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August 31, 2023


A journey from student juror to PESA community representative

At PESA, we pride ourselves on fostering a culture of continuous development. Most staff begin their journey with the organization as high school students and Elizabeth Sosa is no different. 

Sosa's story with PESA began in 2019 when she was serving as a student juror for the Los Angeles Superior Court Teen Court Program at Canoga Park High School. Little did she know that this initial involvement in an after school program would lead to an incredible journey of personal and professional development.

This past May, Sosa proudly graduated from California State University, Northridge with a Bachelor's Degree in Criminology and a Minor in Sociology. During her first two years of college, her connection with PESA remained dormant. However, her academic path took an unexpected turn when her law professor at CSUN reintroduced her to the impactful work of PESA through an internship.

As a PESA intern, she took on responsibilities that included developing educational programs such as "National Youth Day," proctoring Teen Court sessions, analyzing police reports and mentoring system-impacted youth as an academic tutor. After successfully completing her internship, Sosa decided to stay with PESA, primarily due to her experience interacting with youth."It was fulfilling to watch students understand the subject they were previously struggling with and knowing I had a small part to play in that. Their academic accomplishments started to feel like my own" says Sosa.

This passion for making a difference in students' lives drove her to seek a more active role within the organization and when an opening arose in the Youth Services Department, Sosa jumped at the opportunity to apply. She wanted to be a part of PESA's mission on a deeper level, just as she had as a high school student and a college intern. Today Sosa leads programs at five different high schools, supervises law school students for their pro-bono hours, and proctor ongoing Teen Court sessions to name a few.

One thing Sosa appreciates most about PESA is the strong sense of support among co-workers. She notes, "Whenever you need help or have a question, there's always someone to turn to. Traditionally, there are jobs where you're hesitant about speaking up, but with PESA, I always feel comfortable not only inquiring about information but sharing my feedback about programming."

Sosa's journey from a Teen Court student juror to a dedicated PESA staff member serves as a shining example of the impact our organization has on individuals early on. Her story is a testament to the growth and opportunities that flourish within PESA and it showcases the power of our collective commitment to education and mentorship.

If you’d like to support PESA’s many social and educational initiatives, please contact us.

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