CPI’s medical mission teams are often blessed to see the Holy Scriptures come to life; the lame made to walk, the blind given sight, and the spiritually lost finding new life in Jesus Christ. CPI’s January 2023 mission trip was no exception, as our team, our church partner, and an entire community witnessed a miraculous movement of the Holy Spirit.
On January 7th, during our mission team’s morning devotions in Guatemala City, CPI President & Missionary Dr. Adam Reed shared a passage from the Bible, from the Book of Acts, Chapter 3. The scripture tells the story of Peter and John going to the temple to pray, and meeting a lame man, begging at the temple gate called Beautiful. Peter shared with the man that he and John had no silver or gold to give him, but in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Peter commanded the man to rise up and walk. Peter took him by the right hand, and the man rose up, walking, leaping, and praising God. And the news of this healing was broadcast to the local community, who were filled with wonder and amazement. Who could have known that just a few hours after our team's morning devotions, a similar event would take place at CPI’s healthcare clinic outside of Guatemala City!
It was only an hour or two into our clinic day that 60 year old Santos de Jesus Lima Blanco arrived at the church. Santos was a carpenter that had fallen off a two-story building 7 years ago and severally fractured his hip, leg, and arm. He had endured two reconstructive hip surgeries and a foot surgery. Sadly, he was no longer able to walk normally, let alone work. At the time of the accident, he and his family were attending church, but after the accident, it was physically a struggle for him to go to church, and his children would no longer attend either, as they grew angry and bitter.
Santos entered our clinic using a walker, but he could not stand erect, and his steps were nothing more than a labored shuffle. His wife was at his side, as she needed to push the walker to help propel him forward.
The church helpers took him directly to CPI’s chiropractic and physical therapy station. The team worked with Santos for over an hour, providing numerous treatments and therapies. To everyone’s amazement, when the chiropractic doctors and techs were finished, Santos rose up, walked, and even began to dance, all without his walker, without any physical assistance, for the first time in 7 years! Santos then walked to the next station, CPI’s “Clinic of the Soul”, where he heard a clear presentation of the Gospel message, and he accepted Christ!
When Santos returned home that afternoon, word had spread among his friends and family that he was walking. His adult children came to his home, to witness with their own eyes that their father was walking, without assistance or pain. The next day was Sunday, and Santos’ children agreed to come to our partner church with him. The photo below shows Santos and his children in our Clinic of the Soul, where his children also accepted Jesus Christ. By His grace and mercy, God restored Santos and his family! Afterward, Santos met with the Pastor and told him “I’m so thankful to God, and I want to share my experience with others so that they can get closer to God too!”
Praise God with us for the truth of His Word - "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8