#83 - Week ending September 2nd, 2022

Welcome to this weeks 'Take 5', your 5 minute weekly Optinet roundup. If you need clarification on any points or have questions drop an email to or raise a ticket in the portal.

Next Release 1.5.7

The next release of FLEX (v1.5.7) is now in testing and we anticipate an update to our early access group around the end of September - with a general release following shortly after.

A link to the latest release notes will be posted in next weeks Take 5.

Loqate Update - Address Lookup

At the start of the week we released a patch to update the address lookup feature in FLEX - this was after a notification from Loqate (formerly PostcodeAnywhere) that the API we were using would soon be retired.

The patch automatically updated the licence keys in FLEX and most users will have had no issues, if you are experiencing problems with your postcode lookup feature then please contact the helpdesk.

If you are not using postcode lookup and would like to then please get in touch and we can help you open an account.

Helpdesk Tips.png

Security - Change your PIN

Remember to never share your PIN with anyone else and if you think your pin has been compromised you should change it immediately.

For a quick tutorial, click the link below:

View Tutorial

Supplier Address Book

The FLEX supplier address book was born out of a request from a user who was fed up of repairing their paper address book and has some great features...

  • One key access (F3 - try it now!)
  • Store account information safely
  • Instantly access supplier websites
  • Accessible from any flex pc
  • Quickly access favourite contacts

View Tutorial

Vision Now - September '22

The latest digital edition of FLEX is available now, packed full of the latest industry news and features.

The digital version can be accessed using the link below.

Read Now
Email Disc.png to open a ticket automatically to book staff training to book a FLEX demonstration

Latest Patches

  • HPP indicates high priority patches that are downloaded and installed automatically
  •  MTS indicates patches that have been deployed to the 'Hosted FLEX' servers
  • REQ indicates a patch that will be loaded on request or when an issue is highlighted


*** If you would like any other patches applied, please raise a support ticket ***

Below is a round-up of all patches released during August

  • 03/08/22 MTS
  • 043 - Timeout increased to 10 secs when waiting for a response from PCSE
  • 044 - Ensures eGOS England claims can only be deleted if they have not yet been sent to PCSE
  • 045 - Resolves issue with CL Recall Dashboard percentages
  • 046 - Resolves issues with duplicate eGOS claim IDs
  • 047 - Resolves problem with some branches not showing and/or showing with incorrect dates against the branch in the multi-branch rebuild.
  • 048 - The signature time for recorded (auto-populated) staff signatures for the day (Optom) is now set upon creation of a GOS form.
  • 050 - Ensures initial record is read from the database correctly when Timeline is rebuilt
  • 051 - Fix for GOS6 & other forms to allow identification of patient's last test
  • 052 - Existing patients who book online now have their recall preferences updated
  • 053 - URL update for the Waterside lens catalogue
  • 054 - Lenses in catalogues that contain an S in their App Code field will now be displayed in Flex (e.g. Sinclair catalogue)
  • 057 - Incorporate the latest eReferral changes
  • 059 - Functionality correction when filtering the stock take table to display no results
  • 060 - Improved validation for GOS3 supplements.
  • 061 - Update to prevent duplicate eGOS England claims
  • 062 - Update to allow customisation of the APT Export Option

  • 26/08/22 MTS
  • 066 - Adjustment to the APT export routine to allow unique file names

  • 29/08/22 MTS
  • 064 - Performance enhancement to the process for creating eGOS claims

  • 29/08/22 HPP
  • 065 - Postcode Lookup now uses the updated Loqate API.

  • 31/08/22
  • 067 - Enables latest version of Loqate API when running on Operating Systems that are past their 'end of life'


How are we doing?

We want to hear from you!

Send us your ideas for enhancements to FLEX, service improvements and general feedback - click the link below...

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