MAR 12


for more information

Worship in the sanctuary at 8:30 & 11AM

Sunday School Hour for all ages at 9:45AM

Livestream Worship at 11AM on YouTube:

Yesterday marked 5 years since COVID was named as a world-wide pandemic, and just like that, everything seemed to change at our church and in our world: how we interacted with others, how we worshiped, how we worked, and even how we played. I can barely believe it was that long ago, and as I look at my personal life, there have been so many shocking changes: some joyful changes and some painful changes. As I look at our church, I can make the same statement. Who we were on March 8, 2020, at our last in-person service before we switched to on-line worship, is different from who we are now.

As I look around, we have different people in our pews: there are many people we miss seeing on Sundays, and yet there are many new faces too. At South Lyon First UMC, there have been some joyful and painful changes, and the way we do ministry has changed. I am thankful for the adaptive leadership here and our ability to stay Christ-focused, Spirit-filled, and Mission-driven, which has allowed us to continue doing the ministry that God has called us to do together.


I also appreciate that the leadership continues to pray, to examine, and to look at our current ministries and how we can elevate what we are doing. We have seen that through our mission work, Christian Education offerings, care of our building, and worship experiences (just to highlight a few). One of our focus areas lately has been our Care Team, examining how we are caring for one another. The focus, leadership, and purpose of this team has changed over the years. One of our growth areas that we identified is caring for those who are homebound.

Every church has them: once-active church members who now have limitations (temporary or permanent) that have reduced their involvement in church. They are known as the homebound or shut-ins, both of which are inadequate terms because they address people’s limitations rather than their gifts. Generally, the homebound do provide challenges to the church, because they require specialized care; however, I believe they also offer substantial gifts to our community of faith. Several of our homebound, worship with us each Sunday through our YouTube channel. This is a joyful change to our church ministry. Unfortunately, with the season of COVID, staff changes, health changes, and for a variety of other reasons, we have not been consistently in contact with some of our amazing church members. 

As the only pastor on staff, I cannot do all the ministry that God puts before us. This church and leadership have always understood the importance of doing the ministry together with the pastor. While I care for most critical situations, I realize that lay people visiting and caring for one another is a crucial way for the church to walk with those who find themselves limited in their ability to get into the church building. While several people have currently been visiting people who they once worshiped with, we also realize that there are others who we are missing, or for whom we do not have correct contact information. There are even some who should be on a visitation list who are unknown.

This last week about 10 of us gathered to pray, to learn about making comfort visits, and to assign various volunteers to the homebound who we are aware of at this time. If God is calling you to be part of a care team that makes comfort visits or delivers communion, etc.., please reach out to Laura Hatch (chair of the Care Team) or to me. If you have names of people who you think should be on the list, please contact us. There is also one more way we could use your help. There are 4 people who we cannot locate: Evelyn Bradley, Elsie Kay, Delores Livingston, and Henry Schmaedeke. We are not sure if they are in the area, have moved away, or have entered eternal life. We would love any insight that you have to share. 

Together, may we find ways to build relationships, to continue to pray with and for each other, and to extend love and care for each other. Thank you for keeping this ministry in your prayers.

Love and Peace in Christ, Rev. Mary


Over 200 United Methodists from around the entire state traveled to Lansing to advocate for changes to no-fault automotive care insurance.


Holy Thursday worship on APR 17 at 6PM will begin with prayer in the sanctuary and will continue in the fellowship hall with an agape meal, prayer, and song. Please RSVP using the link below to help us plan for the meal.



To give visual praise to our Risen Lord on Easter Sunday, we are offering the opportunity to order a beautiful pot of daffodils or tulips! You can keep the flowers or donate for the SLFUMC Care Team to give away to home-bound friends. If you wish to order flowers in honor or in memory of a loved one, please include that information. 

