St. Bernard's Academy Newsletter

September 21, 2023

A Note from your Principals

The first quarter ends in four weeks. Now is a great time to check in with your student to make sure they are keeping up with their studies. 

Quarter grades are a percentage of the semester grade. Semester grades are recorded on your student’s official transcript.

For high school students the formula for the first semester grade is usually: 40% 1st Q + 40% 2nd Q + 20% Final exam/project. For middle school students, the final exam is not given as much value.

There is an after school study hall in the library for students who want to work on homework and/or missing assignments.

Universities look at the official transcript when considering students for admission. A high school semester grade of a D fails to meet the requirements for college admission. 

If you need help accessing your students grades or checking in with a teacher, please use TeacherEase. If you need help accessing TeacherEase, please email Mrs. Enemark-Kerr at

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if we have a trip planned during school?

If you are planning a family trip for an extended period of time (more than just one or two days), please have your student stop by the office and pick up a “Pre-Planned Absence” form. The top of the form should be completed by parent and then the student can take the form around to their teachers, have them initial the form and once all teachers have initialed, the form must be turned into the office. This is the only way the office will know to excuse the absences.

What do I do if my child is sick/absent for the day or partial day?

Please notify the office of any illness, travel or appointments that might require absences. This will allow for the absences/tardies to be excused. If you call the office and Mrs. Shirley Sobol is on the other line, please leave a voicemail. You can also email Mrs. Sobol at If the student is well enough to work on missing assignments, please contact the teacher directly through TeacherEase.

Upcoming Events

Friday, September 22nd

College Application Help with Ms. Scott

Library 1-3

Friday, September 29th

7th Grade Retreat, Sacred Heart Church, back parking lot

Thursday, October 19th

Homecoming Mass - Mass Dress

Friday, October 20th

End of First Quarter

Saturday, October 21st

Pre-Game: Girls Soccer, 1999 and Football and Cheerleaders, 2015 Team Recognition

Half-time: Homecoming Court Crowning

High School Homecoming Dance, 8 - 11

Thursday, October 26th

SAT School Day for Seniors

Click for school calendar

Middle School Sports

Thursday, September 21st

4:00 6/7th Grade Volleyball vs Hydesville

5:00 8th Grade Volleyball vs Hydesville

Friday, September 22nd

8th Grade Volleyball Hydesville Tournament at Bear River

6/7th Grade Volleyball Sunny Brae Tournament

Monday, September 25th

4:00 MS Soccer vs South Bay

4:00 6/7th Grade Volleyball vs Scotia

5:00 8th Grade Volleyball vs Scotia

Tuesday, September 26th

4:00 8th Grade Volleyball vs Winship

5:00 6/7th Grade Volleyball at Trinidad

Wednesday, September 27th

4:00 6/7th Grade Volleyball vs South Bay

5:00 8th Grade Volleyball vs South Bay

4:00 MS Soccer vs Hydesville at Bear River

Thursday, September 28th

4:00 8th Grade Volleyball vs Sunny Brae

5:00 6/7th Grade Volleyball vs Freshwater

Friday, September 29th

8th Grade Volleyball at Pacific Union Tournament

High School Sports

Friday, September 22nd

6:30 JV Volleyball vs Mendocino

Saturday, September 23rd

11:00 Boys Soccer vs McKinleyville

JV Volleyball at Arcata Tournament

Monday, September 25th

12:00 Golf at Red Bluff

Tuesday, September 26th

3:30 Tennis vs McKinleyville

6:00 Girls Soccer vs South Fork

5:30 JV Volleyball vs South Fork

6:30 V Volleyball vs South Fork

Wednesday, September 27th

4:00 Boys Soccer at Arcata

Thursday, September 28th

11:00 Golf at Del Norte

6:00 Girls Soccer vs Del Norte

5:30 JV Volleyball vs Hoopa

6:30 V Volleyball vs Hoopa

Saturday, September 30th

JV Volleyball at Brookings Tournament

11:00 Tennis vs Eureka

11:30 JV Football vs Ukiah

2:00 V Football vs Ukiah

Students in Action!

Samuel tried out a trumpet at Music Club

this week.

Kohlton working hard in Ceramics.

Students learned about the chemistry of food science.

Engineering student are learning about measurements.

Ways to Support our Students

Box Tops for Education (SB school ID is 195539)

St. Bernard's Academy does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and/or ethnic origin, age, gender or disability in administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other school-administered programs.

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