October 2023 - Volume 62, Issue 10
Rennsport 7
Photo Porsche
From The Editor
Mike Willis
We had a good time at Rennsport, saw friends we had not been able to see for years. Porsche did a great job with this.
There is more coverage below.
Pelican Parts has lot of pictures of Rennsport follow the following link
And even More ---- COPY & Paste the below link.
Please notice the CRAB sponsor buttons are prior to the advertisers ad.
When sending me a video it needs to be on a webpage (link) or a file not to exceed 5MB. Also images have the same limit. (I am able to resize most of them).
Please note text that is blue text is a link.
When we use MSR (Motorsport Registration) all of those events advertised are linked to the specific registration. If the ad is an image then the click on it for the link.
This issue contains the following as you scroll through.
Also all advertisers are linked to their web page.
Editor Comments
President's Column
Vice President - Calendar Information
Porsches & Pints
SVR Planning and Pizza
Brookfields Monthly Breakfast
Turkey Run
SVR-Cam Tree decorating
Mendocino Tour
SVR Christmas Party
September AutoX Coverage
2023 SVR Autocross Schedule
Message From Tour Chair
My Sport Car Journey
SVR Mid Week Tour
CruiseFerst - CAM
SVR Membership
SVR Member Spotlight
In The Zone
Redwood Concours
Blackhawk Tour
SVR Classifieds
SVR Store
Rik Larson, Proof Reader/Tickler
Skip Quain, Contributor
Rik Larson, SVR President
PDK (Pretty Darn Kwik)
October 2023
Rennsport Reunion 7
· What a great 4 days for celebrating the 75th anniversary of Porsche.
· This event sponsored by Porsche (the company) featured 4 days of racing, exhibitions, announcements (GT3 R rennsport – for a million dollars ---- only 77 to be made), interviews, discussions, goodie store (up to a 4 hour wait in line), food trucks, and the Doobie Brothers.
Now we can get back to our normal routine
Some quick updates on upcoming events--- some BRAND NEW
· You can still sign up for the CAM CruiseFest this Saturday. Contact our Membership Director, Steve Long for details (membership@svr-pca.org).
· You can also attend the CAM CruiseFest for FREE. You can’t cruise on Fulton Avenue, but you can view the festivities. The whole show takes place on Fulton Avenue between Marconi and El Camino Avenues. The show runs from 3 to 7 pm.
· Planning for SVR events for 2024 is going to happen in November (usually happens in January). We will provide the pizza and it will still cost just $1 (you are responsible for your own drinks and other items). It is scheduled for Thursday evening, November 16th. More details coming in future BLASTS and the November DRIFTER.
· And Mardi Quain has announced that our traditional “CHiPs for Kids” toy contribution will happen in conjunction with the Christmas Tree Decorating and Pot Luck at CAM (California Automobile Museum) on Sunday, November 26th. Details coming.
Name Badge
· Remember to wear your name badge at events.
It's hard to believe that it is already October! Before you know it, we will be in the midst of the Christmas holidays. So, now is a good time to sign up for the annual SVR Christmas Party at
Due to scheduling challenges, the Christmas party will be held a bit later in the month, on Dec. 23rd. So, we have moved our Toy Drive to be part of the Christmas Tree Decorating Party on November 26th. You can sign up to help decorate the trees free of charge at http://msreg.com/23CTD
And, we have a busy October lined up as well. The First Saturday Breakfast, CAM CarCruise, our last Autocross event of the season on the 21st, a Lunch Tour on the 28th, and Zone Concours events held by both Redwood Region (22nd) and Diablo (29th). Our Porsches and Pints October event will be at Moonraker Brewing in Auburn. Hope to see you out there!
We have moved the 2024 Event Planning Meeting to this November 16th!
Please come help us plan for an exiting event schedule next year. Bring your ideas and volunteer to host an event! RSVP on motorsportreg at http://msreg.com/24SVRplanning
NOVEMBER 16, 2023
Round Table Pizza - Folsom
9500 Greenback Lane (Madison Avenue @ Greenback Lane)
Meeting starts at 6:00p
Pizza @ 6:30p
Various style pizzas provided free of charge.
sides and drinks additional cost.
this helps us in coordinating the right amount of pizza!
