opportunities, meetings, and social events. These achievements are a testament to our community's dedication and hard work. 

My focus this month is how I am making time to recharge and connect with family and friends. I'm interested to know what or who fills your bucket. Feel free to send me an email

Peace & Blessings,

April Howe

First Community Foundation

Seth Stearns, Director of First Community Foundation

The Foundation Board of Trustees awarded $16,700 in grants in June that support many of the ministries and programs of First Community Church. The recently awarded grants include:

LifeCare Alliance Meals on Wheels - Under 60

Home delivered meals for those under 60 years of age and homebound.

  • Fund #54422 – The Lynne W. Ayres (Established 2004)

Music and Mocktails 

A mid-summer, intergenerational fellowship opportunity for our Older Adult Ministry scheduled for July 19, 2024.

  • Fund #54441 – Amanda Davis Fund (Established 2020) 

 Older Adult Ministry

Lunch and Learn 

Scheduled for August 20, 2024, and featuring a discussion on assistive technologies and AI (artificial intelligence) tools for older adults.

  • Fund #54441 – Amanda Davis Fund – (Established 2020)

New Round Tables for

FC North

Funds to support the purchase of new lighter weight 60-inch round tables for FC North.

  • Fund #51110 – First Community Permanent Endowment - (Established 1976) 

The Foundation awarded a grant earlier this year to purchase a replacement vehicle for Camp Akita. That vehicle was purchased this week!

Earlier this year the Foundation awarded a grant to help to support a Racial Equity Health Fair organized by The Coalition for Racial Reconciliation in partnership with Pastor Eric Brown of Woodland Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and Pastor Chris Rinker (Northwest United Methodist Church). The intention of the event was to address systemic racism and to increase equity in social systems.

A racial equity health fair was held to narrow the access gap that plagues populations of color at disproportionately higher rates. The health fair provided information, screenings and referrals to attendees. Below are a few pictures of the event.

You can participate in the vital work of the First Community Foundation and the support of the ministries of First Community by creating a fund, donating to an established fund, or remembering the Foundation in your estate planning, will, obituary, and 401(k) benefits. Planned giving is a wonderful way to support those ministries of First Community that you feel most passionate about for decades to come. Not only are your planned gifts vitally important in support of the ministries of First Community, but there may also be tax incentives available to you now and to your loved ones in the disposition of your estate.  


First Community Foundation was established in 1961 to support the future of First Community Church's programs and ministries. The Foundation is supported by immediate and planned gifts from those focusing on the future of First Community and leaving a family legacy. The Foundation assures donors that their legacy gift wishes will be honored and benefit the church.  


The impact areas supported by the First Community Foundation include:  


  • Camp Akita  
  • Facilities, landscape, and maintenance  
  • First Community Village  
  • Missions  
  • Worship & Arts  
  • Youth Programs  


Please contact Seth Stearns, Director of First Community Foundation, to explore your planned giving options. You can reach Seth by email at or (614) 488-0681.  

Congratulations Rev. Seth Stearns

and Rev. Jennifer Garvin

Rev. Seth Stearns was officially commissioned into Christian ministry on

June 16, 2024, at First Community South.

Rev. Jennifer Garvin was ordained into Christian ministry on June 30, 2024 at First Community North, Wing Grace Hall.

July 4 Closings

Welcome New Members

Jakob Gattinger and Olivia Kompa joined

First Community on Sunday, June 23.

Music and Mocktails:

A Cool Beat to the Heat!

What better way to spend time with friends of all ages than sipping on a Jim Long Island Iced Tea mocktail and taking in the sweet sounds of Grassinine under the tent! Music & Mocktails will take place on Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-7:30 pm at FC North, 3777 Dublin Rd., Columbus, OH 43221. The band, that includes FC church members, Terry Davis and Tom Krouse, will include the talents of Ebri Yahloe, featuring a song that is a collaboration between Tom and Ebri, that talks about tearing down walls. The song, that is premiering at the event, has a hip hop flavor to it, giving Grassinine a grasshopper influence!

In addition to FC signature mocktails, Donatos pizza will be served. The event will provide a multigenerational gathering to offer the community a fun way for joining in fellowship. This first-time gathering for FC is presented by the Older Adult Ministry Team and sponsored by the First Community Foundation. 

