• Attendance: 71: 28 Minister Members; 25 Ruling Elders; 1 Corresponding Member; 14 guests; 3 presbytery staff.
• Motion prevailed to approve the Consent Agenda after removing item #11 - To conduct the September 2022 presbytery meeting in person and the December 2022 meeting via Zoom. Motion failed to hold an in person meeting in December 2022. The December 2022 meeting will be held via Zoom.
• Kori Robbins delivered the sermon; scripture Deuteronomy 34: 1-12.
• Revs Frank & Trina Lewis, First-Salem and Kori Robbins, candidate for pastor of First -Mineral Ridge, were welcomed.
• The report of the 225th General Assembly: TE Fritz summarized his committee work on the Standing Rules Committee; and then went on to share a very moving document from the Race & Gender Justice Committee, an offering of apology to African Americans for the sin of slavery and its legacy. Read RGJ-08. RE John Pogue summarized his committee work on the Addressing Violence in the USA Committee and shared statistics particularly involving gun violence. Read VIOL-07 to read more about the work of the committee. Additionally, Cathy Ulrich and Diane Eliser shared their impressions of attending in person and virtually.
• Per Capita update: The General Assembly portion of per capita will increase 87 cents in 2023, from $8.98 to $9.85. Although GA per capita has increased over the years, presbytery has not passed these increases onto the churches and has kept per capita at $32. The AMC committee will make recommendation for the 2023 per capita rate at the December meeting. The synod portion of per capita will remain at $3.25 for 2023.
• On behalf of the committee, TE Richard Lapehn reported that the search for our new General Presbyter and Stated Clerk is progressing. Interviews and follow up conversations are taking place. The presbytery was asked to continue to pray for the committee.
• TE Debby Dockstader, TE Sue Francis, and TE David Aber were recognized for celebrating ordination anniversaries this year.
• TE Debby Dockstader and TE Steve Stelle presided over communion.
•Chip Hardwick, Synod of the Covenant Executive, was in attendance and reported about the work of the synod and upcoming workshops. Details at synodofthecovenant.org
• COM - Action for presbytery:
Motion prevailed to exempt officer term limits for Session, Board of Deacons, and Trustee Committee for 2023 for Kinsman Presbyterian Church.
Motion prevailed to increase the Minimum Terms of Call to $46,640 (a 6% increase). COM further recommends that churches consider a 6% increase for the pastor/CRE for cost-of-living expenses in 2023. Read the full recommendation, rationale, and see where Eastminster ranks in minimum terms of call with surrounding presbyteries HERE.
Motion prevailed to sustain the examination of Kori Robbins, following questions from the floor, and move her to ordination and installation as pastor of First Presbyterian, Mineral Ridge. Welcome Kori!
Motion prevailed to appoint an AC to Ordain and Install Kori Robbins as pastor of First, Mineral Ridge, September 18 at 2:00 p.m. in the sanctuary of the church.
• The designated offering will be directed to Full Spectrum Community Outreach - Mahoning Valley's LGBTQIA+ Center. The Center is helping to build an inclusive Mahoning Valley where LGBTQIA+ people thrive as healthy, equal, and complete members of society. We will continue to accept offering gifts through the month of September using the Presbytery Payment Portal – Presbytery Meeting Offering or Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement app on their smart phone. Instructions for both giving methods can be found on the presbytery website (www.eastminsterpresbytery.org).
• RE Mary Ann Bromley pronounced the Benediction and adjourned the meeting