SAFE Newsletter 04/07/2021
SAFE works to ensure services will be available for ALL domestic violence victims; regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, or ethnicity. Your donation will help to ensure that all domestic violence victims will have a place to go for help.

    SAFE is a 501(c)(3), tax exempt, non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.
Male Victims Of Domestic Violence
"...Reports from male domestic abuse victims to Humberside Police accounted for more than a quarter of last year’s total and have more than doubled since 2014, force figures show..."
LGBTQ+ Domestic Violence
"... The Commission on gender-based violence and domestic violence shall be initiating another online awareness-raising campaign, this time about same-sex intimate partner violence..."
"...male gay victims of sexual violence have followed suit by using the #MeTooGay hashtag to speak out about abuse they have never before dared to share for fear it would trigger a homophobic backlash against France’s already vulnerable LGBT+ community..."
Elder Abuse
"...World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is an annual international observance day held on June 15 each year. The WEAAD came about as the result of the United Nations’ 66/127 2011 resolution, regarding a request by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA)..."
"...It is not only being the victim of bullying that is related to self-harm, but also being a bully aggressor. In fact, in our study we found that adolescents who are both bullies and are bullied by their peers (the bully-victims), were the group most vulnerable to self-harm..."

Stop Abuse For Everyone (SAFE) has a National Directory of Shelters and Services for underserved victims of intimate partner violence.

For information about scheduling a presentation for your company or organization please visit our Speaker's Bureau page
Become A Member!
Your membership/donation will help fund SAFE and enable our organization to continue our educational, media, and advocacy programs. Funding is necessary to help spread awareness on serious issues for victims who fall between the cracks of services available to them.

  Disclaimer: Stop Abuse For Everyone compiles information for distribution as a public service. The information distributed does not necessarily reflect the views of Stop Abuse For Everyone and Stop Abuse For Everyone does not necessarily endorse the views of any person or organization which may subsequently redistribute information received from Stop Abuse For Everyone.