There will be a $1.00 fee collected at round table.
Bring your ideas for fun events in 2024. With an earlier
planning meeting we have more opportunity for first quarter plans. For inspiration, consider sport events, picnics at interesting locations, area museums and specialty tours.
If you are not able to attend, send your ideas to John Leet,
Vice President, to have them included on the calendar.
Christmas Tree Decorating and Potluck
At the California Auto Museum
Plus – ChiPs For Kids Toy Drive
Sunday, November 26th starting at 2:00 pm
The California Auto Museum’s annual Christmas Tree Decorating Party and Potluck is a wonderful way to kick off the holiday season with your friends and an opportunity to meet many new people in our club as well as other Automobile enthusiasts.
Our club has two Christmas trees to decorate and we have a lot of ornaments from past years. However, we would love to see more ornaments that you have made. An ornament showing your car and/or yourselves is a great way to show the 1000’s of people that pass through the Museum during the Holiday Season just what a great car club we have.
We will trim the trees beginning at 2:00 pm, followed by the Potluck at 4:00 pm. Everyone is asked to bring a dish to share with the other car clubs. For our Porsche Clubs they are asking our members bring a Side Dish or Salad for the Potluck. This year, CAM can provide outlets if you would like to bring a warm dish.The Museum will be providing the main dish of Turkey and Ham as well as coffee, utensils and other paper products. They will also have a cash bar.
A highlight of this event every year is the Door Prize Raffle. They always have some great Raffle gifts and the money collected helps the Museum pay for the event.
This year SVR’s annual toy drive CHiPs for Kids is happening at CAM during this Tree Decorating party. Bring your unwrapped, new toy to CAM for collection. As before, there will be a CHP officer to collect the toys. And if you want to give a toy but are not able to attend the party, CAM will have receptacles located in the Museum’s lobby starting November 1st where you can drop off your toy.
If you plan on joining the fun this year, please sign up prior to Friday, November 10th at: http://msreg.com/23CTD
We hope to see you there.
Clint DeWitt & Daughter Catherine & Dick MacFarlane
April 21-25, 2024
Registration opens about 3 months prior
September 21st Zone 7
Two Day Autocross
By Collin Fat
SVR Autocross Chair
Photos by Collin Fat
Bob Peake Testing His 914 Race Car
The next to final SVR autocross event and final Zone 7 Autocross of the season was held September 16-17th at Thunderhill Raceway Park in Willows, Ca. The event was hosted by SVR on Saturday and Redwood Region on Sunday. It was the largest attended event for the two regions ever with 60 drivers competing on Saturday and 44 drivers competing on Sunday. The Fall-like weather was a welcome reprieve from the 100-degree days during the summer and the competition for those competing for a Zone Class or PAX championship was intense with several classes not yet decided.
The weekend started on Friday afternoon with a group of six SVR autocross team members (Steve and Joy Nieslony, Ryan Messersmith, Bob Peake, Patti Osterholm, and Collin Fat) and Brant Ballantyne, Zone 7 Autocross chair. They set to work setting up the course designed by Brant Ballantyne. The course was set up on the large skid pad area of the racetrack and lined with traffic cones.
Team members arrived at the racetrack at sunset to complete the setup of the timing trailer, prepare for registration and tech inspection. It was a surprise to see many of the registered drivers checking in promptly at 7:30 am on Saturday morning. The first car out was at 8:50 am with all 30 or so cars in the first run group receiving 5 timed runs on a fast course. Following a lunch break, we began the afternoon session around 12:00 noon and drivers were rewarded with another 6 runs and temperatures in the upper 80’s with clear skies and plenty of sunshine.
