A Prayer for the Seasons
Gracious God of All Creation,
You have blessed us with the beautiful and amazing world around us.
Each season of the year shares the glory of your loving hand.
Spring bursts with scents, colors and the sounds of birds nesting.
Summer radiates the warmth of your tender mercy and boasts our growing season.
Autumn brings harvest and the vibrant colors of the leaves before they fall from the trees.
And winter provides the rain and snow needed for the upcoming spring. Although many plants look dead, your new life is below the surface - making its way to share the good news of new life - at the appointed time.
Thank you God for each and every season, for the lessons they teach and the challenges that they bring.
Help me to welcome change, challenge and growth, knowing that you are the Lord of all things.
I ask this through Jesus, in union with the Holy Spirit.