Sun., May 26, before and after Services
Equality UUCA will have Pride flags (Rainbow, Progress, and Transgender) for your dedication in Fellowship Hall after the Service May 26. You may write a message on a flag recognizing a specific person, a message of positive encouragement, or other message for one of the flags which will surround UUCA for the month of June. You can also sign up for the fun work of placing the flags on Saturday June 1 (10am to noonish).
Join The Parade!
Come one! Come all! On June 8th UUCA will join with DMV Unitarian Universalists and march in the Annual DC Pride Parade. All ages are welcome. We need a head count for snacks and T-shirts.
To sign up, click HERE.
More general DC PRIDE PARADE Info at this link:
"Our Stories, Our Lives"
Tues., May 28, 11am - 12:30pm, Zoom Link Here
Jacomina de Regt and Diane Ullius invite all congregants to participate in this month's "Our Stories, Our Lives" storytelling-and-conversation group on Zoon. Facilitators and participants each share a story from their own lives in response to this prompt: "What were your favorite subjects in high school [or similar level of education/time of life]? Are you still involved in related topics today? In other words, how much did those favorite subjects end up mattering?" Expect questions, nods of recognition, and probably laughter. This is a great way to make connections with other people from UUCA.
"Can We Go Carbon Neutral?"
Sun, Jun 2, 2024 10:30am - 12:30pm, Reeb Center
The UUCA Climate Action Team (CAT) invites you to come learn from other churches how they achieved carbon neutral status. If they can do it SO CAN WE!
Special Guests: Representatives from Our Lady Queen of Peace and Rock Spring Congregational Churches
It takes a TEAM! Please join us to learn from them how UUCA can take action to reduce our climate impact through renewable energy, composting, vegetarian food options, and other mitigation efforts!
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Thank You to Chuck Morely
You many notice that the bench at the top of the ramp looks particularly beautiful now -- thank you to long-time member Chuck Morely for giving it a complete refurbish. Chuck, your efforts are deeply appreciated, and we know that you and many other "behind the scenes" volunteers keep this church the welcoming beacon that it is. Thank you!
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If you have personal news to share, such as births, graduations, special moments, or challenges, email for support, or with announcements.
Are You In Need of Support?
Care Team Hotline: 571-277-4428 |
When you attend a church for the first time, one of the questions you might ask is, do the people here look out for one another? At UUCA we have created a network of caring connections that will provide a supportive, compassionate presence when you may be struggling, alone, or in pain.
Our Care Team responds to concerns through careful listening, checks on you if you are ill and need help, is there to help you through life’s transitions, and provides food and other support services when you need that extra helping hand.
Our UUCA Ministers offer that unique spiritual guidance you might be looking for, and also offer one-on-one support when you may be facing an especially difficult time.
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More events listed below.
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Religious Education Classes This Week
RE Info for this week:
This Week is an ALMOST multigen -- the topic of war will be addressed during the Service.
Kids 6th grade and older will remain in the Sanctuary.
Kids 5th grade and younger will be invited downstairs.
Kids 2nd grade through 5th grade will gather in Room 2/4 for Games and Art.
- Childcare is provided for children 1st grade/6 years and younger in Room 5
Here at UUCA we offer several ways kids can enjoy worship:
- Spirit Space: For kids 4 years and younger at the front of the Sanctuary.
- Fellowship Hall: Play space for toddlers and kids of all ages.
- Puzzles and coloring sheets for anyone!
And Starting Next Week: Summer Sundays at UUCA
Join us for Summer Fun here at UUCA. Starting June 2, we will be offering three groups of Summer RE:
Preschool—1st Grade: Story and Playtime in Room 5
2nd-5th Grade: Exploring Our Senses in Room 2/4
6th Grade and Older: Collaborative Art Project in Room 13/15
Religious Education Volunteers Needed
We are currently recruiting volunteers for the 2024-2025 Religious Education program. If you are interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities or have questions, please contact LeeAnn at
Ready to volunteer? Click here.
