What is unconditional love?
One way to describe it is the outer expression of inner peace.
What brings us closer to living it?
A client shared a conversation she had with her mother, when she realized something occurred that just didn't feel right. "What did I just step into?" were the exact words she said during our session. It was yet another moment in time, an interaction with her mother, where she offered her help and it was rebuffed, leaving her feeling once again rejected. Has this happened to you?
What can we do?
As I always guide my clients, to first see clearly what their intentions are so then they can take action, respond in a way to get closer to what true unconditional love is. Had she been clear of what her own needs were and that they would not be met, she then could choose to engage with words that would not have invited in and leave her with the hurt from her childhood.The patterns that repeat do so until there is no more attachment to what was, by finding one's true self ... one's true nature.
I continue to be available to support you further by phone, virtually and in person. Call or email me to set up a time at 917-291-4756 or LTWatarz@gmail.com.