November 2023 Newsletter

In This Issue.

TCNA Co-Presidents' Updates

Crime Reports: Attempted Carjacking

Neighborhood Committees

  • Membership Committee: Good News
  • Public Safety Updates: Crime Data
  • Calvert Liaison Committee: Lower School Construction
  • Greens Committee: Leaves
  • Streets Committee: Linkwood Road Project
  • Communications: Website - History of the Stony Run Area

Neighborhood News

  • Signs at The Social, 3900 N Charles
  • Lower Stony Run Strategic Master Plan
  • Ridgemede Condo Repairs
  • Demographic Data: Race and Ethnicity
  • The Tuscan Hills (Foremer Linkwood Apartments)
  • Stoneyford Road Repairs
  • TCNA Snow Plan

Johns Hopkins University

  • New Location for Ice Rink
  • JHU Early Learning Center Moving to University Parkway
  • New Data Science and Translation Institute

Restaurants In Tuscany-Canterbury

Home & Condo: Sale Prices and Active Listing

  • Sales (Current and Under Contract)
  • Active Listings (including number of days on market and asking price)

Events In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury

Save the Dates in 2024

  • January 17, 7 pm TCNA Board Meeting
  • March 20, 7 pm TCNA Board Meeting
  • May 15, 7 pm TCNA Board Meeting
  • June 12, TCNA General Meeting and Neighborhood Residential Parking Permit Pick-up

Next TCNA newsletter, end of January 2024


TCNA is stronger with you as a member!

We’d ❤️ to have you join us or renew your dues. 

Stopped the Sign

This year Tuscany-Canterbury with your support was able to negotiate a MOU on a liquor license that will limit the hours that take-out liquor could be sold. There was a lit sign request for a 28 foot sign on a Charles Street, and we stopped it with your help.

Join or Renew TCNA Membership

Liquor License MOU

Membership Report

November 2023        

We are happy to report that we have 7 new household members since July 1.  We love having new members and love seeing those of you who have been members in the past renewing your memberships. Your dues help keep the TCNA alive and well.


If new neighbors move in next door or down the street, take the time to say hello and introduce them to our wonderful and informative website and encourage them to become members and sign up for our equally wonderful and informative newsletter. You can also send us an email at with the address of your new neighbors and we will reach out to them.


Pat Hawthorne

Chair, TCNA Membership Committee

TCNA Neighborhood November Updates

Pat Hawthorne and Mike Travieso, Co-Presidents

Dear Neighbors,


We are so lucky to live in a community surrounded by so many beautiful trees! While most of the leaves have fallen, there are still pockets of brilliant reds, yellows and oranges that light up our neighborhood. While the weather is still nice, take time to walk up and down the streets to witness the beautiful foliage.

At the November 15 general TCNA meeting, we had the opportunity to hear an exciting presentation by neighbor Josh Peek about the James Webb Telescope and the role he and the Space Telescope Science Institute on San Martin Drive play in the Webb’s space mission. Josh showed us some amazing images from within and outside of our galaxy. We had a good audience that included a number of youngsters who asked some very astute questions. We think we may have some future scientists in our midst.

More information about the Webb telescope

At the business meeting after the presentation, the following were discussed:


1.  Calvert School Covenant Renewal: We (Pat and Mike) met with Andrew Holmgren and Tom Travers at Calvert in October to discuss how we want to move forward with the renewal process. We agreed that the TCNA would initiate the process by coming up with a list of things that we deem important to be included in a new covenant. We will start that process after the first of the year.

2.  Illegal Signs at The Social: See the report from Rich Reis later in the newsletter. The TCNA is monitoring the problem and will continue to report to community until it is resolved.

3.  There was general consensus that we should resume holding a neighborhood picnic /event next fall after a brief hiatus due to COVID. We will also plan to have a social gathering before the next TCNA General Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, June 12, 2024. Stay tuned for details!!

4. Other concerns were raised by residents attending the meeting

  • The new one-lane section of University Parkway between 41st and Charles Streets presents a problem for motorists if emergency vehicles need to get through. We will forward this concern to Brian ten Siethoff, Chair of the TCNA Streets Committee, to find out what DOT recommends.

