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October 2022 Newsletter

This month, in recognition of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we’re spotlighting one of our partners, Lisa James, in ending family violence and preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). She is Director of Health at Futures Without Violence and there’s more information about her in our Community Spotlight. 


Domestic violence is unfortunately very common: one in four women and one in seven men in the U.S. experience severe physical abuse from an intimate partner at some point in their lives. The health effects of domestic violence can be devastating, with intimate partner violence (IPV) associated with a wide range of physical and mental health problems.


IPV also affects the next generation. Living in a home with IPV is one of the 10 categories of ACEs. Preventing and stopping IPV is a critical part of ending intergenerational transmission of ACEs.

The good news is that identification and intervention in the health care setting makes a difference. Patients experiencing IPV can be connected to life-saving counseling and resources (see Resources section below).

New and Noteworthy

California’s ACEs Aware Initiative Awards $19.5 Million in Grant Funds to Increase Capacity to Screen and Respond to ACEs and Toxic Stress

On September 16, ACEs Aware announced $19.5 million in funding to 25 teams across California. The goal of this third round of ACEs Aware grant funding, called Preventing and Responding to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)-Associated Health Conditions and Toxic Stress in Clinics through Community Engagement (PRACTICE), is to increase the workforce and services needed for primary care clinics to expand and sustain screening and response to ACEs and toxic stress in local communities.

Read the Grantee Summary

Q&A with Newly Appointed Surgeon General Diana Ramos, MD

State of Reform recently published an interview with Dr. Diana Ramos, who in September was appointed as California’s second Surgeon General. In this Q&A, Ramos discusses plans in her new role to expand services for youth behavioral health and reproductive health, as well as to make health equity the epicenter of her work as Surgeon General.

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Watch the Recording: UCAAN: Anchoring ACEs Aware at the University of California

On September 27, the leaders of the UCLA-UCSF ACEs Aware Family Resilience Network (UCAAN) discussed how this multi-campus University of California initiative implements the ACEs Aware initiative on behalf of the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). The webinar included a presentation, panel discussion with UCAAN’s leaders, and audience Q&A.

Watch Now

We All Have a Number Story: Your Child’s First Chapters – Toolkit for Caregivers [Spanish Translation]

The ACE Resource Network and the American Society for the Positive Care of Children have partnered to release a comprehensive ACE-informed Caregiver Toolkitwhich has now been translated into Spanish. We All Have a Number Story: Your Child’s First Chapters provides information on ACEs, positive parenting of children ages 0 to 5, and the lasting impacts childhood experiences may have on parents and caregivers.

Spanish Toolkit Here

ACEs Aware Community Spotlight

Lisa James, Director of Health,

Futures Without Violence

As part of a National Health Initiative on Domestic Violence, James has collaborated with health care providers, domestic violence experts, and health policymakers in more than 25 states across the U.S. to develop statewide health care responses to domestic violence through training, health policy reform, and public education. A former ACEs Aware grantee, Futures Without Violence has developed curricula, webinars, and other resources to train health care providers on improving responses to violence and abuse. Currently, James is leading an ACEs Aware pilot project addressing the health impact of ACEs and toxic stress in California’s farmworker communities.

Read the Interview

Events, Resources, and Research



ACEs Aware Trauma-Informed Primary Care (TIPC) Implementation Advisory Committee – Quarterly Meeting

Wednesday, November 16 | 10 am-12 pm PST | UCAAN

(rescheduled from October 19)

The quarterly TIPC Implementation Advisory Committee meeting will be held on November 16, from 10 am to 12 pm PST. Members of the committee advise on promising models, best practices, evolving science, and clinical expertise for the implementation of trauma-informed care systems in California. This meeting is open to the public; registration is required.


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VAWNet Event Calendar

Operated by the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, this page has regularly updated information on state, local, and national events related to gender-based violence, including trainings, conferences, lectures, webinars, and more. 


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Recorded Webinar: Trauma-Informed Approaches to Domestic Violence Exposure, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resiliency

Futures Without Violence

This webinar from our partner, Futures Without Violence, explores ACEs and childhood exposure to domestic violence, emphasizing the opportunity for primary prevention and strategies for trauma-informed parenting to prevent the inter-generational transmission of ACEs.


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CDC Violence Prevention / ACEs Webpage

Center for Disease Control

Includes resources addressing the intersection of ACEs and violence, including a video, fact sheet, and prevention resources, such as Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Leveraging the Best Available Evidence.


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National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) Resources


The NCADV has gathered resources to support domestic violence awareness this month, and every month, ranging from a variety of hotlines to helpful funds and programs.


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National Domestic Violence (NDV) Hotline


The NDV offers a hotline at 1(800)799-SAFE that is free, confidential, and 24/7 for those who need support.


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Domestic Violence Awareness Project Handouts

National Resource Center on Domestic Violence

Organized by the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, this page features guides, manuals, webinar recordings, brochures, information sheets, and other materials that are available for free download.


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National Network to End Domestic Violence's

Week of Action

National Network to End Domestic Violence

This year’s campaign theme, #Every1KnowsSome1, highlights how common domestic violence is, and that it involves more than physical violence. Join the Week of Action, from October 17-23, 2022, to engage advocates, partners, and the public in starting a national conversation—and check out the toolkit.

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Abuse Research Email List

Harise Stein

A comprehensive roundup of peer-reviewed resources by Dr. Harise Stein, the Founder and Co-Chair of Stanford Family Abuse Prevention Council, who teaches medical and community members about the health effects, recognition, and management of partner and family abuse. 

Access →



Commentary Article: Healing-Centered Care for Intimate Partner Violence Survivors and Their Children

June 2022 | American Academy of Pediatrics

Read →

Review Article: Intimate Partner Violence

February 2019 | The New England Journal of Medicine


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Adverse Childhood Experiences and Intimate Partner Violence: Testing Psychosocial Mediational Pathways among Couples

October 2012 | National Library of Medicine


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Screening for ACEs, assessing risk for toxic stress, and responding with evidence-based interventions

and trauma-informed care can significantly improve the health and well-being of individuals and families.

Take the Becoming ACEs Aware in California training today to get started.

Take the Training

Already completed the training and ready to screen? Visit the

ACE Screening How-To Implementation Guide on the ACEs Aware website.

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become”

– Carl Jung

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