Top time of day went to Monty Pack, from Golden Gate region, with a time of 35.988, followed by Sacramento Valley’s Steve Nieslony with a 36.878, RJ Harrison, Golden Gate region, 37.194, Steve Forshay, Golden Gate region, 37.275, Sacramento Valley’s Carl Winkler with a 37.323. Rounding out the top 10 finishers were Dave Dunwoodie, Loma Prieta region, 37.329, Himanshu Patel, Golden Gate region, 37.388, Brant Ballantyne, Golden Gate region, 35.507, Sacramento Valley’s John Leet with a 37.666 and Sacramento Valley region’s Joy Nieslony recording a 37.834.
Joy also had the top time of day for the ladies and was followed by Dominique Wainwright, Golden Gate region, 39.140, Stacy O’Connell, Redwood region, 39.883. and Patti Osterholm, Sacramento Valley with a time of 40.546.
Competition for year end Zone awards was fierce in the Production 5 class with four drivers seeking to out duel the others and would need to finish strong on Sunday to clinch a year end title or podium finish. Dave Dunwoodie, Loma Prieta region, RJ Harrison, Golden Gate region, John Leet, Sacramento Valley region, and Ed Valko, Loma Prieta region all fighting for a podium finish.
In Optioned 4 class, Himanshu Patel, Golden Gate region, could clinch the series class win with a strong finish on Sunday unless Brant Ballantyne, Golden Gate region can overtake him on Sunday with a strong finish. Both Dominique and husband Thomas Wainwright have a chance to finish third.
In the Production 2 class. It looks like a tight race between Sacramento Valley region’s Daniel Garcia Estuesta appearing to take the class win followed closely by Caevon Hekmaty, Golden Gate region, and son Anton Hekmaty finishing in the third spot in P02.
The last competitive class was in Production 3 with Grady Carter, Golden Gate region, fighting it out with Ed Burghardt for the coveted first place.
To be eligible to compete in the Zone competition and be award qualified a contestant must have competed in at least six or the 9 Zone events and must also have competed in events in at least 3 different regions. The number of trophies awarded for each class is determined by the number of participants in each class. For more information on Zone 7 awards and rules go to zone7.pca.org.
The last event for the Sacramento Valley Region’s autocross series will be on October 21, 2023, at Thunderhill Raceway in Willows. If you have been contemplating participating or on the sidelines this will be your last opportunity for the year. The autocross program at SVR is really geared toward novices and beginners and is one of the best ways to experience the limits of your Porsche’s handling in a safe environment. We will even match you up with an instructor to teach you the ins and outs of the sport. Autocross is a great social outlet as well and you are sure to meet members who have a similar passion for all things Porsche. Registration is now open for this event at the following link: http://msreg.com/SVR2023AX7.
Results for the top 24 drivers out of 57 competitors can be viewed at the end of this column. For the full results, they can be viewed at the SVR website at www.svr-pca.org.
Ed Parra on grid in his 2018 GT3
Michael Agraan driving his 997 Carrera
Matt Deter driving his 2010 GT3
L/R Darry Fong, Brian McGinty, JC Fat, Lloyd Feaver
Message from the Tour Chair
By Rick Duste
Photos Rick Duste
Our final Day Tour of the year is set for Saturday October 28th leaving from Granite Bay and ending up at the El Dorado Saloon and Grill in El Dorado Hills. Time to sign up if you’re interested. See the flyer elsewhere in the Drifter and more details on MSRreg. Club President Rik Larson is leading the ever-popular Mendocino 2-night tour November 3-5. Information can be found on the club web site and MSRreg site.
Plans are in the works for a New Years Day “Polar Bear” Tour. Mark your calendars and watch for details to be shared shortly.
One of the values of the tours is finding new roads and routes that you can go back and explore on your own when looking for somewhere to ring out the Porsche or just take in the sites. Keep the route maps and if needed, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for another copy.
Tour Leads and Sweeps are volunteers. If you’re interested in helping out with being a Lead or Sweep reach out to me at TOUR@SVR-PCA.ORG and we’ll be happy to get you involved. So what does a Lead do? The obvious thing is leads a group of cars along the route. But the Lead spends a lot of time looking in the mirrors to see if the group is staying together, if we’ve lost some folks at stop lights or intersections.
