Dear friends of VTIPG and CCC,
We share five articles each week that we find timely and meaningful that address significant concerns related to the state of our democracy and civil society. We aim to offer pieces that illuminate a wide array of dimensions of our country's policy and governance challenges and the state of social norms that sustain the possibility of addressing them successfully. Please note, the views expressed in these essays do not necessarily reflect the perspectives of VTIPG or Virginia Tech. We also upload these essays and stories to our website. You may find the archive at News and Opportunities at Thank you to IPG's Community-Based Research Manager Lara Nagle for contributing a CNN piece to this week's edition.
If you would like to suggest an article for consideration for this series, and I encourage you to do so, please contact me, Billy Parvatam, at
Our first piece is a New York Times article that argues that Democrats and Republicans live in different words, especially when it relates to the issue of how to understand and make sense of the role of masculinity in our culture.
Our second story, from the Cardinal News, examines the effects of Roanoke and Lynchburg's curfews on youth crime in those communities.
A third article, from Vox, considers whether Alabama ultimately will seek to defy the Supreme Court's decision in Allen v. Milligan addressing racial gerrymandering in that state.
Our fourth offering, from CNN, documents the decline of public swimming pools in the U.S and sketches the causes of that trend.
Last, we share an article from NPR that describes why urban areas are generally warmer than their rural counterparts.
Brief summaries of these articles appear below. We hope the perspectives offered in these pieces encourage reflection and conversation!
Best wishes,
Billy Parvatam
VTIPG Communications Coordinator