September 2, 2022
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SRPC staff enjoy an outing at Ellacoya State Park (Photo Credit: SRPC). |
As I sit here with my window open today, I feel a fall crisp in the air. This has me looking forward to all the quintessential fall activities and treats, and I may just go grab a pumpkin iced coffee once I finish this intro. Please join me in my excitement for one of the most beautiful times of the year in our granite state!
Here at SRPC we are in the outreach phase of working with the towns of Strafford and Barrington on their master plans, finalizing tax maps for the City of Somersworth, and are working with our transportation committees to score candidate Ten-Year Plan projects.
In this issue you will find information on SRPC's latest article to be featured in Town and City magazine, funding opportunities in our grant corner, our upcoming Resiliency Roundtable, UNH's carbon footprinting certification program, planning events of interest, an open data collection intern position, NH CAW's '22 NH Climate Summit, public input opportunities including our Housing Forum and community happenings.
Until Next Month,
Shayna Sylvia
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SRPC’s Latest Article
Grant Corner
Register: SRPC's Sept. Resiliency Roundtable
UNH Offers Carbon Footprinting Certificate
Planning Events of Interest
Staff News: Hiring for Data Collection Intern
Join NHCAW for its ‘22 NH Climate Summit
Public Input Opportunities
Community Happenings
| Senior communications and outreach planner Shayna Sylvia leads a map exercise during the municipal RHNA workshop. (SRPC photo) | View from Ellacoya State Park. (SRPC photo) | |
"How Much Housing Do We Need? New Hampshire’s Regional Housing Needs Assessments" in the Sept/Oct edition of New Hampshire Town and City
SRPC Executive Director Jennifer Czysz spearheaded an article in the most recent edition of "New Hampshire Town and City" focusing on the Regional Housing Needs Assessment projects being completed by each respective regional planning commission (RPC) in the state.
This article details the importance of this project considering the current housing crisis, explains the outreach and approaches each RPC is taking in the process of updating their RHNA, and offers insight into preliminary data analysis on existing conditions, trends and current housing needs.
It also addresses future housing needs and how the RHNAs will elaborate on this when they are completed for December 2022.
Read the entire article online.
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Community Grants Program | Unrestricted Grants - Sept. 30
The NH Charitable Foundation's Unrestricted Grants Program is now accepting applications through Sept. 30.
This competitive grant program awards unrestricted grants that support an organization’s general operations as a whole rather than a particular project or capacity-building effort. This program was formerly called ‘Operating Grants.’
Eligible entities include:
- Municipal, County or State Government
- Public, Charter and Private schools
- Religious organizations, unless all services being funded are non-discriminatory, non-sectarian and benefit the larger community
- Hospitals
- Colleges and Universities
Learn more.
Land Conservation Transaction Costs in the Coastal Watershed Grants - Due Oct. 6, 2022
Grant applications are now available for the Great Bay Resource Protection Partnership’s Fall 2022 Land Protection Transaction Grant Program.
The Fall 2022 grant round will assist with transaction costs for land protection projects within the coastal watershed area of New Hampshire & Maine.
Qualified nonprofit tax-exempt 501(c)(3) conservation organizations, municipalities and units of government may apply for a grant.
Grant application instructions and application form are available on the GBRPP website.
For more information, contact Dea Brickner-Wood ~ GBRPP, Great Bay Coordinator.
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Register now: SRPC's Sept. Resiliency Roundtable | |
As part two of its Resiliency Roundtable focused on "Protecting Our Local Food Systems", SRPC will host Theresa Walker, Amy Manzelli, and Ellen Karelitz on Friday, Sept. 23 from 1:00-2:30 p.m.
Theresa and Amy will present on the Local Regulation of Agriculture Toolkit, followed by Ellen, one of the Wagon Hill Community Garden founders, speaking about the gardens success and how others can start up a community garden.
This is a virtual event and interested participants can register via Zoom.
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UNH Offers Carbon Footprinting Certificate | |
Through its professional development and training programs UNH is offering carbon footprinting certification in its "critical role to play in addressing global sustainability challenges like climate change."¹
This certification is in response to sustainability assessment skills such as carbon footprinting being increasingly in demand professionally, as more corporations and institutions make public commitments to sustainability and carbon reduction goals.
To receive certification interested parties must complete three required courses and one elective. An opportunity to do so will take place between Sept. 8 and Dec. 8.
The courses include:
- Introduction to Carbon Footprinting | Sept. 8 or 22, Live online
- Carbon Footprinting: Data Collection and Calculations | Oct. 20, Live online
- Interpreting and Communication your Carbon Footprint Results | Nov. 17, Live online
With the following elective being offered:
- Calculating Your Scope 3 Carbon Footprint | Dec. 8, Live online
Learn more online.
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2022 Salt Symposium – Tuesday, Sept. 13, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Join the Snow and Ice Management Association (SIMA) and the NH Department of Environmental Services for its annual Salt Symposium event at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway on Sept. 13.
This event is geared towards snow and ice management managers, operators, and municipalities from around the region.
All attendees will enjoy presentations by State Climatologist Dr. Mary Stampone, who will discuss the changes occurring and what to expect in the future that will impact snow and ice management professionals, and a talk on "Getting the Green Snow Pro message across."
Attendees can then choose a track which best aligns with their role. To register, or to learn more visit
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Exeter Community Walking Tour | Housing Hiding in Plain Sight – Thursday, Sept. 15, 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Join NH Planners Association and partners at the Town of Exeter, NH, Rockingham Planning Commission and Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast for a walking tour of Exeter highlighting "Housing Hiding in Plain Sight."
