The Sandy Source
Volume 29 | October 2022
City to Temporarily Stop Accepting Land Use Applications with New Sewer Connections
For the next six months, the City of Sandy will not be accepting new land use applications that propose new sewer connections, to give sewer system improvements time to catch up with the community’s growth and aging infrastructure.

This decision by the City Council at their meeting on October 3rd, 2022 enables Sandy to avoid permit violations and comply with environmental regulations that protect local watersheds. The City is taking this action in coordination with the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of ongoing enforcement proceedings under the Clean Water Act.

Sandy’s wastewater system has serious and long-standing challenges. In recent years, the City’s wastewater treatment plant has not been able to consistently treat the high volume of sewage and stormwater that flows to the plant, especially during wet weather. This leads to permit violations and intermittent pollution of Tickle Creek.

The City has been working diligently to resolve these problems under a program called Sandy Clean Waters, investing millions of dollars to upgrade wastewater collection pipes and treatment facilities. Improvements completed thus far are having their intended effect, but more work is needed.

The decision to stop accepting new land use applications that propose new sewer connections does not affect land use applications received before October 3rd when the City Council adopted Resolution 2022-24.

This decision will be reconsidered by the City in mid-2023, after a ‘stress test’ that will result in a re-rating of the wastewater treatment plant’s capacity and confirm the number of additional connections the treatment plant can process.

Sandy's Public Works Superintendent
Named Operator of the Year
Congratulations to Sandy's own Ryan Wood, who was named Operator of the Year by the Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association!

Ryan (pictured here on the left) is Sandy's Public Works Superintendent; a leadership role in which he manages the day to day operations of the City’s wastewater collection,
drinking water distribution, stormwater, and street maintenance programs.

Ryan was recognized for taking innovation, training, advocacy, and empowerment of his team to a new level. Under the City's Sandy Clean Waters wastewater improvement program, Ryan has organized and empowered his crew to self-perform smoke-testing, cleaning, mainline and lateral inspections, all in an effort to get a better sense of the operational condition of Sandy's sewer system and focus City investment dollars where they will produce the best results.

His efforts have save the City hundreds of thousands of dollars while providing opportunities for his team to gain critical skills in collection systems operations and maintenance.

Way to go, Ryan!
Apply Today: Join a City Advisory Board!
Looking for a chance to serve your community? Have thoughts or opinions on how to make our town an even better place to live? We have some fantastic opportunities for you!

The City of Sandy is now accepting applications for four of our boards and commissions. Click below to apply online today!
Budget Committee (4 open seats)
Are you interested in learning how your tax dollars are spent? Would you like to be part of the process of developing Sandy's next city budget?

The City of Sandy is seeking to fill four open seats on the Budget Committee. Composed of the seven members of the City Council and an equal number of community members, the Budget Committee reviews the two-year budget that is drafted by the Budget Officer and makes a recommendation to the City Council for final adoption. Committee members must be registered voters and live within Sandy city limits.

The Budget Committee typically meets three to four times in the spring and members serve a four year term.

Transit Advisory Board (4 open seats)
Do you love Sandy Area Metro (SAM) - Sandy's very own transit system? The Transit Advisory Board might be for you!

The Transit Advisory Board meets quarterly in March, June, September, and December on the third Wednesday of the month. This team of volunteers provides input and direction on current and long-term planning goals for Sandy Transit, and also provides ADA advocacy.

Library Advisory Board (4 open seats)
Do you love the Sandy and Hoodland public libraries and all they have to offer? We need you on the Library Advisory Board!

The purpose of the Library Advisory Board is to advise the City Council and Library Director on the development of library services, programs, and facilities to meet needs of the Sandy and Hoodland Library Service Areas. The board has been working hard to garner more support for our libraries and the LINCC Library District. We could use your help!

Economic Development Advisory Board (4 open seats)
We're looking for volunteers with extensive business experience in any field to join the Economic Development Advisory Board - a group of local business leaders that works to help make Sandy the preferred place for business in east Clackamas County!

