The Newsletter of
Bellevue High School PTSA
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Dear Bellevue High PTSA board and PTSA Membership Chair,
With great pleasure we would like to nominate our new Executive Board members of our PTSA as follows:
• Co-President – Michael Zhu
• Secretary – Stacey Morales
• Co-VP Fundraising – Mas Jacobsen
• Co-VP-Fundraising – Jaclyn Schwartz
All of the above individuals have great experience and are enthusiastic about their candidate positions. The Bellevue High PTSA Nominating Committee highly recommends these candidates to serve for our PTSA Board for the year of 2024-2025. In addition to the above candidates, we looks forward to welcoming back our returning Co-President, Krista Heys, Co-VP of Communications, Rachel Hall, and Co-Treasurer, Belinda Wong,
Please note that elections for the 2024-2025 PTSA board will take place at the PTSA meeting on June 12th following the Principal's Coffee. We still have vacancies for an additional Co-VP of Communications and Co-VP Treasurer.
In addition, we would like to nominate the following individuals to be appointed as Committee Chairs by the Board.
• Co-Chairs Membership Committee– Jennifer Martin and Gretchen Wingard
• Co-Chairs Grants Committee – Dana Gribble and Jenna Rensch
• Co-Chairs Legislation Committee – Andrea Turner and Rebekah Brown
• Co-Chairs Wolverine Guard – Michelle Pflaum and Sherry Fang
• Co-Chairs Reflections – Mei Zhou and Kathy Green
• Co-Chairs Staff Appreciation – Joan Agraviador and Solange Scorsatto
• Chair Hospitality Committee – Ellie Halevy
• Class Parent Leads – Stephanie Dash and Cindy Moss
• Multi-Language/International Principal’s Coffee Chair – Helen Xu
• Website and Social Media Manager – Lucille Tam
• I-Connect Chair – Sharon Pang
We still have openings for an Awards Chair and a Community Engagement Chair and will accept nominations from the floor for these positions.
Thank you,
Bellevue High PTSA Nominating Committee,
Rebekah Brown
Ellie Havely
Susan Ishii
Julia Leskauskas
Sharon Pang
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The BHS PTSA is looking for a Co-Treasurer for the 2024-2025 school year!
Do you have a background in accounting, finance, or are just really organized and want to be more involved with the Bellevue High School community? The PTSA Nominating Committee is looking for an individual to serve as the Accounts Payable Treasurer for the 2024-2025 school year. Join a group of committed, engaged (and fun!) parents helping support our students, teachers, and community.
If you are interested, please fill out this form or email rebekah.brown63@gmail.com and the Nominating Committee will be in touch.
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Do you know a school volunteer or teacher who has had a significant impact on your student during the past school year?
Each year our BHS PTSA recognizes two individuals for making outstanding
efforts on behalf of our students.
The Golden Acorn Award is presented to a school volunteer in recognition of their dedication and service to children and youth.
The Outstanding Educator Award recognizes individuals who make significant contributions that enhance the education of children.
Please email your nomination(s) to presidents@bellevuehighptsa.com. Include their name and what they’ve done to make an impact on your student or why you think they deserve to be recognized. The nomination period will be open until the end of May. Award winners will be recognized at our final General Membership meeting on June 12th!
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“The World is Your Canvas” Baccalaureate Ceremony
Monday 6/10, 7pm
This is a reminder to mark your calendar for the Class of 2024 Baccalaureate ceremony at Sacred Heart in Bellevue on Monday June 10th. Seniors should arrive at 6:30 to gather and line up in a designated area, with the event beginning promptly at 7pm and should run about 1 hour. Light refreshments will be served immediately following the ceremony.
Unlike the large commencement exercises held at the University of Washington, this time-honored tradition provides a more intimate inspirational evening for the graduating class and their families and friends to come together to mark this life transition and celebrate the many talents of their fellow seniors (speakers, singers, musicians, and artists). And, we are excited to have an AMAZING keynote speaker with our very own BHS Girls Basketball Coach and Motivational Speaker, Rommel Witherspoon!
This event DOES NOT require a ticket and is open to all seniors and their families and friends. The recommended attire is nice casual (i.e. slacks, collared shirt, sundresses, jumpsuits). Please note that Sacred Heart has (2) parking lots – please park in the lower parking lot close to the corner of NE 14th Street and 97th Ave NE.
Seniors Only Breakfast in the Lower AUX Gym Monday 6/10 at 11am
Following the Senior Salute assembly, all Seniors are invited to breakfast in the lower auxiliary gym! This is an informal, celebratory event that has no agenda other than to announce community award winners and bring together the Class of 2024 to enjoy a final meal at BHS before wrapping up their time at Bellevue.