  • The sight line at the intersection of Bishop’s Lane and Charles Street is poor due to the density of parked cars. A request has been made to DOT to move the “No Parking” sign and eliminate one parking space at the intersection. We will follow up with DOT to find out when that change will be made.

  • The Stony Run flooding that occurred in September is of serious concern to residents who live in the adjacent area. The TCNA will discuss this issue at its next meeting in January and will report back to the community about efforts at the local and state levels to mitigate future flooding events.


Happy Holidays to Everyone!!


Pat and Mike


Tuscany-Canterbury Public Safety Updates

Paul Gallo, Chair of TCNA Public Safety Committee

Tuscany-Canterbury (with 4000 residents and 1800 homes and condo/ apartments) is one of the safest neighborhoods in Baltimore. But we do live in an urban area. Crime IS waiting to find us. We are including this in our newsletter so you know that things can randomly happen here and how to make you and our neighborhoods SAFER.

Attempted Carjacking in Tuscany-Canterbury

Last week three teenagers tried to steal a car in front the Tuscany/Lombardy on Stoneyford Road. While unloading packages, the car owner left keys in the car. Although the teenagers were unable to steal the car, they took the keys from the car before they ran away. The police were called and responded. No one was hurt but new keys and locks have been made for the car, building and unit.

Please be aware that there has been an uptick in the number of carjackings everywhere in the City. Although Tuscany Canterbury is one of the safest neighborhoods in the City, you must still be smart. 

Ways that we can help make our neighborhood even safer.

  • Always lock your doors to your home, car, or garage if you are inside or out.

  • Don’t leave anything visible in your car. Put it in your trunk.

  • Lights make a huge difference. Keep outside lights on (home, condo, apartments) all night long.  Also have outside lights that are triggered by motion. This is really important for safety for everyone in the neighborhood. 

  • If you see anything suspicious, call 911. (That means that you think something is happening or could happen). If something has already happened, call 311 police to report it or file it on line. . CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION

  • Remove packages from your porch or doorway as soon as possible.

  • Register your ring or security camera with the police. They will not be able to access the camera without your permission. CLICK HERE to register your car or for more information.

  • Continue to walk in the neighborhood (even in the cold).  More people out, makes a safer neighborhood.

Extensive carjacking tips are also on the TCNA website.

Ways to Prevent Carjacking

This data does not include any crimes since November 4, 2023

Car thefts rates have tripled in Baltimore.

The Baltimore Banner, Jasmine Vaughn-Hall and Greg Morton


Car thefts have skyrocketed this year at a rate unseen since the 1990s. As of November 7, 9,523 auto theft incidents — car thefts or attempted auto thefts that can render cars heavily damaged and inoperable — were reported in the city, which is more than triple the number of cars stolen from the same time period last year.

Baltimore Banner article with interactive map 

Source: Baltimore Banner Interactive map From January to November 7, 2023 (Tuscany-Canterbury has 7 times the population of Guilford and about the same population of Charles Village.

Neighborhood Events

Neighborhood Yard Sale. Martha Turner, Coordinator

Different board members & neighbors will chair specific events throughout the year.

Special thanks to Martha Turner and a dedicated group of neighbors who organized the Fall TCNA yard sale.

Yard sale behind the Dundee

Let us know if you are interested in another yard sale next year

Streets Committee

Brian ten Siethoff, Committee Chair

CLICK HERE to contact Streets Committee or Visit TCNA Website for information about all the Streets On-Going Projects

Linkwood Road Project Update!

We've all been waiting patiently for progress on the Linkwood Road project, and finally we have some great news to report!

At their October 12 meeting, the Baltimore City Planning Commission approved the Lower Stony Run Strategic Plan, which was drafted by Friends of Stony Run through an extensive public engagement effort including outreach to TCNA and other communities along Stony Run. The Strategic Plan contains a recommendation to implement the Linkwood Road walking path as portrayed in the Concept Plan developed by TCNA. The Planning Commission's endorsement is an important milestone for the project.

