Here is the latest update on Pre-Season Activities for BHS Baseball.
The quick takeaways:
If you haven't had ImPACT testing yet, get it in time for the season! There is only one session remaining. Wednesday February 8 is the last day. Details are below.
The BHS Baseball Player/Parent/Coach Meeting is Tuesday February 7, 7pm at the BHS Library. The meeting includes important information for parents regarding Boosters and the upcoming season's activities to support the team. Players and Parents are STRONGLY urged to attend. Player attendance will be taken, and will get measured for sweatshirts.
Winter conditioning and weight training are ongoing. Please join your teammates at times listed.
BHS Baseball Boosters and Player/Parent Meeting with Coach Parthemer
Tuesday February 7, 7pm
BHS Library
Parents and Players Invited
The pre-season meeting for players, parents, coaches, along with Boosters, is Tuesday February 7, 7pm, at the BHS Library.
The meeting will open with required Boosters' business in electing the board, and will move to introductions and discussion with Coach Parthemer and the BHS Baseball Coaching staff.
Players are strongly encouraged to come to the meeting. We will be measuring each player for custom sweatshirts to be included in the Player Pack.
Winter Conditioning and Weight Training Underway
Winter Conditioning sessions are currently underway at BHS Baseball Field on Wednesdays from 1:30- 3:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00-noon. Players are expected to be at the field 30 minutes before practice time in order to warm up. Wednesday is a player-led practice; Saturdays, Stephen Englund will be leading the practice. BHS Baseball Boosters covers field and personnel costs for Winter Conditioning.
Pre-season Weight training sessions for Baseball are also happening weekly in the BHS weight room, with supervision from BHS employees. Those dates and times are:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 6-7pm
BHS Weight Room
Players are strongly encouraged to attend field practices and to have supervised weight work when their schedules (including select ball training) allow.
If you are not yet registered for BHS Baseball TeamSnap, please contact Janet Daly <> to add yourself to the All-Teams roster and continue to receive relevant information and updates.