The Center for Translation and Global Literacy extends our heartiest congratulations to recent MFALT alum Bruna Dantas Lobato for winning the prestigious National Book Award in Translation for her translation from Brazilian Portuguese of Stênio Gardel's debut novel The Words That Remain (New Vessel Press).
Parabéns, Bruna!
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2023 Iowa World Language Association (IWLA) Conference
The Iowa World Language Association (IWLA) conference was held on October 6th and 7th at the Des Moines Area Community College. The theme of the conference was “Refresh, Refocus, and Recharge.” Dr. Hernando Llorens, Dr. Wesely, and Ms. Kim, who are colleagues from our CTGL team specializing in multilingual education, organized a 45-minute workshop for teachers titled “Translation Can Transform: Wise Ways to Use Translation in Your WL Classroom.”
The workshop was attended by local world language teachers from various Iowa school districts who teach languages such as French, German, Spanish, Russian, and Japanese. The workshop began with a discussion on the necessary pedagogical shift towards flexible multilingualism in the classroom. This was followed by a hands-on activity where participants discussed how to translate a commercial that involved different representations and varieties of the target language. The teacher participants were actively engaged in the discussion and shared their experiences and ideas on the use of situated translation practice as a pedagogical tool.
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Inviting Applications:
2024 Summer Institute on Translation Across the Curriculum
"The Undergraduate Curriculum: Programs, Courses, and Activities" is the focus of the 2024 Summer Institute on Translation Across the Curriculum, which will be held in Iowa City from June 5-9, 2024.
Co-Sponsored with The American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association, the Summer Institute is a four-day residential gathering featuring a combination of lectures, roundtables, syllabus design workshops, discussion sessions and individual tutorials. The organizers encourage participation by faculty at all stages in their career, advanced graduate students, and administrators with interests in the following areas:
- theoretical approaches to translation as asset-building pedagogy
- design and implementation of translation-related activities, courses, tracks, or programs
- career exploration and concrete training for students interested in the language industry
- comparative grammar and comparative stylistics as ways to foster a greater understanding of the asymmetries among world languages.
Information about the 2024 Summer Institute and the Application Form can be found here.
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CTGL ALTA Panel on Translation in the Undergraduate Curriculum
CTGL organized a panel on translation and the undergraduate curriculum at the annual conference of The American Literary Translators Association, November 8-11, Tucson, AZ. Opening remarks by Aron Aji, Director of CTGL, discussed the Center’s ambition to function as a national resource center and incubator to support initiatives that extend the presence of translation training and study at the undergraduate level, whether in the form of new degree programs, tracks or cross-disciplinary and co-curricular projects. The panel participants were Marguerite Feitlowitz, Professor Emeritus at Bennington College, Adrienne Rose, Director of the BA in Translation at the University of Iowa, and Brian Baer, Professor of Russian and Translation Studies at Kent State University, and the co-director with Aji of the CTGL Summer Institutes for faculty. Feitlowitz’s presentation focused on Bennington’s annual series of events, guest lectures, exhibits, coursework, and community outreach & service activities, and how the cross-disciplinary synergy succeeded in making translation a centerpiece of humanities and international education at the College. Rose described the evolution of Iowa’s translation studies from an undergraduate minor on Translation for Global Literacy to the recently rolled-out BA in Translation. She shared with the audience the program’s curriculum, learning outcomes, applied learning requirement, and how the BA is intended to complement training in world languages and international studies. Lastly, Baer discussed the CTGL’s upcoming Summer Institute as the next chapter in the decade-long efforts centered around faculty and curriculum development training, including the highly successful ALTA panels and seminars, the two national conferences at Coe College and Hunter College, and the Summer School at the University of Arizona, that was co-sponsored by ALTA, ATISA, ATA, and UA’s National Center for Interpretation.
A Clean (Tran-)Slate: Research and Practice of Literary Translation
An ALTA Roundtable
With Patrick Ploschnitzki and Sonia Colina, Diana Thow moderated a roundtable at ALTA entitled “A Clean(Tran-)Slate: Research and Practice of Literary Translation,” that sought to address the divide between practice of and research on literary translation by building bridges between literary translators, researchers, and those who navigate their place in both of these seemingly separate places.
The roundtable offered an opportunity to articulate and discuss questions of placement, positioning, in-betweenness, representation, and to create connections for potential future collaboration around translation research and practice. Participants included researchers, professors, and graduate students from a range of institutions. Together participants brainstormed future action items, such as a virtual database of syllabi that would be designed to integrate theory and practice in the classroom.
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Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Delivered Inaugural Weissbort-Spivak Lecture
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, the world-renowned scholar, literary theorist and translator delivered her lecture, “Translation! Ever New, Ever Elusive” to a standing-room audience at the Old Capitol Senate Chamber on October 12, 2023.
Spivak’s talk was given in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Literary Translation program and the 60th anniversary of the Iowa Translation Workshop. At the event, which was made possible by the Maureen Robertson Fund, Spivak spoke to her experience in co-founding the UI’s MFA in Literary Translation, together with Daniel Weissbort.
She also spoke about her own translations and translation theory and invited the University of Iowa to remain firm in its commitment to being a leader in the field of Translation.
Read the full article on the CTGL website:
| And click below to watch Spivak's full lecture at the University of Iowa: | | |
World Language Day on UI Campus
High school student were invited for a visit
On October 12th, the University of Iowa welcomed area high school students who have a passion for language learning. World Language Day was a great success and represented all language programs offered within the Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Additionally, linguistics and classics also had a presence at World Language Day.
The day started with an admissions presentation along with a campus tour. Student ambassadors then met with high school students during lunch and shared their experiences studying at the University of Iowa. Students enjoyed short presentations on various languages and programs in the afternoon. The feedback from students was excellent, and we look forward to a continuation and expansion of World Language Day in the coming years!
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Meet Thomas Mira y Lopez
Visiting Assistant Professor
This fall, Thomas Mira y Lopez began a three-year position as a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Iowa. The appointment provides the chance to teach both translation and creative writing classes, and he is particularly excited about the opportunity to offer classes in English and Creative Writing that emphasize the act and art of translation, as well as to develop an upper-level undergraduate seminar that considers the connections between maps and translation.
Mira y Lopez holds MFAs in Literary Translation from the University of Iowa (2023) and Creative Writing from the University of Arizona (2014). He is the author of the essay collection The Book of Resting Places (Counterpoint) and an editor at the digital journals Territory and DIAGRAM. He is currently at work on a novel, as well as the translation from the Portuguese of the stories of the 20th century Brazilian author José J. Veiga.
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Applications Now Open for the University of Iowa Degree Programs
The Translation Department and the College of Education at the University of Iowa offer several degree programs both in Translation and World Language Education. The applications are now open for the following degrees:
- Bachelor of Arts in Translation
- MFA in Literary Translation
- Minor in Translation for Global Literacy
- PhD in Literacy, Culture and Language Education
- MA in Multilingual Education
- MAT in World Language Education
- BA in World Language Education
Click the button below for more information about the offered courses and application deadlines.
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The National Resource Center for Translation and Global Literacy (CTGL) promotes translation and global literacy as modes of critical inquiry, practice, and training for future global citizens and professionals. It is housed at the University of Iowa, an institution renowned for its commitments to global education and cross-cultural understanding through world languages and international education programs that serve students throughout all its colleges.
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