Hello everyone,

With three main frequencies bombarding our Earth, we continue with this shakeup and stabilization process hopefully choosing the best mental, emotional and yes even physical nourishment that we can each access.

The first main frequency is that green healing ray that is rebalancing all of our limited, fragmented and divisive mental paradigms which of course always influence our emotional states. As we heal from mental fragmentation and division, this flows into healing on emotional and physical levels as the system of infusion and flooding always does.

And so, the next major frequency is this massive unconditional love infusion that so many are now understanding is the key to all healing of all human wounds. Being in the frequency of Love also helps to keep us stable through times of massive upheaval as it is in the silence of the waves of pure love that all wisdom can be revealed. The deeper we stabilize in the pure love zone the more the bigger picture paradigms can be triggered as love is the fertilizing frequency for all revelation.

With revelation and bigger picture awareness comes liberation from many human limitations and so the third frequency bombarding our world now is the 7th ray of Spiritual Freedom with its violet light spectrum of transformation.

3 waves covering 4 different versions of Earth or zones of operation, with each zone revealed from within the Unified Field by our ability to match the frequency field of each zone.

Some now live in what they call the Shambala or Heaven on Earth Matrix or zone, others oscillate between all four, unable to stay stable as they keep being mesmerized by the external flow of events. Still stabilization through choice and mastery is an amazing initiation that we all are undergoing and have the skills to apply and master.

The Light Beings say that the human mind and heart has now created 5 distinct versions of Earth with the first one correlating to the Dark Ages almost where the game of being victims and blaming and living deep in duality continues on - eventually delivering wisdom and virtues to all who choose to dwell there. This Earth will fade away with its zone no longer being accessible as Gaia continues her ascension journey.

That leaves 4 more Earth versions, with the majority of people now anchored more in the version that reflects the Alpha brain wave patterning that being open-hearted and open-minded can anchor us all in for so many now long for more unity and peace.

The next Earth zone or version has those anchored deeper and more consistently in the Alpha-Theta Brian wave pattern that the Unified field responds to by revealing more coherence, more Grace and more peace to the frequency holder. This is the being love zone where the majority of our human wounds have been healed through various methodology.

The next zone is the zone of true liberation or freedom where our Essence nature consistently dominates our existence and we trust and are guided by the voice of the Master within.

And then we have the final version of Earth that is part of an intergalactic civilization, an ascended Earth whose people live deep in the Unified realms.

And so the game of conscious choice, conscious fine-tuning, conscious stabilization goes on as we all apply the wisdom we have learnt for so long until it becomes an experiential truth that is reflected by which zone we find ourselves anchored in.

At the Embassy of Peace we continue to offer our programs for fine-tuning as do so many in our world!

Enjoy the journey everyone! ❤️

Biggest hugs Jasmuheen and Anjie.

The Great Reset and Ascension - 8 Dynamic Questions and Answers with Jasmuheen for Star People Magazine in Japan.

(1) Please briefly explain about the Great Reset Time, our personal and global ascension path.

We have entered into a time of the dawning of a new way of being on earth that is being created by the deepest heart’s desire of the human life way. The Great Reset is a time of upgrading all systems of operation on earth so that they eventually operate for the highest good of all!

(2) What is the Freedom Matrix?

The Freedom Matrix is a vibrational zone of revelation where certain higher abilities that are natural abilities are revealed to everyone once our personal keynote hits a certain resonance. Our personal keynote is the sum total of how our 4 bodies – physical, emotional, mental and etheric – vibrate. Once we hit this frequency spectrum this matrix blossoms fully within us to free us from all human hungers and limitations to reveal the truth of who we really are as vast multi-dimensional beings!

Are there some types of matrices in this world?

Yes, there are so many as a matrix is an etheric system of energy pulsation like what we see with the ley lines that intersect to form grid points or chakras like the Pyramids and all the sacred places on earth. Our body is hardwired to this matrix as well through the Law of One.

(3) Why is the Freedom Matrix particularly necessary for people and the planet?

Click here to read the full article

The Four Agreements - Life Tips and a gentle reminder ...

1. Be Impeccable With Your Word

Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

2. Don't Take Anything Personally

Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

3. Don't Make Assumptions

Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

4. Always Do Your Best

Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.