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Wear Orange & Gun Buyback, June 8
"Did you know that the Arlington Moms Demand Action group has been meeting at UUCA on the 3rd Tuesday of alternate months at 7 pm? Come join us in working to reduce gun violence. Come to our Wear Orange event on June 8th. Also, please spread the word about Arlington's first gun buyback, also on June 8, where working guns will be destroyed. Donations needed. See flyer for Sat event here and gun buyback program here.
Questions? Alison Sheahan,
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Save the Date: Heart, Mind and Spirit: AIN Peace Service
Sun., June 9, 3pm, at UUCA
Arlington Interfaith Network Peace Service
A gathering to celebrate our diverse faith organizations and bring the Arlington Community together. Hosted by AIN (the Arlington Interfaith Network) at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Arlington, VA. More information to come!
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UUCA Volunteers Needed!
Have you ever wondered how you can sign up to volunteer at UUCA? Mystery solved! You can sign up to volunteer by clicking the link below to get started on your journey. Please sign up today. Any questions, feel free to reach out to Nicole Haley at for support.
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Peace Camp returns next Sunday (June 2) collecting crafts and recruiting kitchen volunteers
Keep on collecting those recycle craft materials, especially paper towel tubes and bring them to church next Sunday, June 2 when we will be collecting them in Fellowship Hall.
Peace Camp will be back in Fellowship Hall on June 2 when we will be collecting art supplies, recruiting volunteers for the kitchen and Peacekeepers, and repeating our “sailing” peace activity for all ages. Want to help in the kitchen or by bringing art supplies? Just curious? Drop by our table.
Kitchen volunteers. The job is meal prep, meal service, and cleanup. Some jobs are seated (sandwich and veggie preparation). Volunteer weekdays June 17 to June 28. Kitchen hours are 8:30 to 3:00. Pick your day(s) and time slot (2-7 hours), we are flexible. Our biggest need is 10:00 to 2:00. Community service hours; teens welcome.
Upcycle art supplies. We need 140 shoe boxes, tubes (paper towel and toilet paper) for telescopes, paper, and calendars. So, bring your goodies to Fellowship Hall - last collection is June 2! Plus, we need people to cut pictures out of calendars and magazines for collages, etc. Remember, June 2 is the last day to drop at UUCA.
Camp staff and volunteers of all ages. Weekdays June 17 - 28. For more details, see our flyers or talk to us at church on May 19, June 2. High School Volunteer Flyer. Peace Camp Staff Flyer. And Peacekeeper Volunteer Flyer. Kitchen Volunteer. Contact
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2024 Fall Retreat in Capon Springs: September 27 - 29
JOIN US - Your friends from UUCA at this year’s Fall Retreat at Capon Springs, West Virginia, September 27 to 29!!
Capon Springs is an idyllic country retreat, far from the noise and distractions of city life, where every September we gather to enjoy three days of friendship, stimulating conversations and seminars, and hearty food. We enjoy morning hikes, book discussions and other (congregant-suggested and led) meetings in the afternoon, and games and star-gazing at night. All with your best friends from the UUCA congregation.
The Fall Retreat is a beloved tradition in the church calendar, and we hope you can make it a part of your annual traditions. All registration is done through the church’s web site; to reach this site, click link below:
For more information, please contact Frank Brown, Registrar, at
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"Love Unites; Stories Ignite" at the 2024 UU General Assembly
Embrace a new world of connection and inspiration from anywhere. Attend the virtual UU General Assembly. Dive into a groundbreaking experience from the comfort of your own space.
When: June 20 - 23 Workshops will also be available on demand between May and August.
- Gain insights from influential voices in the UU community and beyond.
- Explore your faith and perspectives with fellow attendees.
- Discover opportunities for meaningful engagement on social justice, climate justice, and other initiatives.
- Celebrate the beauty of UU community through dynamic worship services.
- And be inspired to make a difference in the world.
Register Online at:
Registration rates increase May 15. If you have questions, please contact: Mary Pike at And, if you register, please let her know as the Nominating Committee is looking for those who wish to be delegates at GA.
