Greetings ASCLD Colleagues and Friends,

Fall is in the air; children are back to school and fall sports are starting up, which means we will be on the road for hockey again (let’s goooo Madison Capitols!). Additionally, the forensic science community is gearing up for the 10th National Forensic Science Week (NFSW) which is September 18th-24th, 2022. As some of you may be aware, the Consortium of Forensic Science Organizations (CFSO) has been working hard to gather resources vis-à-vis a committee of folks from the different organizations that CFSO represents. The goal is to promote the forensic sciences by spreading awareness, creating information/preparation packets, and sharing other ways to celebrate National Forensic Science Week. You can find their page (which is FULL of information) here:
If your lab has something to share, is utilizing social media or has additional resources, please reach out to Director Sheri Lemons and Director Lisa Burdett ( and Sheri and Lisa are Co-Chairs of the Communication Committee and are excited to hear from our membership on NFSW!
CFSO is conducting a survey to get some data on the current use of the Overdose to Action Grant (OD2A) funds by ME/Coroner offices or toxicology laboratories. This survey is gauged to help determine the current levels of office support from this grant, but it will only be open for a few days- please take time to fill this out or pass it on to forensic service providers in your jurisdiction. 
Last week, we made a call for abstracts and workshops to our membership for the 50th ASCLD Symposium 2023c in Austin. I want to remind you that submissions close September 16th. We need more talks focused on chemistry and criminalistics and we need more workshops. Approved workshops receive a free night stay! Sign up here.  

We do not have a lengthy fall season in Wisconsin, but we very much appreciate the crisp air, going apple picking and sweater weather. I noticed the other day that the leaves down the street on a row of trees had started to turn red just on the top. It surprised me only because we are still having some warm 80-degree days! I hope you all are enjoying the waning days of summer and are looking toward a few productive weeks ahead.
Thank you,
Jennifer D. Naugle
ASCLD President