~ written by Don Miguel Ruiz

So wonderful to be joining Dr Steven Greer and others at the below upcoming Congress where I will be sharing on "Our Light Being Friends and our Intergalactic family - strengthening our Contact channels".

For more data on this click here!

For the link to the speakers click here!

The Joy of Being in Form plus Ascension coding - Jasmuheen In English and Spanish

In this video, taken from Jasmuheen's Live Zoom Meeting in Mexico, a person shares about how they don't want to come back into form once they have left their body - this is Jasmuheen's response where she also shares powerful Ascension Coding to discover the joy of Being Human and in form.

You can enjoy this gathering at this link

BELOW VIDEO - Remembering past lives plus Heartfelt Coding - Relembrando vidas passadas e codificação - Jasmuheen - in English and Portuguese ... Relembrando vidas passadas e codificação sincera - Jasmuheen - em inglês e português - Adicionamos isso separadamente, pois inclui uma poderosa codificação sincera - trecho de seu Live Zoom Gathering no Brasil agosto de 2022. Link to this event.

Forgetting and Remembering - past lives and more - Jasmuheen - in English and Portuguese. We add this separately as it includes powerful heartfelt coding - excerpt from her Live Zoom Gathering in Brazil August 2022. Link to this event.

Additional Video Insights

 VIDEO - Source Feeding Update

Jasmuheen sharing with her Live Zoom gathering in Brazil with an update on Source Feeding plus simple methodology and coding to support this.

In English with Portuguese translation.

Join us for this wonderful gathering at this link.

With so many amazing souls completing their Earth Contracts and dropping form, here are some wonderful insights that Dolores Cannon received from taking people deep into hypnosis to remember life between lives and more ... also a playlist link to other people's Near Death Experiences ...

The following has been taken from their Facebook page

What happens to the soul after death? Anything you want!

Most people assume reincarnation works in a linear sense but it doesn’t. Time isn’t linear. Time doesn’t even exist. It’s just part of the illusion of physical reality. Everything that’s ever happened or ever will happen is happening simultaneously. So that means, if you want to get technical, somewhere, on some level, you’re already dead. You never actually left ‘Heaven’. You merely dream that you have.

So, here’s a list of things you can do after you wake up from your ‘life dream’ that you might not know about.

⭐️ You can experience the life review where you study the lifetime you just lived from another perspective.

⭐️ You can relive the same life over again in another reality as if you had never died. (In another parallel reality version of yourself.)

⭐️ You can relive and re-experience the same life, from the beginning, as many times as you want only slightly different each time. (That’s what your alt-selves in other alt-realities are doing.)

⭐️ You can watch over your still incarnated loved ones and wait for them to finish their ‘dream’, then plan your next incarnation together.

⭐️ You can choose to be a soul guide, and help guide others during their incarnations.

⭐️ You can choose to attend schools that only exist in the higher dimensions.

⭐️ You can choose to incarnate into an alien civilization on another planet, in any reality you desire.

⭐️ You can explore the entire galaxy as an energetic being.

⭐️ You can join whole communities that exist on the other side where you can all co-create together. Some can even create entire physical realities together.

So try not to get too caught up in the “I don’t want to come back!” feeling that may pop up occasionally. You knew what you were getting yourself into.

✨ Remember that you truly wanted to be here, otherwise you’d be doing other things right now. You’ve got plenty of options for next time. ✨

I have also enjoyed listening to so many near death experiences from this YouTube Channel and yes, while many seem to have religious interpretations it is also wonderful just to hear what people experienced.

I particularly enjoyed this one - they write on YT this "NDE was sent in to the channels email by a man who describes his own unique journey to the other side, meeting beings of light and then Jesus and the knowledge he gained about why we are here." Click here to watch.

Our Upcoming LIVE ZOOM Gatherings in Zurich, France and Romania

Remember that our Live Zoom Events will be filmed LIVE and then offered for access after the event so that those who tuned in live can re-listen and those who couldn’t join us can still enjoy what we shared …

The below dates are for our next events ...

  1. 10th-11th September 2022 - Zurich - 2 day intensive in English and German. More details.
  2. 1st-2nd October- France - Live zoom event - En anglais et en français. More details.
  3. 29th-30th October 2022 - Romania - More data.

Past Events and Courses in Other languages -

Join our Podia platform for updates & insights on our Freedom series online courses plus so much more!

Enjoy our easy links ...