With the tireless efforts of Sandy Sparks from Friends of Stony Run and our friends at the Parks & People Foundation, we (finally!) have been able to access the State funding that Maggie McIntosh was able secure in her last term in the House of Delegates. Friends of Stony Run will be the Project Manager, and Parks & People Foundation will be our project's fiscal steward, because they have legal standing to be able to access State funding and sign contracts with design engineers and construction firms. We have a great working relationship with both organizations and are happy to have their expertise to help us navigate through the bureaucratic and legal hoops. 

A City-approved design firm will be under contract soon to turn our Concept Plan into formal, engineer-stamped design plans. The designs and other related documents will need to be reviewed and approved by at least three City agencies: Department of Public Works, Department of Recreation and Parks, and Department of Transportation. The approvals process may take quite a while based on recent experience with other projects in the neighborhood that are currently moving through the pipeline. BUT, once we have city approval, we can, at last, move forward with construction.

We'll continue to keep the neighborhood up to date as we reach additional milestones. Thanks to all of our friends on the Streets Committee, and in particular the "Linkwood Six" (you know who you are!) who have been advocating for this project and working to move it forward for many years.


Greens Committee

Eric Elton & Patrick Mutch, Committee Co-Chairs

Committee Members: Alison Moliterno, Bonnie Boland, Pat Hawthorne, Mary Loker (Does not include all the volunteers who help throughout the year)

It’s that time of year again!  The leaves have started to fall and it is collection-time.  Please collect leaves, especially those that are along the street curbs and the sidewalks that define your property and keep the storm drains clear of leaves.  This is the responsibility of all homeowners, apartment owners, businessesand condo association.  The leaves can be bagged and put out with the Tuesday trash collection.  


When leaves collect on storm drains and are not removed, they can stop the drainage of water to the storm drains. During rainstorms, roads can become flooded. When temperature freeze, the frozen leaves make it difficult to pull out of parking places. 


Baltimore City Leaf Collection until January 22,2024

  • Put your yard waste out on your trash collection day.
  • Put it at the same place where you put out your trash.
  • Crews will collect up to 5 bags of leaves from each address every week
  • Put yard waste in plastic bags (preferably clear or labeled bags), paper bags, or bundle it.

REMINDER: Time to Trim Back Vegetation

If your property has vegetation that is encroaching on public walkways such as sidewalks and alleys, please take time to trim it back to make it safer for everyone.

Calvert Liaison Committee

Amy Mutch, Chair

Committee Members: Ferd Latrobe (Canterbury Road), Ned Lewison (Gardens of Guilford), Arna Margolis (Tuscany/Lombardy), Nick Kouwenhoven (Tuscany Road)

Snow Plowing

In the past, Calvert has usually plowed Tuscany, Canterbury, and Highfield streets. They will continue to do this but can't guarantee it. It depends on the timing of the storm and the staff being able to get into the neighborhood. 

Lower School Addition

Given no unforeseen circumstances, the lower school addition is set for completion early January unless unforeseen circumstances arise.

Calendar Events for Calvert School

  • November 21, School closes at 12:30 Grandparents’ Day
  • November 22-26, Thanksgiving Break begins School closed
  • November 27, School resumes at 8:00
  • December 15, School closes at 12:30– Last day of classes before Winter Break
  • December 18-January 2, School closed -Winter Break
  • January 3, School resumes at 8:00
  • January 15, School Closed – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

All dates are also shown on the TCNA web page - Calvert & JHU events

Communications Committee

Linda Eberhart, Newsletter Coordinator

Julie Watson, Webmaster

John Robinson, Photographer

Committee: Ann Finkbeiner and TCNA board members contribute articles, photos, and other support for newsletter and website.

TCNA Website History Feature

Stony Run Lane and Area 1915-1922

Architect Clyde Friz constructed three apartment houses on part of the land he had purchased from the University Parkway Company in 1913. These buildings were situated in a secluded, almost hidden enclave of the neighborhood.

The Lombardy

Gardens of Guilford

House on Linkwood Road

In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury

Questions, Comments, Messages

If you see a problem, have a question, or want to help, let TCNA know.


