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Make a secure online contribution today. Together, we can create a society where violence in relationships no longer exists.



Cornerstone's continuum of service helps to create communities where individuals and families are safe and children thrive. We advocate, educate and lead the way to social change. Learn more

This luncheon fundraiser event will feature speakers and presentations honoring Cornerstone's 40 years of building hopeful futures.


  • October 27th, 2023 from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. CT


  • Minnesota Valley Country Club - Bloomington, Minnesota


  • General Admission -$40.00 plus fees
  • Full Table (10 General Admission Tickets) - $400.00 plus fees
  • Donation - If you will be unable to attend but would like to make a contribution, you can do so through Eventbrite.
Space is limited, so secure your spot today!

Thank you to our generous sponsors!

For those interested, we still have sponsorship opportunities for this event.

Gold Level Sponsor ($5,000)

  • Logo on one giveaway item
  • Cornerstone to share company’s two social posts (as selected by company)
  • Listed as sponsor in mailed invitations (logo)
  • Listed as sponsor in monthly enews (logo)
  • Logo on Website through 2023
  • Day-of event signage (logo)
  • Featured on Cornerstone’s social media
  • Inclusion in Annual Report

Silver Level Sponsor ($2,500)

  • Listed as sponsor in mailed invitations (logo)
  • Listed as sponsor in monthly enews (logo)
  • Logo on Website through 2023
  • Day-of event signage (logo)
  • Featured on Cornerstone’s social media
  • Inclusion in Annual Report

Bronze Level Sponsor ($1,000)

  • Listed as sponsor in monthly enews (name)
  • Logo on Website through 2023 (event page only)
  • Day-of event signage (name)
  • Featured on Cornerstone’s social media
  • Inclusion in Annual Report


Please contact Andrew N, Communications and Events Coordinator, with any questions about the 40th Anniversary Luncheon Fundraiser at

KARE11 Highlights Minnesota Day One Call Center and Cornerstone for Communities that KARE

On August 7th, KARE 11 highlighted Minnesota Day One Call Center and Cornerstone as part of their Communities that KARE, which spotlights people and organizations making a difference in the community.

Thumbnail of Day One Advocate on the phone, with KARE11 Logo

Read and watch the full KARE11 highlight here.

#Cornerstone40 Spotlights

Cornerstone was founded in 1983 by a group of dedicated volunteers who recognized the need for domestic violence services in the Hennepin County suburbs. This was a time before significant public funding for domestic violence services and a time when this issue was rarely even discussed. Since these forward-thinking and caring volunteers started Cornerstone, we have expanded in size, scope and geographic footprint.

Our 40th anniversary is a chance to honor those who made this growth possible: volunteers, donors, board members, staff, partners, and the community. It is also an opportunity to reflect back on the strength and accomplishments of our agency and those we serve.

Cornerstone has many types of partners that help in our mission to create communities where individuals and families are safe and children thrive. This month, we would like to highlight our partnership with a local law enforcement agency, the Brooklyn Center Police Department.

Ten Years of Partnership with the Brooklyn Center Police Department

Through our Criminal and Civil Justice Intervention Services (CCJI) program, Cornerstone provides advocacy and support for participants before, during, and after any criminal or civil hearings, writes and files Orders for Protection, helps create safety plans, and much more. In 2022 alone, Cornerstone’s CCJI program provided 306 participants with civil advocacy, 2,011 with criminal justice advocacy, 2,178 with legal advocacy, and 150 with orders for protection across our service area.


The CCJI program needs and has a strong partnership with local law enforcement agencies to do this work, including with the Brooklyn Center Police Department who has been a Cornerstone partner for more than 10 years. Cornerstone Advocates are able to provide these resources and services by the way we receive police incident reports from the Brooklyn Center Records Division.


When a report is taken by an officer, it is turned in to the Records division, where it is processed and submitted to a domestic violence advocacy group, such as Cornerstone, and/or the City or County Prosecutor for criminal charges. The Records Division also ensures proper storage, laboratory testing, and chain-of-custody are completed for evidence related to the case.


This month, the Brooklyn Center Police Department went above and beyond in their partnership with their generous donation of personal care items and school supplies. These are two donations that Cornerstone had an immediate need for and will be used to directly assist victim/survivors and child participants of Cornerstone.

Pictured are Cornerstone’s Communication and Events Coordinator and the non-sworn employees of the Brooklyn Center Police Department with their generous donations. We are grateful for our partnership with the sworn and non-sworn employees of the Brooklyn Center Police Department.


