Celebrating over 50 years of helping animals!

P.O. BOX 8257 ● PITTSBURGH, PA 15218-0257

"On behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves but depend on honorable men and women

for kindness, mercy and justice”


Through donations received from members and the public, Animal Care and Welfare Inc.

offers assistance for low cost spays and neuters. We also operate our pet placement program by collaborating with shelters, carefully selecting homeless pets and placing them in loving homes.


AC&W placed over a hundred homeless dogs and cats into their forever homes this year. With determination and hard work, we saved the lives of so many unwanted kittens during “kitten season.” These kittens would not have the wonderful future they now have without our help and the help of our partnering shelters. We will continue to save as many homeless pets as we can until hopefully one day we won’t have to.

As we take time to reflect on everything we are thankful for this year, we remember our friend, Ed Blotzer, who founded AC&W in 1970. Although he has been gone for over 20 years now, his heart and soul are still alive in our organization. Many of you may have known Ed during his time as the first humane officer in Allegheny County and how strongly he felt about his cause to help those who could not help themselves. He was a true champion for the animals. There would not be an AC&W without all of his efforts. We feel very blessed that we can carry on his legacy and we hope to continue his mission for years to come.

It is time again for Giving Tuesday. We are a nonprofit organization that is maintained by an all volunteer staff. We rely strictly on the donations we receive from our members and the public. Your donations help us rescue homeless pets in need and get them the vet care they need including vaccinations, spays, neuters, microchips, flea/tick prevention and deworming. Consider visiting on November 28th and see how you can support AC&W. Every donation makes a difference and we can’t do it without you! If you can’t join us on Giving Tuesday, the above website will continue to accept donations through the end of the year or you can donate anytime on our website at Thanks for your support!

We are also asking for prayers and well wishes for our friend and fellow animal advocate,

fondly known as Sue 2, who was recently diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Thankfully it was found early, but she still had to undergo major surgery and has had to deal with unexpected post-surgical complications. Sue 2 has volunteered with AC&W for the last 20 years as an invaluable member of our organization and has given her all to the animals. She still has a long road ahead of her, but we know she is determined to get back to work and ensure that all the animals have everything they need to be healthy, happy and loved. If you would like to do more to help Sue 2, we encourage you to visit her GoFundMe page or our Facebook page for more information. We all wish Sue 2 a quick recovery and look forward to working

with her again soon.


“I think about you guys every year during the expo since I got my fur baby from you. Back in 2017,

I adopted Brody from you…Just wanted to give you an update…Still living his best life.”


“We adopted Lily (Squeege) back in March from you…She's still a crazy pup and definitely keeps my Boston Terriers active, but she's also so very affectionate and sweet! We love her!”

Life is better with furry friends

Even though all of our adoption pets are microchipped, there are still many cats and dogs who are not. Thankfully there are good resources that can help pets find their way home if they not microchipped. Social media has many great outlets that post lost and found pets whether it is a local community group or an actual lost and found group. Microchipping is always the best way to ensure pets find their way home, but it helps to know that there are other ways to reunite pets with their families.

Thanks for supporting our mission to help homeless pets! 

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season!

All animals pictured in this newsletter were helped through the efforts of

Animal Care & Welfare Inc. 

Would you like to become an

ACW member? 

An annual membership of $25.00

includes a membership card with

10% off ACW merchandise

and an ACW zipper pouch.

Please visit our website below for

more information or simply click

on the button below.

Our adoption pets thank you in

advance for your support!

Become a Member

Animal Care and Welfare Inc., founded by Ed and Kay Blotzer, incorporated since 1970, was created for the purpose of preventing cruelty to animals.

AC&W is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization supported solely by donations. The all-volunteer

Board of Directors appreciates your support: 

Sue Krul - President

Bonnie Evans-Magdalene - Treasurer

Barbara Kagarise - Secretary

Carolyn Travis - Director of Communications

A public service to people and pets without cost to taxpayers, operated by volunteers. 

Chartered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

A Non-Profit Society. The official registration and

financial information of Animal Care and Welfare Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Dept. of State

by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999.

Registration does not imply endorsement.

Animal Care & Welfare Inc.

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