Student Organization Newsletter
February 10, 2023
Need to Print Off Some Posters? We Got You!

One benefit of being an active student organization is printing. We offer 30 free sheets of printing per semester for student organizations. Looking to promote your event? Looking to just gain new members? We would be happy to assist you in this. Just send an email to with your design and the amount you want printed, and we will notify you when they are ready for pick up.
Current Active Organizations Check

Where can students find our information? We have created a public document where students can find a list of all current active student organizations. We want to encourage all officers to check their information on this document and please contact us if anything needs updated.
Spring Involvement Fair Feedback

Student Life & Campus Community enjoyed hosting the spring involvement fairs for our active student organizations! If your organization participated in this event, we would love to have your feedback to continue to make these events the best they can be. Please provide your feedback through this survey.
Student Life & Campus Community