For more information and to access Criminal/Civil Justice Intervention Services (CCJI), please call (952) 646-6502 to speak to a CCJI advocate. You can also reach Cornerstone’s 24/7 Minnesota Day One Crisis Line by calling 1-866-223-1111, texting 612-399-9995, or visiting If you or a loved one are experiencing domestic violence and in immediate danger, please call or text 9-1-1 in an emergency.


If you are an individual or business that is interested in donating, please feel free to reach out to Cornerstone or the Brooklyn Center Police Department!


Cornerstone: Courtney P., Director of Advancement, at


Brooklyn Center Police Department: Megan Braun, Community Liaison,, 763-503-3157.

Current Needs, Volunteer Opportunities, and How You Can Help

Gift Cards - Cornerstone's families are often in need of basic—but important—items on a short timeline. $25 to $50 Gift card donations to stores like Target and Walmart allow the families we work with to meet those needs quickly. 

One example comes from Mia and her six-year-old son. Mia's son was growing quickly and last year, as winter was approaching, she asked her son to try on his winter boots to see if he could still fit in them.

His feet had clearly gotten too big and he needed a new pair of boots so he could safely wait for the school bus. But money was very tight for their family. Mia connected with her Cornerstone advocate and was able to get a gift card to buy a new pair of much-needed boots in her son's size right away—before the snow fell. 

School Supplies - Thank you to everyone who has already contributed school supplies, including the Brooklyn Center Police Department for their incredible employee drive. For those still interested in contributing school-based donations, our most significant remaining school supplies needs include Clorox wipes, Kleenex, graphing calculators, backpacks, and pencil sharpeners.

Amazon Wishlist - Other items needed this month include anything currently listed on our Amazon Wishlist which we update regularly to reflect our programs' and participants' needs.

Movie Night Baskets - With the cold, cozy weather on its way, we are looking for individuals or a volunteer group interested in purchasing and assembling fun movie night baskets/kits for our participants. These could include anything like candy, snacks, popcorn, blankets, as well as Amazon Gift Cards to allow participants to rent or purchase a movie.

Tuesday Night Community Meals - We are looking for volunteer groups to host Tuesday night community meal for Cornerstone participants on October 24th. Volunteer groups will shop and prepare a meal for 15-25 people, serve the meal to Cornerstone families and then clean up. Groups are here from 4:30pm to 7:00pm including set up and cleaning. Group size is usually 5-7 volunteers.

Childcare Assistance - Cornerstone is looking for volunteers to assist with childcare while our participants attend meetings, go to appointments, or run errands. Shifts are weekly on Mondays from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Wednesdays from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Brooklyn Center Farmers Market - Cornerstone will have a resource table at the Brooklyn Center Farmers Market on September 28th and we are looking for volunteers to help share information about our services.

Marketing Experience- We are also looking for volunteers with marketing experience to help get the word out about Cornerstone's services for sexually exploited youth.

Interested in Donating or Volunteering?

If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact Courtney P, Director of Advancement, at  

Donations may be dropped off at our Bloomington location Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm. Please email Courtney once you’ve dropped off a donation so that we may record your gift and properly thank you.


Thank you so much to the World of Care Committee and their work with LIMA Regional General Manager’s and members of the Hyatt Regency for their donating and dropping off tie-off blankets and care kits. We are grateful to our friends at the Hyatt Regency for their leadership in the community and ongoing generosity. 

Thank you to Cornerstone staff, volunteers, and participants for a great End of Summer Cookout last week! Not only was there delicious food, board games, and face painting, but everyone managed to stay cool with swimming, water balloon fun, and frozen custard donated by the Culver's in Apple Valley. Plus, participants were able to prepare for the upcoming school year and pick up donated school supplies. These events would not be possible without our wonderful staff, active volunteers, and generous contributors.

We are so grateful for the continued partnership of the Archie D. and Bertha H. Walker Foundation, who has renewed their support for Cornerstone's Clinical Services programming. This work provides affordable and trauma-informed mental health services for victim/survivors of violence.

Thank you for Bachman's Floral and Garden for their donation of 200 snack packs for Cornerstone's children and youth. They arrived just in time for after-school snacks!  

1000 E. 80th St.
Bloomington, MN
7051 Brooklyn Blvd.
Brooklyn Center, MN
2241 and 2249 E. 38th St. 
1501 Xerxes Ave. N.
Minneapolis, MN
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