Keep McIntosh Beautiful

"Working Together

for a Clean, Green and

Beautiful McIntosh County"

Newsletter DECEMBER 2023

WELCOME! You are receiving this newsletter as a KMB member, friend, volunteer or supporter to stay updated on KMB news, events, and volunteer opportunities. YOU make KMB activities possible, and through your actions every day, you help keep our community clean, green, and beautiful. THANK YOU!

Have yourself a merry green Christmas!


is Feb.10, 2024! TICKETS ON SALE NOW!

Get your tickets today for FEBRUARY 10, 2024! You won’t want to miss our annual fundraiser! We sell out every year!

Ticket price ($60) includes oyster, clam and BBQ dinner, dessert and beer/wine open bar. We’ll have a Silent Auction! Entertainment by Michael Hulett! Wine/Whiskey Toss!

Shrimp Raffle! $2 each. 3 for $5… Get shrimp raffle tickets from any Board member or call KMB at 912.289.1083. 3 chances for 25lbs of sweet wild GA shrimp from Shell Creek Seafood. 







Let’s all pitch in and give our beautiful county a Christmas gift of clean roadsides! KMB is issuing a call to residents, businesses, churches and organizations throughout McIntosh County to pick up litter during the month of December, wherever they are located.

Organize a pickup in your neighborhood or along your street. Get a group of friends and organize a pop-up pickup in a problem spot you’ve noticed. For those on main roads, make a point of picking up along your road frontage. And all our Adopt-A-Highway volunteers, coordinate your efforts and make this one of your regular times to pick-up.

And most important of all - be good for goodness’ sake! Dispose of your litter properly and cover any loads in your pick-up truck to prevent accidental litter. Let’s KEEP MCINTOSH CLEAN AND BEAUTIFUL and make it sparkle for the Holidays!

*Call 912.289.1083 or email me if you’d like to borrow some supplies. Safety vests, trash grabbers, etc. 

They accepted the challenge! THE DECEMBER ROADSIDE CLEANUP CHALLENGE! Seven Tolomato Island Community volunteers picked up their adopted mile along Hwy 99, as well as a dirt access road behind it. Altogether, they collected 25 bags of trash and litter, along with 4 tires, numerous auto parts, and a TV. Participants included Pamela Flowers, Julia Vaughn, Julie Sowell, Susan Fardy, George Bigham, Annette Fennell and Scott Fennell. THANK YOU!

Meet Cheryl at Champney!!!

“I know this is short notice but l'm planning to accept the KMB DECEMBER CHALLENGE and pick up trash at Champney River Park and Ramp TODAY (Tuesday 12th) around 10:30 or 11:00. Even if no one else shows up I plan to do it myself. That Tolomato group was inspiring!” Tracy Sanford met Cheryl Shedd at Champney, along with Ken Mauney. Ken had just seen it on a Shellman Facebook group site and got his trash grabber and bucket and headed out the door. He said he helped build this back in 1981 and remembers watching the very first space shuttle from "this area" right here. Lots of trash! Bottles, cans, rope, styrofoam...

Reuse, reduce, recycle… re-gift?

It’s regarded as rude or sometimes offensive, but those are the ways of the past. The best re-gifts are books. If you truly love a book, why not pass it on so that more people can read it? Re-gifting old gifts can be a way to make someone happy and to be sustainable, since keeping things you don’t need is just a waste of space.



Wowser! The community showed up BIG for KMB’s annual Recycling Event! A record breaking 62 vehicles came through, some pulling trailers. Thanks to McIntosh County Middle School for allowing us to have the event right there at their convenient drive-through. We took in several fluorescent tubes to take to Savannah for recycling. A huge round of applause to Sensible Recycling out of Jacksonville for sending Austin to collect electronics. He was a rock star! Computers, TVs OF ALL SIZES, printers, batteries, laptops, copy machines, VCRs & DVD players, a keyboard… Kudos to Waste Management for the large dumpster for unusable household goods. Mostly old mattresses and broken, unfixable furniture. Thank you to Southern Metals Recycling for supplying the container for scrap metal. People were able to drop off refrigerators, wine cooler, old stoves, broken iron beds, a basketball goal, lawn furniture. We're GRATEFUL to the volunteers that showed up, gloved up, and worked hard helping people unload. YOU ARE APPRECIATED!

