Tuesday Tasks
Your weekly update from the
Catholic Schools Office

February 7, 2023
Response Needed/To Do Tasks
  • Thank you to all the principals and directors for helping to clean up your VIRTUS lists and make sure all your employees are compliant. We will need to do this every year! If the list you received on 1/30/23 says an employee is missing training – but you don’t see any training missing – have the employee reach out to Don Stubbings. More than likely it is time for them to do a refresher course with Protecting God’s Children and he can get that assigned to them. IF you have names of past employees still on your list – send the names to Don and ask him to remove them from your school list.  
  • All Principals, Deans and Directors need to complete your proposed school calendar for 2023-24 by February 28th. Proposed Calendars can be found in your school/center folder. Here you can find the directions for completing your school calendar. After February 28th the CSO will let you know if your calendar has been approved.  
  • Please use this updated Teacher Evaluation Form for your Summative Teacher Evaluations. Every teacher in your building needs to have at least one summative teacher evaluation completed each year. Schools that have vice principals could assist with evaluations, however, the principal of the school needs to do the evaluation of the new teachers in the building and any teacher you are concerned about or thinking of not renewing. Evaluations need to be completed before a contract for the 2023-2024 school year can be offered.   
  • Kerry is looking for school staff who might be interested in reading the Prayers of the Faithful and taking up the Offertory for EMF Day March 10th. Please ask your staff if anyone is interested and let Kerry know:
  • The Climate/Leadership Survey participation rate is down by almost 50%.  Ten of our schools have not had anyone participate in the survey. Please make sure you have sent the Climate/Leadership Survey 2022-2023 to your parents, teachers, and advisement council members this week. We would like to have this information by February 15. 
  • Principals, please be sure that you are checking your Nonpublic Registration LEA Verification.. This is on-going until February 28th, so be sure to check regularly so you can address any issues promptly. You should have provided all LEAs that are listed with a list of students from their district. Information should include – student grade and address. Names need not be provided. LEAs should be verifying and accepting your information. If they have declined something, there should be notes on the registration to guide you in fixing the problem. 
Meeting Reminders
SE POD Meeting
February 7 - 1:00 - CSO
SW POD Meeting
February 8 - 1:00 - CSO
Early Ed Meeting
February 15 - 1:00 - Zoom
Local PD Day
February 17