Let TCNA know your concerns
New and Probably Illegal Signs Social High Rise Apartment 3900 North Charles
Rich Reis, Neighborhood Volunteer
During October 2023, the Social Apartments erected four signs around its property along West 39th Street and Charles Street advertising a side business of parking.
As this newsletter (November 18, 2023) goes to press, most of the signs had been removed except one along their driveway on Charles Street and second along their driveway on W 39th Street. There is a 3rd sign affixed to their building and visible from West 39th Street.
TCNA contacted our City planner, Marie Anderson about the sign issue who noted that the Social is not permitted to run a parking business in our residential (R10) neighborhood; thus the city had cited and fined the Social. The Social will be fined every 30 days until they cease running a parking business or until they apply for and get a special permit for that activity.
Whether the signs are permitted at all remains an important related issue. 
At the same time, we note that the Ambassador Dining Room within the Ambassador apartment house has placed A-frame signs at the intersections of 39th Street and Canterbury Road as well as at University Boulevard and Canterbury Road. These may also be disallowed under zoning ordinances. TCNA is currently reviewing all the signs in the neighborhood.
TCNA will update the SIGN website as new information is provided

Approved by Baltimore City Planning Commission

On October 12, 2023 Department of Planning Commission approved the Lower Stony Run plan with a few minor amendments to the 200 page plan. No changes were made to the Linkwood Road Capital 1 project.

Item: Lower Stony Run Strategic Plan

Description: For the purpose of adopting the Lower Stony Run Strategic Plan a community-driven master planning effort to provide a long-term vision to protect and enhance the beloved Stony Run Walking Path, the Stony Run stream valley, and its associated park spaces. Growing from the successful Upper Stony Run Strategic Plan, completed in 2019, this targeted plan is looking to identify improvements from Overhill Road to the north to 29th Street and the Jones Falls Trailhead/Druid Hill Park at Wyman Park Drive to the south. 

The Lower Stony Run Strategic Plan is a follow up to the Upper Stony Run Strategic Plan, which was initiated in 2014 and was completed and approved by the Planning Commission in 2018. The Upper Stony Run Strategic Plan grew out of the Greater Roland Park Master Plan, which called for a group to address Stony Run in particular. The Greater Roland Park Master Plan was approved by the Planning Commission in 2011. 

Lower Stony Run Plan website

LSR Public Engagement

LSR Partners & Steering Committee

Ridgemede Condo Repairs Completed

After many years of exposure to weather and the subsequent wearing down of the balconies’ infrastructure, the Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condominium Association refurbished the balconies and surrounding brickwork.

This involved the total removal of all the rusted iron railings - which in some places were completely detached from the brickwork which, in turn, was in serious disrepair. In addition, the defective weatherproof balcony flooring surface for all the balconies had to be entirely scraped off and prepped for a new application of weatherproofing. New and stronger railings were installed after external ceilings of each balcony was painted With brick tuck-pointing and power washing, the balconies now completed.

Tuscany-Canterbury Census Data

Race and Ethnicity

Census information shows that 37.9% of people who live in Tuscany-Canterbury were born in another state.  Another 29.5% of the residents were born in another country compared to a total 7.3% of foreign born residents in Baltimore.

In 2020 Tuscany-Canterbury Census Information

  • White 2244 (52%)
  • Asian: 1077 (35%)
  • Black: 193 (4%)
  • Hispanic: 190 (4%)


Baltimore City Recycling Program

Reminders what not to include in your recycling

Updates: Stoneyford Road

Still no long-term solution to the water main breaks.

But, Stoneyford Road has been repaved.

4000 Linkwood Road

Former Linkwood Apartments, now Tuscan Hills.

The Linkwood Apartments were sold at auction in 2019 for $5,974,000. and then sold again in 2022. the name has been changed to the Tuscan Hills. Fully renovated in 2023, these new apartments have an open floor plans with soaring ceilings, gourmet kitchen, stainless steel appliances, and custom walk-in closets.

More information about the Tuscan Hills

The Paradise Mill was located on this location in 1799. Today, the original mill stone "Linkwood" is at the entrance of the apartments.

Read more about the Paradise Mill

2023 Baltimore City Snow Plan

for the Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood

Tuscany-Canterbury streets are divided into primary and secondary streets. The main difference is that primary streets are treated by city employees using 5-ton trucks. Secondary streets are treated by contractors using various sizes of smaller trucks.