We'll be giving away FREE live OAK seedlings at

Darien's Second Saturday Jan.13!


Second Saturday, Jan.13, 2024

Darien Tree Seedling Giveaway

Saturday, FEBRUARY 10, 2024



Hudson Creek Lodge. 5-8 PM

KMB needs your support and your volunteer participation. Please join us or renew your membership for 2023-24 TODAY! It's easy to do on our website, with a downloadable form or with PayPal.

Keep McIntosh Beautiful is a volunteer-based, self-funded 501(c)3 non-profit affiliate of Keep America Beautiful and the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation, but we receive no funds from either organization or financial support from any government entity.

Individual and local business support is VITAL for our operation and to fund KMB activities for Litter Prevention and Control; Recycling, Education; Beautification Projects & Abandoned Buildings Removal Assistance Program, benefitting Darien & McIntosh County.

Thank you!  


Adopt A Highway, Park or Spot!

A big thanks to all of our Adopt A Highway/Park/Spot volunteers

in Darien and throughout the county. There are still plenty of miles and places needing some TLC. Please consider making this a

way you help keep our community clean and green.


Working Together For A Clean, Green & Beautiful McIntosh County!

KMB is an independent, self-funded 501(c)3 non-profit registered in the state of Georgia, with a volunteer Board of Directors and part-time Executive Director. KMB has no connection to city or county government and receives no support from either. Beginning as a grassroots organization in the 1960s to improve the appearance of McIntosh County, Keep McIntosh Beautiful became an affiliate of national organization Keep America Beautiful, with the mission of engaging individuals and businesses to take greater responsibility for improving our community surroundings.

HOW DO WE DO IT? Education in the Schools. Adopt-A-Highway, Park or Spot Program. Litter Control. Land and Water CleanUps. Beautification Projects. Recycling Education and Events. Scholarships. "Georgia’s Coast Is Not An Ashtray" and other awareness campaigns, and the Abandoned Buildings Program (ABP) launched in 2016 to address a problem common in many rural areas - abandoned and dilapidated mobile homes and other structures. The goals of the ABP are to improve the appearance of our community by helping owners remove unsafe, unhealthy derelict structures from their properties, and in doing so make land available for a good new use.

How does the ABP work? Briefly…

*OWNERS apply for financial assistance with removal of a structure(s) from their McIntosh County property.

*TO BE ELIGIBLE, the structure must be vacant, unlivable/unusable and beyond repair.

*The structure is evaluated and scored on criteria that includes degree of blight/safety concerns, high visibility within the community, whether the removal will improve the street or neighborhood significantly, and whether the property has been cited for removal by the City Codes Enforcement or been ordered to be removed by the local courts.

*If an application is approved, KMB gets a “total cost” quote from the community service-minded contractor we work with who provides a discounted price for demolition, hauling and disposal.

*KMB offers the owner a cash grant (typically 30-50% of the total cost) and the owner is responsible for the remaining share of the total cost.

*The metal carriages of mobile homes are taken to a local metal recycler and other materials are salvaged and/or recycled (fixtures, paneling, etc.) as it is possible and SAFE to do.

The structures we have typically been involved in helping owners remove have had little to no potential for salvage. Several have been condemned and even abandoned for many decades, with little of value left, especially in mobile homes. Unfortunately, the ABP is usually the last resort for owners in dealing with neglected structures, but should an owner wish to try and salvage materials, accepting the liability risk and (usually) increased cost, finding takers, etc., that would be their decision, one which KMB certainly supports. Awareness of programs, grants, salvage businesses, etc. that could provide this kind of help to owners would be a real service in our community and should be made widely available by those in our county with this interest and expertise. And if you see an abandoned structure and think it may have salvageable materials, don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact the owner and ask.

We know there are places in our community in peril, like the church. We support efforts to save those historic gems and encourage others in the community to get involved too. Step up to care for and save them, while they can still be saved. We all love McIntosh and its unique character, and like most residents, care about preserving its unique character and charm. We all have different roles in achieving this, and TOGETHER WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Want to learn more about Keep McIntosh Beautiful? Want to get involved? We’re all just “good people” trying to do good things.

Our most recent ABP projects...

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