Dean's Update: New Ways to Understand Our Students
Core to quality improvement efforts is the customer voice. It is what drives improvement efforts, as service providers respond to their clients. Librarians were quick to embrace the many techniques used to assess users' expectations and perceptions of services.  Since the 1990s, the profession's research, conferences, literature, formal course education and workshops have added engagement with service marketing and communication theories, survey and focus group interview methods, innovative qualitative and quantitative data gathering techniques and automated systems to capture and analyze data about library clients' behaviors and expectations.  

First ScholarSip of the Year to Feature Jonathan Deutsch's Work to Reduce Food Waste
In the United States its estimated that almost 40% of food is wasted - thrown away or disposed of because it was bruised, because it was not needed or because it wasn't used before it spoiled. Jonathan Deutsch, director of the Center for Hospitality and Sport Management had an idea to turn this wasted food into desirable items for supermarket shelves.

New ICPSR Membership Brings Many Benefits for Drexel Researchers
As a member of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Drexel has joined approximately 700 other colleges and universities in the acquisition, preservation and distribution of social science data. I nterested in determining the average age at which men versus women begin smoking? What about whether age at marriage differs between your region of the country and other regions? These and other questions can be answered by studies in the ICPSR data holdings. 

Challenges of Research Data Management Discussed at October Meeting
Researchers and administrators from across campus gathered at the Libraries' Learning Terrace on Thursday, October 15, 2015 for a discussion about the challenges of research data management.  The event, hosted by the Libraries, welcomed nearly 30 faculty, staff, students and administrators engaged in the research process at Drexel. The Libraries started a the meeting with a brief presentation of the DMP tool - a resource for creating Data Management Plans - and then facilitated a conversation about the challenges of research data management.

NOV 18
Drexel University GIS Day