Photo, Baltimore1918

Primary Streets

  • 39th Street
  • Charles Street
  • Canterbury Road
  • Linkwood Road
  • Tuscany Road
  • University Parkway

Secondary Streets

  • Cloverhill Road
  • Highfield Road
  • Ridgemede Road
  • Stony Run Lane
  • Stoneyford Road

The City or Tuscany-Canterbury does not plow or salt alleys or clear sidewalks.

More information about the Snow Plan

Residents, Condos and Apartment Responsibilities

  • Shovel your sidewalk

  • Do NOT put snow in the street when you shovel your sidewalk, clear your car, or clear your parking lane.

  • Park as close to the curb as possible during snowstorms so that the plows can get through.

  • Remove snow from storm drains (so that streets don’t flood).

The Washington Post

Matt Ross and Jason Samenow, November 9, 2023 

"Let it Snow

Our D.C. winter forecast calls for the most snow in 5 years.

The Capital Weather Gang is predicting a colder, snowier winter compared with recent years in D.C., fueled by El Niño"

Baltimore Banner Snow Predictions

  • Temporary Ice Rink
  • Move Early Learning Center
  • New Data Science and Translation Institute

Projects planned for the Old Carnegie Building site

University Parkway and San Martin Drive

Temporary Ice Rink

Due to competing demands for the use of the tennis courts by JHU athletics, the seasonal ice rink will be relocated from the tennis courts on Charles Street to the Old Carnegie site at University Parkway and St. Martin Drive.


Seasonal Ice Rink- Temporary 

  • Planning, construction and operation complies with all Baltimore City codes, with site work starting week of November 12, 2023. 
  • Dates of Operation: TBD January – late February 2024. 
  • Ice Rink is open for community skating. Website forthcoming for reservations.  
  • Two entrances- JHU affiliates and public with security provided 24/7 for the area. 
  • Portable lighting will be used which will be directed downward towards the rink to reduce light spill. They will be shut down each night after operations. 
  • Sound/noise from chiller complies with Baltimore City noise ordinance. 
  • There will be a public address system capable of projecting announcements and music during skating sessions that will be monitored and controlled similar to the PA system at the Homewood and Baseball Fields. Music volume for the ice rink will also comply with Baltimore City noise ordinance. 
  • Public parking will be available at the Muller Deck Garage on San Martin Drive on the weekends  

Move JHU Early Learning Center

From Wyman Park Drive and Remington

to University Parkway and San Martin Drive

After weeks of consultation with parents, faculty and staff, a decision has been made to relocate the current Homewood Early Learning Center (ELC) that is located on Wyman Park Drive and Remington Avenue to the Old Carnegie Building site, at the corner of University Parkway and San Martin Drive.


JHU is very early in the planning process and additional details for the site will develop over the next several months. A meeting will be scheduled with TCNA in the near future.

New Data Science and Translation Institute with 2 new buildings

South side of Homewood Campus on the Wyman Park Building parcel (current site of the Early Learning Center)

Above: Johns Hopkins University’s proposed Data Science and Translation Institute buildings (A and B in blue) at Wyman Park Drive and Remington Avenue. Depictions show possible massing and height, and are not architectural renderings. (JHU)

In August 2023, Johns Hopkins University announced a new investment it was making in data science and the exploration of artificial intelligence. The sweeping initiative, said JHU President Ronald Daniels, would make Hopkins “a leading hub for engaging the challenges and opportunities of the data revolution now upon us” and would result in the hiring of as many as 80 new faculty members.

More information about the proposed building in The Baltimore Brew, October 30 2023



In and around


Maureen LaPorta, TCNA restaurant liaison

One World Cafe is a vegan and vegetarian restaurant owned by sisters Cindy and Sue. They have been in place at One World cafe for 22 years and the majority of the staff has been there for more than 20 years! Quite an accomplishment. Most of their food items are made in-house and gluten-free options are also available. One World has both indoor and outdoor dining options and offers a full-service bar. Breakfast is served until 3 pm each day. The restaurant is closed on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday through Friday hours are 10am to 8pm, Saturday hours are 9am to 8pm and Sunday hours are 9am to 4pm.

Alizee offers classic American cuisine with a gourmet touch. They have a team of seasoned professionals led by Chef Francisco Lopez leading the group with experience coming from many other city restaurants.
Happy Hour is 4-6 PM, Sunday through Thursday, with 50% off all alcoholic drinks.
There will be specialty nights with lower prices on specialty items of the night. One of their specialties and their most ordered entree is braised short ribs. It is definitely worth trying. There will be more information forthcoming.
There will be cooking classes in January. Contact Ricardo to sign up (410-963-8577).
The Ambassador offers traditional and authentic Indian dishes. Gopal Bishwakarma, owns and manages the Ambassador Restaurant.
All dishes are made from scratch daily including the naan bread. The Ambassador is closed on Monday. They offer a buffet from 11AM - 2:30PM Tuesday through Thursday for $15.00. Friday through Saturday there is an extended buffet which is $18.95. Sunday the extended buffet is $27.95 and includes unlimited mimosas.
The restaurant is also open from 5PM to 10PM Tuesday through Sunday. If you don’t choose the buffet, the extensive menu is always available as well as, vegan and vegetarian options. Chicken tikka masala is their most popular dish. Ambassador has catering and carryout available.
Free parking is next to the building between the Ambassador and the Colonnade. There are 6 - 8 spaces. There is also evening valet parking.

Cypriana’s owners, Maria Kaimakis and Vassos Yiannouris, are passionate about the quality and authenticity of the food they serve at their Mediterranean cuisine restaurant.

 All items on the menu are handmade, dressings are made from scratch with no preservatives or sugar, and the hummus is handcrafted. They use only the best of olive oil from Crete.

Cypriana offers small plates and entrees serving diners, private parties, and catering. Vassos has spent 33 years challenged to do things right, authentically, and while putting the customer first. Free parking is available across the street from Cypriana on 39th Street. Open Tuesday through Sunday 5pm until 9 or 10pm with no lunch service.

Cypriana is set to open a second location, a 5,595 square foot space in the mix use community of Maple Lawn in Howard County.

The new cafe in the neighborhood, Kanom, insists on food quality. All items are made from scratch daily. The four owners are Nicki, Jeff, Ann, and Mickey. Mickey is the chef. The cafe is open every day except Tuesday from 7AM until 5PM

They are serving coffee, espresso, Thai iced tea and coffee, sodas, boxed sandwiches and salad, cake, pastry, croissants (butter, chocolate, almond, ham and cheese). Salads and hot made in-house sandwiches are coming soon. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, they have additional special croissants for example tiramisu and cookies and cream.

Mickey, the chef, graduated from Culinary School for food and bakery in Thailand. He has worked in pastry shops including in Boston. This is his first ownership in business. Every day Mickey prepares his products at the work table behind a glass divider in the cafe. They encourage everyone to come to see the “show”.

Jeff is also a chef and business owner who has worked in hotels, cruise ships, and restaurants. Jeff is also an owner of two restaurants that will be opening soon, one in Fells Point and one in Towson, serving Thai food. 

They are very excited to be in Tuscany Canterbury and look forward to meeting the neighbors.

  • Kanom Instagram if neighbors would like to follow them.
  • Web address
  • Contact: 443-708-8108.
Hopkins Market hopes to open in December.
For the first year, Hopkins Market will respond to the customers' needs and determine the level of service to maximize customer’s experience. Hopkins Market will provide fresh deli sushi daily, a coffee bar, light fare like tuna salad, pizza, and groceries, wine, liquor, beer, and more.
They will offer delivery for some products according to guidelines. There will also be a sitting area in the Market. A goal of Hopkins Market is to provide essentials for residents so no one needs to drive daily. There will be more information as they get closer to the opening.

Read more about all the local restaurants in Tuscany-Canterbury in the new TNCA restaurant web page.

Sold Prices, Active Listings, Under Contract

Homes & Condos

Tuscany Canterbury

Thanks to TCNA member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.

Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   

Source:  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, Realtor for the Sales, 42 Village Square, MD, Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:

Neighbors had lots of fun decorating this year.

