Mom: “That’s not good….you fell off your bike and got hurt. You’re not supposed to do that.”
Dad: “You didn’t even make it to the trees. You failed at your first family bike ride.”
It doesn’t seem right, does it? That’s because parents are supposed to guide, teach, and encourage. They’re supposed to help you learn how to do your best. And most of us, when we think about the best teachers we’ve had, remember people who also helped, guided, taught, and encouraged us.
Judging is the opposite of that.
What we’re really talking about, in other words, is evaluation and assessment. The two terms are often conflated, especially within education. We’d like to suggest (as we’ve been doing for 25 years or so) that there is a meaningful difference between the two and that understanding that difference opens a world of possibilities:
While evaluation is used to judge the quality of a current performance against a set standard, the main purpose of assessment is to provide feedback that helps a person improve the quality of a future performance.
The first take was evaluation. Let’s try assessment: