Wednesday eBlast

Church Updates, Missions, Around Town, Youth/Family Activity

December 27, 2023

Our Christmas Eve Services were wonderful! Thank you to all who made it possible to gather over 100 people in the morning and over 200 people in the evening. What a wonderful day spent celebrating Jesus!

A huge Thank You to all who brought in Christmas Cards, gifts, baked goods, and Holiday wishes to the office throughout the last couple of weeks! You are all so loved and appreciated.

Theatre For The World is back in action!  

We are planning a Lenten Drama to be presented on March 27-28, 2024 during Holy Week. The first half is titled "Beneath the Upper Room" and is a different perspective on the traditional story. It depicts the women who prepared the meal and their thoughts about Jesus. The second half is a tableau of The Last Supper painting by Leonardo da Vinci. Each of the disciples comes alive at the table, giving an insight into their character and pondering which of them will be the one to betray Jesus. We will also have communion after the presentation.  

The cast calls for 8 women and 14 men, plus 1 young boy and 1 young girl. Most of the roles do not have more than 15-16 lines. We will have a

read-through and general meeting in January, you can work on your lines through February, then we will hit rehearsals in March for the 3.5 weeks before the scheduled dates.  

Thank you for considering this opportunity, and be especially conscious that we are performing on Wednesday evening of Holy Week and Maundy Thursday.  If you are available on these two dates, we would love to have you participate!  

Please let us know either way about your participation, if you have questions, or if you need your arm twisted! We will also need backstage assistance, as well as a Costume Chair and Props Chair.  

Hope to hear from you soon and share in another theatrical adventure!!

Karen & Tom Wiggins

Karen's cell- 419-350-1211

As we continue to see our children's Sunday School program grow, we also recognize the need for more teachers and helpers. Material is provided in advance, so it is not difficult to prepare the lessons. If you can help once a month, we'd love for you to reach out!

If interested or have any questions, please contact Bobbie Westfall at 419-260-7917. We would love to have you join our team.

Youth Alive is back in action on Sunday nights at 6:00pm.

All 7-12th graders are welcome to join in for the fun! Food will be provided.

To stay up to date on all things Youth Alive, make sure to follow the Youth Alive Facebook page.

Visit Youth Alive Facebook Page

Help Serve Communion with

Pastor Teresa


We are looking for volunteers to help serve Communion with Pastor Teresa. We need 3 people for each service.


There is a sign up sheet on the Welcome Table for those that are able to help.

A Mission Opportunity for Anyone Who Sews

For many years, Carl & Marilyn Fox from our congregation have graciously sewn hundreds of School Kit bags for our July - August Mission Project, which sends the kits across the world through Church World Service. As of this year, the couple have decided to hang up their needles, so we are in need of crafty people who would be willing to sew up some fabric tote bags. It only takes 1/2 yard of sturdy fabric (45" wide), thread, and a sewing machine. A perfect project for those winter days and evenings when we are tucked at home!

We are in need of about 80 bags each year, but if several of you were able to just make a few, we would have it covered in no time.

The pattern can be found on the Welcome Table in the Gathering Space.

Contact Karen Wiggins for details at 419-350-1211

January Mission Focus:

Pregnancy Center

The mission opportunity for January is the Pregnancy Center of Toledo. Since 1984 the Center has been offering Christ-centered hope to women facing unplanned pregnancies.

In addition, the network has added two additional ministries, Soul Purpose and The Haven. Soul Purpose offers a much-needed service centered at the University of Toledo where young women are disciplined in their value and identity in Christ. The Haven offers compassionate ultra-sounds, maternity supplies, parenting education, pregnancy tests, and medical referrals, all at no cost. Bible Studies are also offered for women and men to experience the unconditional love of Christ. The goals of this vital ministry are to save lives, strengthen families, and glorify the Lord in its outreach to struggling women and men.

Waterville UMC is privileged to support the center in its faithful dedication to choosing life.

OCC Year-Round Shopping pdf



  • Susie’s Coats and Hannah's Socks
  • Teacher’s Toolbox
  • Used ink cartridges                   
  • Empty PB jars
  • McDonald’s House Pop tabs

Free Ways to Donate to WUMC!!!


Set your Kroger's Reward Card to “Waterville United Methodist Women” 

Office Hours: Tuesdays through Friday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Email Us / 419.878.3645 / 7115 Waterville Monclova, Waterville, OH 43566

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