Special thanks to John Robinson, neighborhood photographer, and Julie Watson, webmaster for all of their work. The TCNA website has the following image galleries if you missed them this year.

Share Your Pictures

Events In and Around


If you have an event that you would like included in the newsletter, send information to the month before the event.

Landmark Exhibition Ethel Ennis

October 22, 2023 - March 31, 2024

JHU, George Peabody Library,

Peabody Institute, 17 East Mt Vernon Place

17 East Mount Vernon Place

Devoted to Baltimore vocalist Ethel Ennis (1932 – 2019), this landmark exhibition explores each era of the singer's remarkable life—including Ethel's Place, the storied music club she owned with husband Earl Arnett. Featuring some 130 items drawn from the Johns Hopkins Sheridan Libraries' Ethel Ennis and Earl Arnett Collection, the photographs, posters, unpublished written arrangements, audiovisual recordings, business records, and other materials on display trace how Ennis connected with local and international audiences through her artistry and personal philosophies and consciously pioneered a musician's career path deeply rooted in her hometown.

Hampden Holiday Market at St. Luke's

November 25

12 - 5

800 West 36th Street

Hampden Village Merchants is sponsoring a passport program with prizes. With a wide variety of vendors, you'll find unique gifts, and delicious treats. 

R House Garage Greater Goods Market

November 26

12 -5

301 W 29th Street

Over 60 craft vendors ranging from jewelry and body care to candles and artwork. Tunes provided by Party Girl Entertainment aka Amy Reid!

Union Collective

December 16


1700 W 41st Street

Shop Small and Shop Local with over FORTY vendors.

Vendors will be set up all throughout Union Collective.

Potters Guild

December 2


3600 Clipper Mill Road

Annual Winter Market is Back! We’re celebrating the season-

come by the gallery and loading dock to see all of our potters’ newest goods!

Miracle on 34th Street - Lighting 

November 25 at 6pm

One of the greatest parts about Christmas in Baltimore is the Miracle on 34th Street in Hampden! (34th Street between Keswick and Chestnut) All are welcome to enjoy this amazing display of holiday lights!

3001 Vineyard Lane

Baltimore 21218

The Book Thing

Sunday, December 10

Browsing: 9am until 5pm.

Book Donations: 9am-2pm.

CLICK HERE for more information about donations.

Making Her Mark

Ends January 7, 2024

Free on December 10 and on all Thursdays

The Baltimore Museum of Art hosts another groundbreaking exhibit, this time making sure that patrons know about women artists from 1400-1800 in Europe. Male artists always had the acclaim while omen were considered less talented. This exhibit destroys that belief.

Community Concerts at Second


4200 St. Paul Street

January 21



Nathaniel Gumbs, recognized by The Diapason magazine in 2017 as one of 20 outstanding organists under 30 years old, currently serves as Director of Chapel Music at Yale University and performs throughout the United States and abroad. 

The New York Times describes his playing as “mature, lyrical, accurate, and energetic.” Spanning centuries and styles, this program includes works by Bonnet, Franck, Haywood, Price, Stoddart, Widor, and more, all played on the Casavant Freres Organ at Second Presbyterian Church. 

Upcoming Concerts For More Information

TCNA Officers and Board Members

  • Co-President: Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
  • Co-President: Mike Travieso (Tuscany-Lombardy, Stony Run Lane)
  • Past President Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road), Events Committee
  • Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)
  • Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
  • Secretary: Sam Park (Tuscany Court)

Board Members:

  • Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road), Gardens Committee
  • Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road), Events, 100th Celebration
  • Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road), Newsletter Coordinator
  • Eric Elton (Cloverhill Road), Greens Committee, Co-chair
  • Paul Gallo  (Tuscany Court), Public Safety Liaison
  • Nancy Lee LaMotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Linkwood Rd), Residential Permit Parking Coordinator. Membership Committee
  • Maureen LaPorta (Ridgemede Rd), Neighborhood Restaurant Liaison
  • Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road), Events, 100th Celebration
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee
  • Amy Mutch (Tuscany Road), Calvert Liaison Committee Chair
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee
  • Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road), Streets Committee Chair
  • Julie Watson (Canterbury Road), Web Master