No tickets are required, and every 2024 senior is invited to join the festivities!
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2024 “Masquerade” Prom a Success!
Prom was held at Newcastle Golf Club this past weekend and was a huge success! With over 300 attendees, BHS seniors and their dates enjoyed a night to remember! The evening began with a sit down dinner followed by dancing with a DJ, glow items and a candy bar!
HUGE thanks to our Prom Chair Susan Audia and her committee including 2024 parents Hwa Park, Sydney Scoma, Becky Ryals and Michelle Hauser and Holly Masters. We are so grateful to these parents for their thoughtful planning, time and effort to create a special evening for our kids!
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Bellevue Wolverine Booster Board Member Recruitment!
The Bellevue Wolverine Booster Club, the “umbrella boosters”, provides the legal nonprofit structure that enables TWENTY-TWO booster groups to fundraise and support our students in athletics and activities at Bellevue High taking care of the business behind the scenes.
We need nominations to fill the critical board position as secretary to enable us to continue to function. ALL ARE WELCOME! These are GREAT volunteer positions for a freshman or sophomore parent looking to find a place to support the school. No experience is necessary, training will be provided. It’s a great way to learn more about nonprofit governance as well.
Baseball, Cheer, Choir, Cross-Country, Drill, Boys & Girls Golf, Gymnastics, Orchestra, Boys Soccer, Softball, Boys & Girls Swim & Dive, Boys & Girls Tennis, Theater, Track & Field, Volleyball, Boys & Girls Water Polo, Westling, and The Barque are all supported!!!
Without the ‘umbrella booster’ each of the groups would have to form a separate legal 501c3 and duplicate legal filings, insurance etc. The secretary position take as little as a couple of hours a week or month and other than the four evening meetings each year, the timing of work is flexible. It’s satisfying to know you’re helping so many great activities thrive.
For more information and to submit nominations (including self nominations) contact club president Kate Simonen at umbrellabooster405@gmail.com.
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Submit Your Questions Now
Mark your calendars! Our final PTSA I-Connect meeting of the year will feature a
special guest speaker: Bellevue School District Superintendent Kelly Aramaki.
Date: Tuesday, June 4
Time: 8:15-9:45 a.m.
Location: Library
Who’s Invited: All Current BHS Parents/Caregivers
Dr. Aramaki will address our BHS community and answer your questions about the latest BSD developments and initiatives now that he has been on the job for nearly a year. This is a fantastic opportunity to engage with our District's leader and learn more about his vision and priorities for our schools.
Have a specific question you would like to suggest in advance? Submit it here.
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Hello from your new librarian, Ms. Bryan!
The last day to check out books will be Friday 31 May.
Graduating seniors must return all library materials by Friday 7 June.
All other library books checked out from the library must be returned by Friday 14 June.
Please put books in the return slot at the front of the circulation desk in the library. If the library is closed for testing, please give your library books to the front office.
Normal library hours:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays 7:30am – 3:30pm
Wednesdays 7:30am – 1pm.
Hours are subject to change depending on other uses of the space.
Upcoming library closures:
Wednesday 29 May – until noon
Thursday 30 May – until noon
Friday 31 May
As we clean up the library for the end of the year, we're also looking towards next year!
Please feel free to share your ideas for books or activities you'd like to see in the library by filling out this form: https://forms.office.com/r/2Ne7ynYmDr
Sarah Bryan, MLIS – Library Specialist
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Let’s Swing together!
Come join us at our 6th annual Bellevue High Swing Dance on Friday, May 31st, at the Bellevue High School commons! Doors will open at 7 PM for an hour of free dance lessons, and our Bellevue High Jazz Bands along with the Chinook Jazz Bands will perform live jazz from 8-10 PM! Admissions are free, so feel free to bring friends and family to swing together! (Snacks are provided and donations are accepted!)
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Looking for something fun to do? Bellevue High School's Programming Club is hosting a programming competition on May 31, 2024, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm! The competition will be hosted at Bellevue High School in the library tentatively (more updates to come!) You do not need to be a part of Programming Club, and the competition is free and open to everyone. The competition problems range from AP CS level difficulty to USACO gold and teams can be up to six people, so bring your friends! Sign up here: https://shorturl.at/ceyI6 | |
Hello Class of 2024 Parents!
Graduation season is fast approaching and to help keep you organized, we have created the attached events flyer!
The last few remaining action items for seniors are:
- Purchase tickets for Grad Night if you haven’t already!
Purchase Grad Night tickets – over 190 students have already signed up & scholarships are available! Tickets are required and are $239.