Order deadline is March 26th.  Please use the attached order form and make checks payable to FUMC (note "Easter Flowers" in the memo section) or use the QR code to order and to pay (add the IMO/IHO information and flower choice in the Memo section).



"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." — Hebrews 13:16

Dear Congregation,

As we enter the month of March, our Missions Team is honored to support the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) as our Mission of the Month. For over 80 years, UMCOR has been a beacon of hope, extending compassion and assistance to those facing adversity worldwide.

Founded in 1940 in response to the global upheaval of World War II, UMCOR has remained steadfast in its mission to alleviate human suffering. Whether confronting natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes or addressing human-caused crises such as war and displacement, UMCOR stands ready to assist the most vulnerable, irrespective of race, religion, or nationality.

UMCOR's holistic approach encompasses immediate relief and long-term recovery. They provide essential supplies, support rebuilding efforts, and offer training to help communities prepare for future challenges. Their areas of impact include disaster response, migration and refugee support, global health initiatives, and sustainable development projects.

As United Methodists, our faith calls us to serve as Christ's hands and feet in the world. By supporting UMCOR, we live out this calling, transforming our faith into tangible acts of love and mercy. Our contributions enable UMCOR to respond swiftly to crises, bringing relief and hope to those in dire circumstances.

In the spirit of Hebrews 13:16, let us remember to "do good and to share with others." Your generous donations this month will empower UMCOR to continue its vital work, embodying God's love in action.


Amy Randall-Ray Chair, Missions Team


You are invited to a pancake breakfast between worship services on Palm Sunday. Bring your family and friends for a fun fellowship hour and a chance to support (with your free will offering) the Tiny Home Initiative.


Lindy Juergens, our Administrator for Generosity, is transitioning into retirement. Luckily she is not leaving our pews and she is planning on helping our next Administrator for Generosity learn their job. We appreciate all that Lindy has given as part of our staff. Please be in prayer for this exciting next step for her and for our SPRT to find the right replacement.

SLFUMC seeks an Administrator For Generosity, part-time (6-10 hrs/week), to manage contributions and donations and maintain records of giving. Being a good communicator in person and in writing, as well as prioritizing confidentiality, are important attributes to possess. Position responsibilities include processing all methods of giving, entering all contribution information into the church database, preparing giving and other related reports, and assisting church office staff and providing office coverage as needed. Proficiency with Excel and PowerPoint (or similar software) is expected. Resumes should be sent to 


The application period for the 2025 scholarship is open until March 31. For information about the program, including application criteria, look for the program information document and application form on the church website. 


There are always opportunities to serve in many ways. If you find yourself called to help, please call the church office. We receive calls for assistance in all kinds of ways. One immediate need is:


We are in the process of improving our Homebound Ministry. We are looking for ideas to improve this ministry as well as individuals who would be willing to do home visits or make calls. If you have time and would like to help please contact Laura Hatch or Rev. Mary so that you can be part of our next planning session. 

Giving Options

·       Use WebGive at our website by clicking here or by using the our QR code :            

·       Use our giving app on your phone, VancoMobile

·       Dropoff a check in our drop -box at door #4 at the church

·       Mail a check to SLFUMC, 640 S. Lafayette, South Lyon, MI 48178

·       Explore other options on the Giving page of our website by clicking here here

Please be aware that we will never ask for your financial, account, or payment information by email. If there is a question, you will be contacted by phone or in person by a staff member.

Staff members will never ask for gift cards or financial help by email.


Yes! The church has space available for your group or event! Spaces fill up quickly and there is an approval process, so please allow as much time as possible between your request and the date of your meeting or event to ensure that we can

accommodate your needs.

Click Here for Building Use Request

Office Hours

  • Mon, Tues, Thurs 10am - 1pm
  • Wed 10am - 3pm
  • Fri closed

Check out our website or our live calendar

for more information about our church or any of these programs!

Do you prefer a printed copy of our Midweek Messenger? Hard copies are available in the tote outside the main doors to the church and on the kiosk.