Links for men's singles tournament line-up (corrected)

Dear members,

An error was brought to my attention pertaining the men's singles lineup links. The correct links to men's singles A division lineup is:

And the B Division:

In other news, we are also planning a lunch time BBQ next Saturday to celebrate the closing of the tournament. Registration is not open yet but will be open in the days leading up to and including Sep 17th so no need to rush or worry about reserving your spot. We will have room for all, and the more the merrier!  More details to follow next week!

Please email if you have any questions.

Have a great weekend!


Hélène Anido

Thank you to our wonderful sponsors. Click their logos to find out more!
Stay safe! We look forward to seeing everyone out on the courts. Reach out to us with any questions or concerns and we'll get back to you,

Hélène Anido & Morgan Wark

Rockcliffe Lawn Tennis Club
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