The role of the Economic Development Advisory Board is to advise the City Council on issues including business recruitment and retention, grant programs and other development incentives, and strategic planning for economic development in the community. The board is currently assisting with the creation of Sandy's first official economic development strategic plan. It also regularly gives advice on policy decisions before the City Council, changes to the Sandy municipal code, and strategies for expanding and improving Sandy's business community. 

Weigh In On Sandy's Future
After a very successful Future Fest event, we're following up with two more opportunities for our community to weigh in on what the future of our town should look and feel like in the decades to come. Thanks for sharing your input!
Envision Sandy 2050
Sandy's comprehensive plan update project, Envision Sandy 2050, is off to a great start! Thanks to everyone who has engaged so far in the community visioning process - over the last six months we have had over 1,000 interactions with Sandy residents and business owners through community conversations, events, and online tools.

The visioning process asked: "what do you love about Sandy today, and what do you want to preserve for the future?" The Envision Sandy 2050 Vision statement (a draft is in shown in the image to the right) synthesizes the key themes and ideas uncovered through this outreach. This vision statement will lay the foundation for new goals and policies in the City’s Comprehensive Plan.

Please take a moment to review the draft Envision Sandy 2050 Vision Statement and take the survey to let us know if we're on the right track! Thank you for sharing your voice!
Transportation System Plan
We've been working on updating Sandy's Transportation System Plan, and we're conducting a new survey to collect community input on which transportation projects should be prioritized over the next 20 years.

Your participation in this survey will help City staff, the Planning Commission, and the City Council plan for vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle projects throughout Sandy. Collecting input and support for the projects we complete is an important part of the process in determining what should be funded.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this Transportation System Plan survey!
Trick or Treat Trail 2022
Saturday October 29th 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
It's almost that time again!

The Sandy Area Chamber of Commerce’s Trick-or-Treat Trail, sponsored by Sandy’s Helping Hands, is returning Saturday, October 29th!

This year's trail will run through downtown Sandy from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Look for the door sign at local business to know who is participating.

While the Trick or Treat is always a favorite for kids, it's also a great opportunity for grownups to get out and about downtown and discover all the fantastic local businesses we have here in town!

Maps will be available for pick up by Friday, October 28th at AntFarm Café, the Sandy Historical Museum, and the The UPS Store.

See you out there!
Mountain Storm Youth Basketball is Back!
Brought to you by Sandy Parks and Recreation, Mountain Storm youth basketball is back for 3rd through 6th graders!

Practices will start before winter break and games will begin in the middle of January 2023.

Are you interested in being a coach? We have coaching opportunities available too! 

Registration is live now – the deadline to register is October 28th, so don't delay!

Late registrations are only accepted where space is available; no refunds after the first game.
Sandy, Oregon: Bee City USA
You might notice a new sign on your drive into town!

In late September, staff from our Planning Division and Parks and Recreation Department, along with City Councilor Carl Exner, unveiled a sign announcing Sandy's status as a Bee City USA affiliate!

Sandy became a Bee City in 2021 with the goal of enhancing understanding among local government staff and the public about the vital role that pollinators play and what each of us can do to support and encourage healthy pollinator habitat creation and enhancement.

Bee City USA is facilitated by The Xerces Society, and affiliate cities like Sandy have made commitments to protecting pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

Photo credit: Sandy Post/Brittany Allen
Current Land Use Applications
Here's the latest in our comprehensive database of active land use applications, complete with links to public meetings, documents, plans, maps, explanatory videos, staff reports, and other materials! You'll also find links to opportunities to take part in the decision-making process by submitting your own testimony.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Upcoming Public Meetings
Be a part of the process! Members of the public are always welcome at meetings of the City Council and other boards and commissions.

Get meeting details and learn more about the variety of ways you can participate by visiting our online meeting portal.

Mark your Calendars:
  • Parks and Trails Advisory Board: October 12th
  • City Council: October 17th

Click the image below to access Sandy's full public meeting calendar with date and time details, and learn more about everything your city government is doing to serve you!
City of Sandy - Meeting Schedule

Click here to see past, current and future meetings in our community.

Read more
City of Sandy, Oregon | Visit the City Website