Analyzing cross traffic at intersections and deciding when is the best time for the group to pull out. The Lead will change pace as necessary to try and keep everyone together. The Sweep is communicating with the Lead by radio, informing the Lead when he/she has made the turn, gotten through a traffic light, and if they see part of the group has gotten separated. This allows the Lead to adjust speed accordingly and in some cases pull over when safe to allow the group the catch back up. One challenge is the radios are line-of-sight. If the group is large enough, sometimes we will ask someone to be the “Mid”. Again, by radio, the Mid can relay information between the Lead and Sweep.
We are beginning planning for the 2024 tour dates and destinations. If you have ideas or recommendations of locations, we will take them at any time. But NOW would be an ideal time for you to communicate them to me at TOUR@SVR-PCA.ORG.
My Sports Car Journey #3
The TVR & Santa Barbara
By Jim Robison
Redwood Region-PCA
I was stuck on the side of the road in a borrowed TR-3. Upon inspection, I discovered that the gas pedal was no longer connected to the carburetors. Parts of the linkage dangled from the carbs (a pair of SUs, of course) and other parts were missing entirely, probably scattered someplace on the road behind me. I had no parts or tools. And I had no radio! I pulled a bunch of loose radio wires from under the dash, connected them together, and tied one end to the accelerator linkage on the carburetors. I ran the other end thru a vent in the hood to where I could pull it with my left hand. With this “manual throttle cable” I was able to drive back to the shop and pick up my Glas 1300 GT.
My introduction to sports cars came years earlier, when I was a junior in high school. I got a part-time job working at Fritz Warrens’ Sports Car Center in Santa Ana. I would ride my bicycle after school and work in the parts department, maintaining inventory records. Soon I was bitten by the car bug (from which I have never recovered) and bought a used FIAT 1100 station wagon. By the way, FIAT is an acronym for Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino, (some claim it stands for “Fix It Again, Tony”) so it is proper to capitalize all four letters. In 1962, I used the FIAT to drive my mother, grandmother, and my brother Ken to the Seattle World’s Fair, a 2400-mile round trip. The starter died soon into the trip and Ken would have to push the car while I popped the clutch to start the engine. When we returned home, I traded it in for a well-used TR 4 that Fritz had raced for some time. As they say, it had been "rode hard and put away wet" and it dies within a week. Fritz gave me full credit for it on a new MG Midget, which was the subject of my first story.
I enjoyed the business side of Sports Car Center so much that I changed my major from physics to business. (This change added a year to my college, which caused me to be drafter, which caused me to buy a BMW in Germany; but that’s a story for another time.) I also joined Cal Club, which was the Southern California region of the Sports Car Club of America, and got certified as a race worker.
Shortly before the MGB was introduced in America, Fritz returned from England with three new MGBs. They needed to be driven from the port at Long Beach to Santa Ana, and I volunteered to drive one. I choose the baby blue model because it was the same color as the MGB on the cover of Car & Driver magazine. So, I guess I was one of the first people to drive an MGB in the United States.
Fritz returned from another trip to England with four TVRs. They were the Grantura Mk III equipped with a 1798 cc, BMC inline four (not to be confused with the Griffith that came with a Ford 289 ci V8). Three of the TVRs were street models, but one was a light-weight race model. The white fiberglass body was so thin it looked like it had been worked over with a ball-peen hammer, but Fritz soon had “Sports Car Center” painted on the flanks, and applied a bunch of decals (Castrol Oil, Lucas Batteries, etc.) intended, in my opinion, to distract from the quality of the bodywork.
One day, Fritz asked if I would drive the company truck, hauling the TVR he would race, and a Formula Junior he wanted to sell, to Goleta for the races at the Santa Barbara airport. He said he didn’t have enough passes to get me into the races, but I could stay in the hotel room with the rest of the crew. I got to Goleta with no problems, dropped off the trailer, and went in search of the pre-race night life. At the bar in the “race headquarters” hotel, I ran into some SCCA friends and they asked if I was available to work the races. Sure, I said. I had even packed my “whites,” the official uniform for SCCA race workers at the time.