This 1.5 mile guided tour will feature discussion from housing experts and local data from municipal officials. Attendees will explore everything from multi-family developments to a cluster of single-family homes – all right downtown.
After the tour, attendees are invited to continue the discussion at an informal happy hour hosted by the Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast at the Seadog Brewing Company just steps away from the Town Hall.
Register at
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Connect to Protect | NH Coastal Watershed Conservation Plan: Upcoming Virtual Workshops – Sept. 20, Sept. 30 and Oct. 4
During these one-hour virtual trainings, participants will learn about the 2021 NH Coastal Watershed Conservation Plan, which identifies conservation focus areas (natural lands that protect water quality, provide wildlife habitat, and reduce flood damage) as well as priority agricultural resources (areas of productive and resilient farmland).
Workshop facilitators will show attendees how to access the plan's maps, use the information presented in the plan , and will highlight opportunities for assistance to help move land conservation planning and projects forward.
This training is geared towards municipal staff and volunteer boards in the
New Hampshire coastal watershed (see map), land trust staff and board members, natural resource professionals, and interested residents.
Those interested should register for one of the three available time slots for the training, Sept. 20 at noon, Sept. 30 at 9 a.m., or Oct. 4 at 4:30 p.m.
Learn more from the event flyer, or register online.
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Access to Nature and Economy – Thursday, Oct. 6, 11 a.m.
Join the City of Rochester, UNH Cooperative Extension, and the Granite Outdoor Alliance for "Access to Nature and Economy." This interactive panel and walking tour will kick-off at City Hall and is intended to explore how access to nature supports a community’s economy and quality of life.
The panel will feature local business perspectives, municipal staff, and community volunteers working on economic development and conservation, and is followed by a brief walking tour to see spaces where Rochester is working to improve access to nature as part of its economic development work. The tour will be held rain or shine.
Registration is free but space is limited. Questions can be directed to Dr. Shannon Rogers.
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SRPC Hires for Temporary Data Collection Intern
Strafford Regional Planning Commission seeks a temporary Data Collection Intern to support transportation planning activities. This position provides an opportunity to work with a collaborative team focused on using technology and data to inform regional and statewide decision-makers. The successful candidate will assist SRPC’s Planning Technician and Senior Transportation Planner with data collection and analysis.
Learn more.
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Join the NH Coastal Adaptation Workgroup Invites You to Join the 2022 NH Climate Summit | |
Dates: Sept. 28 and 29
Times: Session 1 (Virtual | Sept. 28, 1:00-4:30 p.m.), Session 2 (Virtual | Sept. 29, 9 a.m. - noon), and Session 3 (In-person | 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.)
Location: Virtual and in-person (Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, 89 Depot Rd., Greenland, NH)
Intended Audience: Volunteer boards and staff in NH municipalities; researchers and students; technical assistance providers; state agency staff; elected officials; interested residents and community leaders; and natural resource professionals
Meeting details: Available on the CAW website.
Registration Link:
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The NH Coastal Adaptation Workgroup (CAW) will hold its 2022 Climate Summit over the course of three sessions and two days, and it will consist of both virtual and in-person presentations and networking opportunities.
Keynote speaker Kristin Marcell, Director of the Climigration Network, will be kicking off the summit by sharing lessons learned from ongoing efforts to implement the principles in Lead with Listening: A Guidebook for Community Conversations on Climate Migration.
Over the course of the summit participants will:
- Hear about recent and emerging research related to climate impacts and community resilience in New Hampshire
- Learn about coastal NH community actions to understand and adapt to climate impacts, with an emphasis on transferrable examples, resources, and lessons learned
- Be motivated to act on what they learned – e.g., share information or resources with a colleague, use a resource in their work, follow up with a new connection, etc.
As an added bonus, SRPC regional planner Autumn Scott will be presenting on the Dover Equity project and how its process and outcomes can be replicated for other projects.
Learn more.
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Date: Monday, Sept. 26
Time: 3-5 p.m.
Location: SRPC Conference 1A, 150 Wakefield St., Rochester, NH
Intended Audience: Housing authority and workforce housing reps, developers, property management and landlords, social service providers, real estate professionals, legislators, and members of the public.
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Join Strafford Regional Planning Commission for a Housing Forum to take place on Monday, Sept. 26 at 3 p.m. in Conference Room 1A at the SRPC Office.
This outreach opportunity will complement the workshop held for municipal planners and representatives on Aug. 16, and will allow SRPC to gather important feedback on housing needs, barriers and opportunities to inform its Regional Housing Needs Assessment.
We hope you will join us! RSVP at
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"Images of the Past...The Thom Hindle Collection"
The Art Center
Sept. 3 - 30
10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Visit the Art Center in Dover during the month of September to enjoy Thom Hindle's curated collection featuring photographs Hindle reproduced from original glass negatives representing the works of local and Boston area photographers that have never been exhibited before.
Focusing this exhibit on the years 1900 through the 1950s, Hindle chose to display a variety of themes.
Learn more online, and save the date for his in-person book signing of his new release “Dover, N.H. Through Time Volume Two” on Saturday, September 10th, 6-9 PM.
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Granite State Fair
Rochester Fairgrounds
Sept. 15-18 & 22-25
Various Times
The Granite State Fair, formerly the Rochester Fair, is opening September 15 through September 25 with a renewed focus on agriculture, over-the-top entertainment with the famous school bus derby and the only Circus Hollywood experience in New England. This will be an opportunity for families to make memories for years to come.
Learn more.
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Strafford Regional Planning Commission
150 Wakefield Street, Suite 12
Rochester, NH 03867
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