Wednesday Morning Fellowship Group

Summer Gathering

Join your First Community friends for an incredible evening at The Gathering on July 10 at FC North! We'll be featuring a powerful sermon by Glen Miles titled "The Person I'd Most Like to See in Hell," as well as uplifting music by the Common Grace band joined by Tim Carlson. And as if that wasn't enough, we'll also be serving a free dinner of delicious fried chicken, summer salads, and mouthwatering desserts. You won't want to miss out on this amazing event! See you at 5:30 pm on July 10th at FC North!

Blood Drive

Register to Give Blood Today

New Bible Study

We're excited to announce the launch of a new Bible Study, "Headline Hope: Examining the News Through the Lens of Grace and Justice," led by Rev. Dr. Glen Miles. Join Glen for an engaging and thought-provoking exploration of current events and news through the lens of grace and justice. It's happening Thursday evening, July 18 at 7 pm in Wing Grace Hall, FC North. Don't miss out on this opportunity to delve into meaningful discussions and deepen your understanding of the world around us. See you there!

Missions Updates

Click below to read the On a Mission! monthly news. In this month’s news you can find more information about:

  • First Community is part of the Northwest Partnership which just completed their thirty-seventh build for Habitat for Humanity Mid-Ohio. Read more about Habitat, the Northwest Partnership, and FCC’s long standing relationship with the organization resulting in homes for 37 Central Ohio families.
  • Check out the upcoming events in July for Heart to Heart food pantry.
  • The Refugee Ministry is gearing up to help resettled some new families this fall. Read about how to support their current and future work.
  • The Trading Post recently received a donation which resulted in thoughtful rehoming of local art.
  • The Share and Learn Garden is already harvesting fresh produce for Heart to Heart! Check out their weekly updates.
  • Read other updates from Missions including: grant awards, upcoming meetings, and notes from our mission partner organizations like Deep Griha Society.
Click Here to Read On A Mission! Newsletter

Habitat for Humanity

by Rick Greene, Mission Finance Team Member

"Build houses and live in them. Plant gardens and eat their produce."

Jeremiah 29:5

Seeking to put God’s love into action, the idea for Habitat for Humanity was first voiced at Koinonia Farm, a Christian farming community founded in 1942 in rural southwest Georgia to be a “demonstration plot for the Kingdom of God.”


In 1965, Millard Fuller, an entrepreneur and attorney, and his wife Linda made their way to Koinonia Farm (a Christian farming community founded in 1942) in rural southwest Georgia. Although a self-made millionaire by age 29, Millard’s health and marriage had begun to crumble. To save their marriage, the Fullers decided to start anew and sold all they owned, giving their money to people experiencing poverty. They landed at Koinonia Farm where they began soaking up the teachings of farmer, theologian, and community founder Clarence Jordan.


In time, Jordan and Fuller launched a program of “partnership housing,” building simple houses in partnership with rural neighbors who were too poor to qualify for conventional home loans. The first house was dedicated in 1969, and others soon followed. In 1973, the Fullers took the concept of partnership housing to Africa. Within a few years, simple concrete-block homes were replacing unhealthy mud-and-thatch homes. Millard Fuller then had the bold idea that if partnership housing could improve lives in Georgia and Zaire, why not the rest of the world?


In 1976, the Fullers returned to the United States and launched Habitat for Humanity International. By the organization’s 25th anniversary in 2001, tens of thousands had volunteered with Habitat, and more than 500,000 people had lived in Habitat homes worldwide. Mr. Fuller lived to see the organization build its 300,000th home in December 2008, but he passed away unexpectedly in February 2009. Habitat affiliates work locally in communities worldwide to select and support homeowners, organize volunteers, and coordinate house building. 

First Community Church was one of the first churches to participate with Habitat for Humanity in Central Ohio, beginning in 1987. Currently, ten churches (primarily in Northwest Franklin County) are involved. First Community itself has been involved with 37 houses.

Reflected by the program motto, “Hand up, not hand out,” homeowners are required to help with sweat equity on their own houses and the homes of others. The homeowner also has to obtain and pay a mortgage upon possession. Ninety-five percent of participants remain in their homes, and over 100 have successfully paid off mortgages over the years.