I was assigned to the working pit alongside a long straight, which was normally the main runway for the airport. We were in front to the fence, with nothing between us and the temporary race track but about ten feet of dirt and some rubber pylons. The rule was that owners and mechanics could only be in the working pit if their car was on the track. My job was to ensure everyone remained standing and facing the track. If they were actively working on a car, one member of the team had to watch the track and be prepared to shout a warning if needed. Drivers would pull into the pit at speed, slide to a stop on the dirt, and anxiously describe some problem to their mechanics. The mechanics, with only the handful of tools they were allowed to carry, then attempted to rectify the problem.
All was going smoothly until I heard a loud commotion behind me. I turned to see what was going on and …
To be continued.
Midweek Tour Takes in All the Drawbridges
By Rick Duste
Our September Wednesday tour started in Antelope and headed directly to the Sacramento River circumnavigating Sacramento International Airport and joining Old River Road north of I-5. We followed the river into West Sacramento where we worked our way through City streets to rejoin South River Road near the Sacramento Yacht Club. We made a short stop at the Old Sugar Mill in Clarksburg for a restroom break and a few folks took the opportunity to buy some wine from the various winery tasting facilities house there. Nice place to go if you’re looking for a weekend ride and some wine tasting. Off we went crossing the first of the historic drawbridges at Paintersville, then back to the west side of the river at Walnut Grove, and finally back to the east side again at Isleton. We were treated to lunch on the water in Rio Vista at The Point Restaurant. Nice way to spend a weekday afternoon without all the weekend tourist traffic on the road.
Steve Long
Membership Director
Our October member of the month
Bob Peake 44 Years
Click on the active links for the above
New to SVR or just need a new name badge
-- you can order a badge--
and send to:
Membership Director, at:
Since we use e-mail for most of our communications, it is necessary to keep our e-mail address current with SVR and PCA. To update your information, go to www.pca.org and login. You can then make any updates (address, car, e-mail etc.).
Also, even though we receive the information from PCA monthly, you can send the same updates to: membership@svr-pca.org. New Member badges will now come with a removable colored sticker to encourage introductions at club events. They can be removed at any time. Welcome to the Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America.
SVR - PCA Member Services
Not a Porsche owner but interested in the PCA? Try the PCA Test Drive program. For information, go to: www.pca.org/pca-test-drive Need to update your PCA information? Update your PCA record at www.pca.org
Do you have 2 e-mail addresses? Want Club info sent to a second email, work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy as e-mailing your second e-mail address to the Membership Director, membership@svr-pca.org
How can I contact the SVR-PCA by mail?
Sacramento Valley Region-PCA,
Post Office Box 254651,
Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
PCA Members may place non-commercial classified ads for no charge. Photos will be published on this web page at no charge.
Non-PCA members may place ads on our webpage, on a space available basis, as follows: Ads without photos $20.00; Ads with photos $35.00. All ads run for two months unless canceled. There will be no refunds for paid ads.
Ads must be submitted electronically with attachment to classified@svr-pca.org. PCA members must include your PCA membership number on all submissions as proof of membership.
Paid ads will not be published until payment has been received. Checks must be made payable to PCA-SVR, and mailed to: Porsche Club of America; Sacramento Valley Region; PO Box 254651; Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Sacramento Valley Region Web Store
Sacramento Valley - Red House® - Mini-Check Non-Iron Button-Down Shirt
Sacramento Valley - Eddie Bauer® Ladies Hooded Soft Shell Parka
Sacramento Valley - Element 095
Submitting Material to the Drifter
The Drifter is Produced online monthly for its members. Written contributions are welcome and should be e-mailed to editor@svr-pca.org The deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Submissions in WORD or TEXT are preferred.
Photos are always welcome. Photos should be sent separately from the text. (You may also use a downloadable link to the photos.)
To change your email address or street address, please email our membership director to insure uninterrupted delivery.
Steve Long
All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright.
However, newsletter editors of other Porsche Club of America regions may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and also The Drifter is cited as the source.
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