Join Peace Camp in celebrating Juneteenth
This year peace camp will be celebrating Juneteenth. Building on last year’s celebration, we’ll have special food and activities, and we’d love your support. Because it’s a Federal Holiday, you might like to celebrate by volunteering at Peace Camp -in the kitchen or the Peace Museum, or maybe you have an appropriate craft or see yourself as a parking lot greeter or a general peacekeeper. We’d love to have you.
For these or for any other special (Juneteenth or other) contributions, contact Erin Frances Reinhart at or Mollie Jewell at
For more details on all volunteer activities, see our flyers:
High School Volunteer. Assist. Counselor, Activities, Peace Museum, Generalist.
Peace Camp Staff. Counselor, Activities, Museum, Generalist, etc.
Peacekeeper Volunteer. Front desk, Hall monitor, Parking lot, Peace Museum.
PS. Remember that we are collecting reuse craft supplies Sunday (May 19) and June 2 when we will also be recruiting kitchen volunteers!
LFFP Peace Circles continue via Zoom
If you enjoyed LFFP’s Peace Circle during in the February “Wanderings” service, consider joining our Wednesday Night Peace Circles at 7:30. Our Zoom link is HERE, ID: 863 717 5637, passcode: peace.
This series continues on Apr 3rd, Apr 17th, May 1st, and May 15th.
For more information, come visit our table in Fellowship Hall after the service or see Peace Circles Flyer.
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Hopepunk Book Club
Next Meeting: June 6 7:00 p.m, In Person at UUCA
Meets the 1st Thursday of the month
UUCA's Hopepunk Book Club reads speculative fiction that imagines greener futures, embraces kindness, and inspires hope in humanity's ability to solve our problems. In June, we'll discuss the short story Efficiency, set in a near-future Chicago. Contact for more information.
Cozy Reads Book Club
Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month 7:00 PM, Zoom, Next meeting: Jun 20th, Zoom.
Do you enjoy chatting about good books? Or do you want to make some new connections here at UUCA? Join the Cozy Reads Book club at the next gathering. The discussions are lively, enlightening and not always about the book!
June 20, 2024 (last meeting for the year) -- The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins
African American Book Sharing Circle
Fri., May 17, 7:00 p.m., Zoom Link Here
We will discuss Medgar and Myrlie: Medgar Evers and the Love Story That Awakened America by Joy-Ann Reid. Tracing the extraordinary lives and legacy of two civil rights icons, this gripping account of Medgar and Myrlie Evers is told through their relationship and the work that went into winning basic rights for black Americans, and the repercussions that still resonate today.
For additional information, contact Pat Findikoglu (pfindikoglu@gmail. com) or Ann Ulmschneider (
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Monday: Meditation and Dharma Talk
7:30 pm-8:45 pm, UUCA Activity Room and simultaneously on Zoom
A meditation and dharma talk with an opportunity for sharing afterward is offered in partnership with the Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW). Held in the Activity Room on the lower level and simultaneously on Zoom. Subscribe to the email list on the IMCW page for the event to receive the Zoom link, topics, class cancellation alerts, and private access to the recorded talks.
Contact: Stig Regli.
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Wednesday: Hour of Silence
7:30 pm-8:45 pm, UUCA Room 20 (Youth Room)
Join us in Room 20 on Wednesday evenings for an hour of in-person silent sitting and/or walking meditation or contemplation, followed by mindful discussion. We enjoy this opportunity to ground ourselves in the middle of our busy week. Please arrive a few minutes early so we can begin at 7:30, and bring what you need to be comfortable.
Contact: Suzan Chastain.
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Friday: First Light Meditation
7:00 am-7:45 am, on Zoom LINK HERE
A half-hour silent meditation with an opportunity for sharing afterward, on Zoom. Contact: David McTaggart at or Gregg Forte at
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Newsletter deadline: Connections deadline for submissions is EACH Tuesday at 10 a.m. with publication on Thursday. See below on how to submit an announcement.
How to submit an announcement to UUCA's Connections newsletter:
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