First Community Church and Habitat for Humanity—MidOhio

First Community has completed the work on its thirty-seventh house. The Badhi Family (Mom and two boys) are the proud owners of a new home they helped build in the Linden area. We can be very proud of our accomplishments as we have been involved with Habitat for Humanity since the first house they built in Columbus. The financial and volunteer contributions to this work cannot be overstated. Ned Timmons is the current representative at First Community.


Good and wise stewardship of all funds is integral to Habitat for Humanity. Donations are effectively used to further the mission of inspiring hope, building homes, empowering families, and developing communities.


If you would like more information about First Community Church, its other Mission programs, or are interested in joining the Mission Teams, please email us at

Click this link to read the above article in its entirety.

Spiritual Life & Learning Center


Poetry Pop (Nature Poetry)

  • Wednesday, July 10
  • 6-7 pm
  • Labyrinth Garden, FC North

Labyrinth Walk (Weather Dependent)

  • Wednesday, July 10
  • 7-8 pm
  • Labyrinth Garden, FC North

Connecting Conversations: An Experiential Workshop

Led by Barbara Allen

  • Saturday, July 13
  • 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • Burkhart Chapel


Ice Cream Social

  • Sunday, August 11
  • 4-5:30 pm
  • Under the Tent, FC North

Poetry Pop

(Topic TBD)

  • Wednesday, August 14
  • 6-7 pm
  • Location TBD, FC North

Introduction to the Enneagram

Presented by Connie Frecker and Lisa Bueche of the Enneagram Institute of Ohio

  • Saturday, August 17
  • 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • Burkhart Chapel

Butterfly Release

A.I. and Technologies Lunch and Learn

Join us for A.I. and Technologies, a Lunch & Learn event, scheduled for Tuesday, August 20 at 11:30am in Grace Hall at FC North. This compelling presentation from Evergold’s Daniel Seltzer will focus on how we can use and understand the technologies of today as tools to assist and improve our lives. Boxed lunch will be served. RSVP by Friday, August 16 to Jane Torbica: or (614) 488-0681, ext. 235. 

The Older Adult Ministry Team will host this event, sponsored by The First Community Foundation. 

Women's Guild Potluck and Installation

Summer is finally here and rapidly moving along! To inaugurate the beginning of the Women’s Guild Program Year, we will be holding our Annual Fall Kickoff and Installation Potluck on Wednesday, August 28 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm in Richard Wing Grace Hall at FC North (3777 Dublin Rd.) All women are encouraged to attend, whether you belong to a Guild group or not. It is a great opportunity to meet and visit with other women in the church, old friends and new, and to find out a bit more about the Women’s Guild.   

This year’s donations will go to the HOPE Recovery Center, a grassroots drop-in center off Sullivant Ave on the West Side. Individuals who are served by HOPE are primarily folks who are currently unhoused, many of whom have substance abuse or dependency issues. The program works with individuals to help them get into drug/alcohol rehabilitation treatment when they are ready, and it has a very impressive record of successfully doing so!   

Some of the suggested items needed by clients at HOPE include TRAVEL-SIZE:  

Toothpaste and Toothbrush

Soap, Deodorant

Sunscreen and Lip Ice

Hats, Gloves, and Rain Gear

Feminine Hygiene Products

Shampoo and Hair Care Products

Flashlights and Batteries

Socks and Underwear

Protein Bars

Shaving Supplies

As always, thank you for your generosity and we hope to see you at the potluck!

Register Today!

Women's Guild Women's Retreat

WHAT: Women's Retreat (Sponsored by the Women's Guild)

WHO: Women of all ages. Friends are welcome!

WHERE: Camp Akita

WHEN: October 18-20 

WHY: Unplug, refresh, socialize and enjoy God's creation

HOW: Program with Barb Davis, great meals, fellowship, free time, hikes, lakefront activities, arts and crafts, yoga, Vesper Hill worship, etc. (All activities are optional!)

Save the date and plan to attend. Watch for registration information coming soon!

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Your gift helps us live out our vision to serve the world.

Please consider a gift in memory or an honorarium to the

Church or Foundation.

Click here to securely give online.

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