Seniors to receive yearbooks at the all-school RUMBLE carnival on Wednesday, June 5th
Seniors to return all school materials by Friday, June 7th (library books, textbooks, computers)
Pick up graduation leis after Senior Salute/Breakfast near the lower AUX gym on Monday, June 10th (parents or seniors can pick up)
Pick up diplomas/awards in the Main office on Thursday June 20th
Last day of classes for Seniors is Monday, June 10th! This is a busy day, including the Senior Salute Assembly and Senior Breakfast, and is considered Senior check out day where students will clear all remaining fines and get sign off from teachers. Later that evening, Baccalaureate we will be held at Sacred Heart. We will then next gather on the evening of Wednesday June 12th for the graduation ceremony at the University of Washington!
Go Class of 2024!
Kim Millen & Leslie Feller, Class of 2024 Parent Advisors
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Make sure to purchase a 2023-2024 yearbook, we only have a limited amount left! Yearbooks are available for purchase on Touchbase: https://wa-bellevue.intouchreceipting.com/ . Once in TouchBase, find a grey box with the student’s name -> My school -> categories -> Yearbook. At the point of the year, regardless of ASB, yearbooks will be sold for $90. Prepaid yearbooks will be handed out at Rumble on Wednesday June 5th. | |
Room 1405
All parents of BHS Band students, please join us on the first non-holiday Monday of every month, for a chance to learn more about the Bellevue Band Boosters.
Mr. George and Mr. Harvey share all the ins and outs of BHS Band happenings and news about upcoming performances, special events, fundraising needs, and share how you can help volunteer and support your student and the band program! We have a lot of fun!
We have a tremendous year – with still some big fun events to come: Victoria Day Parade, Swing Dance, Final Concert. Please come join us to celebrate, light refreshments will be provided.
Final Meeting of the year is: May 28th (a Tuesday!).
If you have questions, please email bellevueband@gmail.com
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BHS Athletes for the 2024/25 school year,
ImPACT Testing will begin at 2:00pm at Bellevue High School
Meet the Athletic Trainer at the Commons door (front of campus) – please arrive before 2pm
June 25th, June 27th, August 19th, August 20th, August 22nd and August 23rd
Impact testing is required for Football, Soccer, Divers, Volleyball, Water Polo, Gymnastics, Wrestling, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Lacrosse, Pole Vaulters prior to participating.
Football begins on August 21st and Cross Country, Boys Golf, Girls Swim and Dive, Boys Tennis, Boys’ Water Polo begin on August 26th.
Registration for BSD families will begin on May 7th for the 2024/25 sports season in FinalForms (FinalForms is our BSD athletic and activities database: (https://bellevue-wa.finalforms.com/
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The SpongeBob Musical: Youth Edition
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Come join us in Bikini Bottom for a tale of heroic friendship starring SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy, and a whole cast and crew under the sea. This performance is great for the whole family to enjoy! Chinook students have been hard at work to bring this show to life and can’t wait to show you. Tickets are $10 for students, $15 for adults -
All performances are at Bellevue High School PAC.
Friday, May 31st @ 7pm
Saturday, June 1st @ 2pm and 7pm
Sunday, June 2nd @ 2pm
Matinee (2pm) performances feature a special “Meet & Greet” after the show.
High School Volunteer Opportunity
We need ushers for our show! Please sign up here -
If you'd like to help with hair/makeup/costumes during the show, please contact Ms. Karnick at karnicka@bsd405.org
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Enatai Elementary PTSA is hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Party and celebrating our principal, Amy MacDonald, who is leaving Enatai at the end of the year. We are looking for high school students to play / hang out with elementary aged students on the field during the party. Volunteer hours will be given for this event. Volunteers needed June 5 from 4:30 - 8pm. Please check in when you arrive. For questions and submitting volunteer hours, contact Kerry Hill at president@enataiptsa.org.
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Looking for volunteer opportunities for your 9th Grade Daughter?
NCL, INC., Emerald City Chapter is a group of mothers and daughters who have come together in a commitment to community to cultural services, leadership development and cultural experiences.
Members shall reside in Bellevue, Medina, Clyde Hill, Yarrow Point, Hunts Point, Greater Seattle Area, Kirkland, and Redmond Area. Like all NCL, INC. Chapters, Emerald City aims to foster the mother-daughter relationship by serving its communities together.
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The deadlines for submitting Bellevue Blast articles are as follows:
School news and PTSA articles – Friday 6 pm deadline
Athletics and Activities articles – Sunday 6 pm deadline
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Our Address:
10416 Wolverine Way
Bellevue, Washington
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